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'I don't feel no pain no more, I left this cruel world behind.'

I just watched The Plague Dogs. I've had it on DVD for ages (remember when I told you I was buying a bunch of DVDs, Slayed?), I think it was like £4. I haven't felt in the mood to deal with it's depressing narrative until now.

It was one of those rare uncomfortable films that throughout you're expecting some kind of goodness to come out of all the bad. You never loose hope for the main characters. But the situation just gets worse and worse until you start to realise that so much has happened that the characters will never sort out their life... And, being no ordinary cartoon, there really is only one possible ending.

If you've seen Watership Down and appreciate the style of awkwardly realistic movement, the brilliant voice actors, the perspective(simple things like hoe the rabbits in watership down question if the cars are living things and how in plague dogs the dogs think man brings the snow), and the slightly demented story telling, then it's well worth watching. But I think one needs to have seen Watership Down first as it is the better film to appreciate what is good about this one.

Haven't seen a film that sad in a long, long, long time.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull

Well.. what furie said..

7/10 as an Indy movie.
8/10 as a action flick.
When I stayed round a friends house on Sat night we watched two films.

First up was Final Destination 2. I love the Final Destination films, so awesome and the death scenes are well executed*. I think my fav moment has to be the kid's death after he exits the dentist 'tis awesomes.

Then we watched Untraceable. It was ok, nothing special, I wish the death scenes were more prolonged or something, although I was uber tired by this point (like 3am) so it could be that I wasn't paying much attention, nearly falling asleep at times. Overall I enjoyed it but I'm in no rush to watch it again when I'm actually awake.

* My apologies for such a lame joke.
My apologies for such a lame joke.

The joke must have been super lame if I didn't even pick up on it.

Anyway yeah I agree that the death scenes should have been prolonged. They were actually pretty interesting, especially the one with the hot bulbs and the one with the acid.

What exactly happened to the cat, though?
LiveForTheLaunch said:
What exactly happened to the cat, though?

There was a cat!?

Yeah the hot bulb one was interesting would've liked to have seen more of that, the acid I thought they showed enough of though, that bit was awesomes.
I've seen all the Final Destination film and never tired of seeing them die in funny ways.
I mean who chucks spaghetti out of their window only to slip on it and get impaled through the eyes with the rungs of a ladder. :lol:
There was a cat!?

Yeah, the kitty at the beginning. When they discovered the website, the cat was the first victim but I couldn't tell what happened to it.

Yeah the hot bulb one was interesting would've liked to have seen more of that, the acid I thought they showed enough of though, that bit was awesomes.

Yeah, not to sound morbid or gross or anything but seeing his flesh melt was kind of cool if you're into horror movies with a lot of gore. It'd be a horrible way to die though, for sure.

The acid, yeah they showed quite a bit but more is always better. His hand when it was like, a skeleton </3
As part of my Tarantino-is-a-God-so-I-must-go-buy-and-watch-all-his-films phase, I did just that. The only one I've watched so far is Reservoir Dogs, which I did expect a lot from.

And it delivered. Loved it. Obviously not as good as Pulp Fiction (whatever could be?), but it was still absolutely brilliant.

10/10. Not a whole lot else to say.
Just a pedantic question about ratings. If a film isn't as good as another film... how can it be perfect?

Pulp Fiction is awesome though, and I've only seen half of Reservoir Dogs, really must go and pick that up to watch properly.

I watched the Godfather again the other day. Anyone who hasn't seen it is really dead inside.
I watched the Godfather again the other day. Anyone who hasn't seen it is really dead inside.

I haven't seen it and I'm not dead inside!

But yeah I agree with you about ratings. You can't really rate two things perfect if one is like, better than the other.
Ollie said:
^You rate each film individually. Not against each other. :p

Well... you don't though. Rating is a method of comparing films and how good they are. If you rated films without comparing them to others you wouldn't know how good they are in comparison to other films. Without comparison how do you even know how good a film is?

And how do you know you're not dead inside Taylor if you haven't seen it? :wink: You should seriously go and watch it.
But films are so varied and different these days it's almost impossible to compare them side by side.
How can you compare something like Saw to Toy Story? You can't. Each film is different in their own right and deserve their own rating. :p
Well that's because that's a ridiculous comparison. You compare films with films which are similar to it. You'd compare Saw to Hostel, and Toy Story to Finding Nemo, but ultimately comparison is the way by which we all rank films, you think to yourself "Did i enjoy this more or less than such and such." Whether you do it that explicitly and consciously is more debatable.

