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Old people... "The Older Generation"

I hate when anyone thinks they have some sense of entitlement, for whatever reason. Old age is no excuse.

Old Korean women are the rudest people on the planet. The old men are almost as bad, but they're usually drunk by 5pm so have more of an excuse.

I think old people are really sweet for the most part. If you're nice to them and don't fit into the stereotype of a bad younger generation around them, then they will be nice to you. I've helped old people out across roads, flagged a car down for one who fell, held some dinners for older people and they're all just SO sweet. Sure you get a few that hate the younger generation but obviously they have had run ins with the "bad" groups, so I don't blame them.

My grandparents are awesome, too.
Or, you are a nice young white girl with nice old white grandparents. Talk to my girlfriends grandparents about me and they'll be happy to throw the rope over the tree.

Not everyone is peaches and sunshine.
^ I didn't say every single old person was good, just most of the ones I've run into. And what does it matter that I'm white? Old people can still be nasty toward white people too, like the lady that comes into my work and threatens to call the police on me all the time because I threw away her crossword puzzle and a crumb of her fish sandwich. That was really the only bad run-in I've had with an old person.

Your girlfriend's grandparents sound rude, but that doesn't mean I should hate all old people.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Your girlfriend's grandparents sound rude, but that doesn't mean I should hate all old people.

How Candian, I would've said they were being quite racist....
Lets see.. think of the time in which a majority of old white people grew up in? Oo yeah.. the '**** all black people era.' Oo yeah.. and think of what you are? Oo.. white. Lets see who they will be meaner to more? Oo yeah.. all the black people.

Hence, you.. being white.. won't experience **** compared to someone who is say.. black.

Guess who is black in this discussion. I'll give you a minute to figure it out.
Neal said:

You wouldn't believe how many hardcore older Democrats I know or heard that didn't vote for Obama SIMPLY because he is black. God I cannot wait for that generation to die.
SnooSnoo said:
Lets see.. think of the time in which a majority of old white people grew up in? Oo yeah.. the '**** all black people era.' Oo yeah.. and think of what you are? Oo.. white. Lets see who they will be meaner to more? Oo yeah.. all the black people.

Hence, you.. being white.. won't experience **** compared to someone who is say.. black.

Guess who is black in this discussion. I'll give you a minute to figure it out.

To be fair, you can replace "black" with "gay" in this post, and, yeah, I totally see Snoo's perspective on this!
Bloody blacks and gays moaning all the time! :roll:

In my day the only sooty was the chimney sweep and Elton John was married!

Eeee, how t'world has changed.
So because some old people are mean toward minorities doesn't mean I have to hate them. Besides, racism is becoming less and less these days.. Some old people might be mean to them but I've yet to experience seeing someone being put down by an old person because they are black or gay.
Well I got racially abused the other week coming out of Tesco by some old git...

He mumbled "f*cking foreigner"... So I shouted at him to say it again, he shat himself. I don't think he'll be doing that again in a hurry. They think they own the world and its annoying because I only ever get trouble off them.
Taylor said:
Besides, racism is becoming less and less these days.. Some old people might be mean to them but I've yet to experience seeing someone being put down by an old person because they are black or gay.

Taylor, You. Are. White.

I don't know where this is hard to understand? You are in the majority.. the heavily favored majored for.. what.. a better half of two millennium?

Try being in myself or Ben's shoes.. then you'll see ****. Until that day, don't say you think it is becoming less and less because you don't know a god damn thing about it.
I have several opinions on old people, considering what stereotype they are...

If they're the old people like in this video, I love them. Abusive old people are hilarious, especialy when they swear and come out with the most politically incorrect slanders and can get away with it, because "Thats how they're were in 'their day'.", whatever their day was.

Although, if they was the type of Old person that walks around feeling sorry for themselves I hate them. I know hate is a strong word, but it's true. If I am sat on a bus/train and an elderly person walks on, and they glare at me or ask me to move, it annoys the hell out of me. Why can't they go and ask the man/woman across from me that is probably a year/two years older then me? Because I look the youngest I have to move? No thankyou. And then they moan about the youth of today having no respect for their elders. Well maybe I'd have respect if you don't walk around as though you own the place plainly because you have been around ALOT longer then us. Goodbye!

Yes, rant now over, that's my opinion of the elderly.