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Old people... "The Older Generation"


Giga Poster
Well, after recent events at work, and generally out in public where i have been praised for being so helpful and kind, and been called a racist, with a lot more abuse then neccersary, i fell across this video, filmed in croydon.


Now it's absoloutely ****ing hilarious, yes, Haha. But i was thinking, what are you views on stereotypical old people, have they changed?
What were/are your parents/grandparents like? Do they act like croydoners? Haha :p

I just think some of them need to back off a bit and just grow old gracefully, as opposed to thinking they own the world.
Steal my video, will you!?

I think she's hilarious, at least she can look after herself if some unsightly youths tried to mg her!
Arly, twas not YOUR link i stole, i stole it form some other perosn on facebook ;P

Benin, you know full well :p
Old people do think they're superior. I remember once I was queueing in Wilkinsons with a friend who was buying something. We got to the tills and there was a short queue so we joined it. Anyway an old woman walked up behind us and said "Excuse me, there's a queue" So we said "yes we know we're in it" And then she started to say how we pushed in when she wasn't there and then she said "You young people think you can do what you like, I was in the war and if it weren't for us you wouldn't be here today".

What a miserable hag she was. We let her go in front to try and shut her up but she was still having a go at us.
Old people do annoy me though but they can be nice as well.
Change. I think that's what it all boils down to. I've got a feeling things move on too quickly for a lot of pensioners and they get the feeling that the world is leaving them behind, thus doing them an injustice. Don't forget, when a lot of old people were our age they didn't have anywhere near as much freedom as we do, this makes them feel like we're doing too much.

I've never met a particularly bad old person, some are a bit annoying, but I'd never back down if I wasn't doing something wrong. It's a shame that you only tend hear about the bad instances. There are loads of great old people out there that have lived great lives and have a lot to share.
Haha, that video has to be staged, there is no way that is real. If it is then I'm even more scared of going to Croydon lol :p
This sort of stuff would probably happen everywhere...

The Croydon insults probs wouldn't even be here if AJ had mentioned it :lol:

Just don't go down West Croydon... ;)
Old people.. meh.

Some people change.. but most don't. Most of them will be annoying, stuck up, 'I'm better then you because of a war', racist bastards.. like my grandparents/great grandparents on my mother's side.

I usually find the nicest older people to be ones of a minority, who never had the privileges that the majority had for most of their lives. Old black women? Nicest people ever.
Old people are the rudest people on the planet. Hmm, actually second rudest - fat women with pushchairs who think they always get right of way are worse.

Seriously though, when I'm really old, I can't wait to pretend to be deaf, take my time counting out coins really slowly in the supermarket and have people open doors and chauffeur me around.

My nan is terrible. She won't eat in a cafe if there's a black person serving ("I don't like their hands. Like monkeys they are.") She doesn't care if she chats to the person in the Post Office holding up the queue. She'll quite happily stand in a doorway stopping people going through if she thinks she's forgotten something.

But her heart is in the right place. She's from a different generation. Nowadays we want something instantly and won't wait. Older people have always had to make do and are used to a slower pace of life - even my Nan who grew up in central London.

Yes, they are rude and that's what makes them special. I for one will continue that tradition when I'm old.

For further research in to old biddy stereotypes, I suggest Googling "Mrs Brady old lady Viz" :lol:
SnooSnoo said:
Old people.. meh.

Some people change.. but most don't. Most of them will be annoying, stuck up, 'I'm better then you because of a war', racist bastards.. like my grandparents/great grandparents on my mother's side.

I usually find the nicest older people to be ones of a minority, who never had the privileges that the majority had for most of their lives. Old black women? Nicest people ever.

Firstly, I saw this a few days ago.

Secondly, it is clearly fake, as there are numerous cuts, the guy on the floor is laughing a lot, and not nearly enough people are gathered around than what would do in a real-life situation.

I just think the video is a bit of fun, old people are just typical old people who like to be on Youtube...
ciallkennett said:
Secondly, it is clearly fake, as there are numerous cuts, the guy on the floor is laughing a lot, and not nearly enough people are gathered around than what would do in a real-life situation.

If it is real, he's an alcoholic, so that would explain the laughing. Plus, his mannerisms are very accurate if he is merely an actor.
Kinda reminds me about a fiasco that happend a while ago. Me and a friend were waiting at the bus tunnel place where lots of busses stop and there was this lady with a push chair that sat down next to me and then there was my friend. Little old lady with a stache and one of those bags with wheels on it walks past, trips over the other lady's push chair, appologises walks past me and screms "YUH BUGGUH!" at my friend. I was like what the hell and we all had a nice confusing laugh. There's also a Crazy Lady here who talks to her self... It's terrifying!

Apparently my nana is a bit racist as well, though I've never personally heard her.
I don't trust old people.

And they say us youths are bad. :p
ciallkennett said:
Firstly, I saw this a few days ago.

Secondly, it is clearly fake, as there are numerous cuts, the guy on the floor is laughing a lot, and not nearly enough people are gathered around than what would do in a real-life situation.

I just think the video is a bit of fun, old people are just typical old people who like to be on Youtube...

One Cut. And you CLEARLY haven't been to west croydon/mayday area...
What age do you define as old though 60+ or someone my age!!

I think though I will be a cheerful old lady, not long to go though which is sad, I might be old in years but feel menatally younger. Don't laugh!!