By your reasoning you couldn't compare say... the original Italian Job and the "remake" to decide which was better as both are different in their own right.

You can only really rate films by comparing to what has come before. When the first film came out i doubt they gave it a score out of 10. But subsequent films were then compared to it and decided if they were better or worse, and when a film comes out that's better it sets a benchmark in the genre by which all films from then are then compared until the next benchmark.

To link this back to what the topic is really about, the original Indiana's as has been said were pretty much THE benchmark in action/adventure films.
I wish Lucas would give it a bloody rest :(

As for ratings, I'm with Ollie :lol:

So, Res Dogs can't be 10/10, because it's not as good as Pulp Fiction. So it's a 9/10. Jackie Brown is good, but not as good Res Dogs, so does that need an 8/10? But True Romance is better, so Jackie Brown is 7/10, True Romance is 8/10? Ah, but where does Dusk 'til Dawn fit in? It's a Tarantino film, but different from the others - so can I compare it to the others here and move their ratings, or does it need to fit in with vampire films, of which it probably gets a 9/10 compared to the Lost boys 10/10 - just above Near Dark with 8/10, above I bought a vampire motorcycle at 7/10; Vampire in Brooklyn 6/10; Vampires 5/10; BS Dracula 4/10; Vamp 3/10; Lair of the white worm 2/10; Nosfaratu 1/10; Frightnight... Erm... Bugger, I've seen dozens of vampire movies... I'll have to start at about 50/50 I think and then work back.

If a 10/10 can only be given to a film which has no equal, then only one film can ever get a 10/10 - that's not the way ratings work though. 10/10 just means 'An absolute must watch, brilliant film'. Nobody mentioned it being perfect (I don't think there is a perfect film anyway) :p

The Godfather is a damn good film though Bitter, you're right. I wasn't dead inside before I saw it though :p
As part of my Tarantino-is-a-God-so-I-must-go-buy-and-watch-all-his-films phase, I did just that. The only one I've watched so far is Reservoir Dogs, which I did expect a lot from.

And it delivered. Loved it. Obviously not as good as Pulp Fiction (whatever could be?), but it was still absolutely brilliant.
Ugh, me and my friends started to watch Pulp Fiction for like 15 minutes (which was still pretty good so far!), but instead we just had a rave lol.

I really want to see the rest of it soon. That and Sin City, which is also partly Tarantino-directed.
Last bit on the ratings side of it, I see what you're saying, but films are compared to other films in your mind. If Reservoir Dogs is slightly worse than Pulp Fiction, which we've rated 10/10, and that is exactly 10/10, then maybe Reservoir Dogs could get 9.94/10, which would round up to 10. So really this is all just an argument over the degree of accuracy you're rating films by :p. Either way it's a moot point, ratings are rubbish anyways, the amount of times i've seen people say:

"Yea it was an average film... 7/10." Uh... but average would be 5/10?

Now to suggest another film to stay on topic... I've been loving Led Zeppelin recently and watched the Led Zep DVD, a must see for any Led Zep fans. 10/10 ;)
Ratings - I prefer the out of five scale - which is less distinct, but basically goes from 'utterly unwatchable' up to 'must not miss' It's rating, not ranking :p

Bitter said:
Now to suggest another film to stay on topic... I've been loving Led Zeppelin recently and watched the Led Zep DVD, a must see for any Led Zep fans. 10/10 ;)

I watched 'the song remains the same' the other week, and that was pretty bloody fab, but I've really got to be in the right mood to sit and watch a couple of hours of music - no matter how great. I don't sit and listen to music, just when I'm in the car, so watching it is just the same really. It's a shame, but long gone are the endless afternoons and high evenings of studentia! :lol:
I know what you mean, I'm generally doing something else when I listen to music, like on the computer etc, and it's rare that I will do nothing and just listen to music, but I find DVD's of concerts fine to just watch like a film. The White Stripes "Under Blackpool Lights" is one of my favourite DVD's ever, I generally watch it once a month or so.

Ooo, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey a while back after wanting to see if for ages, and was really impressed. Though is probably something for "the endless afternoons and high evenings of studentia"...