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Last night I joined my sister in watching Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End (in Blu-ray of course) about half-way through.

I like this film, the action sequences are exciting, the special effects are mind-boggling (why the hell didn't it win best special effects oscar?) and its humourus at times. This is probably the most adult of the trilogy though due to the dark scenes, maybe too much for kids? Overall its fairly enjoyable, not the best of the three, but still worth watching, 3/5
The third POTC was good the first time, but I watched it again, and realised how utterly tripe it is. It's SO dull, whereas the other two are really exciting.
Ben said:
The third POTC was good the first time, but I watched it again, and realised how utterly tripe it is. It's SO dull, whereas the other two are really exciting.

Yeah, I think the first time I reviewed the third film I gave it 4 or 5 out of 5. On second watching you're opinion does change, its not as exciting. Whereas the first two films are so exciting, energetic and re-watchable.
I thought the Second one was utter tripe.
But thats only my opinion. :)

The first ones still the best, and is still good when you re-watch it.
First one is easily best, great action, humour and probably one of my favourite films of all times. Soundtrack was great and Depp and Rush were brilliant in this film. 9/10.

Second was okay, I liked Davey Jones and the main fight on the wheel. Soundtrack again good and Depp continued to impress me as did Nighy, however I think Orlando and Keira are really not that great. 7/10.

Third. Hmm..... the first time I really enjoyed it but it gets worse everytime I see it. It feels long, plotline complicated and Depp's character has outlived itself by now to the point where it becomes corny and no longer funny. My god, Keira, never make a speech in a movie again, you wanted me to make me stuff my head in a pillow.
Soundtrack was again very good however. Rush, Nighy and that guy who played Becket were super. I think the best part is by far the line, 'Bloody hell there's nothing left,' oh and also 'Looky here boys.' 4.5/10.
I think Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Mans Chest and At Worlds End were mistakes to be honest. The plot needed refinement, it needed to be less "epic" to retain the original charm in my opinion.

Anyways, I saw another Cult Classic recently.

The Wicker Man (1973)

It really is one of the finest horror films the UK has produced. The music was superbly chilling, the visuals excellent. You got a real feel that actually, this can, and probably has happened. I was a little let down by that infamous finale. Mainly because whenever the film gets mentioned on TV they show it at it's worst. Which is unfortunate, I probably could have got a little more enjoyment out of it otherwise.

One other aspect of this film that I liked was the convincing nature of Sergeant Howie's (Edward Woodward's) dialogue. It really did feel like official business. The film itself, I think got a bit confused near the end. It didn't know whether to endorse the Pagans or the Christians. Although I felt it was leaning towards the pagans. Maybe it was about hopelessness, it's up to the viewer I guess.

4/5 It's good, but not really great.
Snoo, I don't really understand Clam's signature. Anyone care to explain?

As for the Pirates trilogy, I think the first one was the only one that I actually really liked. The second and third have just far too many characters, and I can't seem to follow the storylines for the life of me. Special effects can only go so far in a two and a half hour film.
neo said:
Anyways, I saw another Cult Classic recently.

The Wicker Man (1973)

It really is one of the finest horror films the UK has produced. The music was superbly chilling, the visuals excellent. You got a real feel that actually, this can, and probably has happened. I was a little let down by that infamous finale. Mainly because whenever the film gets mentioned on TV they show it at it's worst. Which is unfortunate, I probably could have got a little more enjoyment out of it otherwise.

One other aspect of this film that I liked was the convincing nature of Sergeant Howie's (Edward Woodward's) dialogue. It really did feel like official business. The film itself, I think got a bit confused near the end. It didn't know whether to endorse the Pagans or the Christians. Although I felt it was leaning towards the pagans. Maybe it was about hopelessness, it's up to the viewer I guess.

4/5 It's good, but not really great.

Oh I couldn't agree more, one of the best British films ever made (Italian Job is obviously top :p). Now most peeps don't 'get' it but I think its still brill. Its really surreal but at the same time it feels real and I don't think I've seen another film that can or has achieved that. I had to watch it about 20 times the other year for Film Studies, I sat there and loved it while all my classmates decided they were going to laugh at it and be childish and annoying.

Anyways, last night I watched (again) one of my fav new films of all time, Serenity.

I love this film, its so well made. I have to admit after watching the TV series its based off I felt it could be even better but oh well, its still excellent. Its low-budget (compared to most Sci-Fis) but it looks like there was no expense spared...crazy. Its visually impressive, original storyline and a great cast, the battle scenes are very impressive too. I want this film on blu-ray (you can tell that on DVD its very squished format-wise). 5/5
Just out of curiosity, does watching the series Firefly help understand the film and make it easier to follow? Because the film does look good, but I'm just wondering if watching Firefly is the only way to understand it?
Serenity is the greatest sci-fi film ever made.

I watched it before I'd seen any of Firefly, but I still thought it was bloody awesome.

Watching Firefly first will help you get to know the characters, and you'll probably enjoy it more if you do, but the film is made in a such a way that people who haven't seen Firefly will still understand the storyline and stuff.

Serenity. <3
I watched Twister on T.V last night.
It was quite good, and the special effects are amazing (considering how old the film is) and really captures the power of the tornado. It was also nice to see a different approach to it, with them chasing the tornado to release those ping pong ball reader things. :p

It was quite a good watch but sometimes took a bit too long to change scenes when needed.
7/10. :)
Watched Atonement earlier, as it was already in the dvd player. It's an alright film, from all of this oscar and bafta hype I was expecting more, but it wasn't bad considering it's not my sort of film normally. I did get confused with the time scale, it kept changing, kind of like saw, and I couldn't quite figure out what was going on at some points, but it was still pretty good.
SnooSnoo said:
Borat in a top 10 means you were either high or don't remember half the movie.

I was probably on the floor from laughing so much...

Lord Kotowa said:
Your seriously **** joking with Crash right!? Its so pretentious that film, just deliberatley launching into a racist storyline every two seconds, then somehow it all works out, **** film.

Thats the point? To show the everyday racism that goes on throughout the world. Racism is a huge pet peeve of my own and that is probably why I personally loved it.

Smelly said:
I saw juno last week.

Overrated pile of crap that was.

it raised the odd smile.. But was nowhere near as laugh out loud hilarious i was led to believe.

Instantly forgettable (even for a teen movie)


Obviously I'm not going to change your opinion of the movie but you probably missed the intricacies of that movie that made it amazing.

Like Juno's relationship with her parents, Juno's wittyness, and how everyone handled the pregnancy.
Coursework is bumming me out, so I'm now watching Legally Blonde while doing it.

It's like, one of the best films ever. It just makes me so happy. Reese is just so awesome. But Selma Blair makes me want to die, she sucks in Cruel Intentions as well.
I have to disagree with all the Serenity lovers here... I found it to be okay, but I can't quite understand the massive love for the film. It was all 'above average', but it didn't blow me away on any front. Maybe I'm getting old - anyway, what would I know, my idea of good Sci-Fi is 'Battle beyond the stars!' (5/5 by the way) :lol:

Anyway, watched the new version of "The Hitcher" last night. Bland in every aspect, except for when the cop cars get run off the road - that was 'alright' :lol:
