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Watched Ratatouille today!

I love Pixar films. They're just so sweet, but a few months ago I was let down with Cars. However, Ratatouille definitely didn't disappoint. It was just such a cute film, and I adore Remmy! Can't say it's my favourite Pixar, but it's worth a watch.

Saw Rambo last night.

It's pretty much what you'd expect from Stallone. Little speech, massive action.

If you go in looking to be drawn in with a detailed storyline, you'll be disappointed. If you go in wanting to be entertained, you'll love it.

^ Still haven't seen that... should probably do that soon.

I watched The Incredibles again the other night when it was on TV. That's a really fantastic movie... probably the best of the animated movies that I've seen. A lot darker then a lot other 'kids' movies, but a great storyline and fantastic animation really make it great.
Brian, I actually disliked the Incredibles. I put it down there with Cars, in fact, and I thought Cars was a huge let down. I should probably give the Incredibles another chance because for some reason I don't think I really had my full attention on it, but I didn't like what I saw.

I'd probably rank my favourite Pixar films like this:

1- Monsters Inc.
2- Toy Story
3- Finding Nemo
4- Ratatouille (which is almost tied with Nemo)
5- Toy Story 2
6- Lilo and Stitch
7- The Incredibles
8- Cars

I think that's all I've seen, anyway.
Superbad= Worst film since Duece Bigolo European Gigalo. Seriously I was bored after the first 30 minutes. Those dick jokes were awful, the joke really dragged!

On the other hand watched Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back and that was really good, was suprised. As i expected it to be a little bit of a snore too, but it actually turned out to be quite good. Was impressed by the cast and their performances, just goes to show the genius of Kevin Smith.

Wow, thats weird. Ratatouille is tied with Incredibles (just under Nemo) for my top Pixar films, and Cars my worst.

Cars just felt FAR too disney-ified, tbh. I mean it was still excellent, being a Pixar, but really...

The Incredibles has possibly one of the best movie scores of my viewing history. And I'm not saying that just because I'm a massive Michael Giacchino obsessive. Well, I am, but... still.... It looks downright gorgeous, and the art direction is fantastic. I loved the originality of the story, and the characters were fun.

Ratatouille, is without a doubt, (aside from Amelie), the film that has made me feel the happiest at the end. No contest. And that makes it one of my favourite movies ever... aside from Amelie, and some others :p
For me, Toy Story and Incredibles are up at the top. Finding Nemo is next and Monsters Inc. a little lower. I haven't seen many, but I just thought Incredibles was fantastic.
Smithy said:
It's pretty much what you'd expect from Stallone. Little speech, massive action.

Maybe because when he speaks you can't understand a word he says cause he is lame. I don't care about Rambo, one is just not interested.

All Pixar films love! Especially the Incredibles. I agree with Ploddish about the music, its amazing, hence why I own a copy of the soundtrack.

Went to go see Jumper. From my cinema experience I have never been so pissed off with other peeps in the cinema, these chemos in front kept throwing their cripe everywhere (hence why cinemas don't like you taking in your own food) and the peeps behind us (went with family) kept kicking our chairs, talking in their horrible gangsta speak and even took a 4 year old with them...to a 12A, what the hell is up with that? Urgh, I hate delinquents.

Anyways onto the film...It was ok, when it had shakycam I realized that I can film better than them...thats how bad it was, I actually felt sick. The story was ok, original and slightly entertaining. The acting was average and Samuel L was fairly disappointing which annoyed me cause I think he is an awesome actor. The effects were ok but sometimes it felt like they gave up or ran out of money and it looked like a scene from an 80s film. The ending was ok, but it annoys me that I know that there are two sequels in the works.

Rating: 2/5
Cars just felt FAR too disney-ified, tbh. I mean it was still excellent, being a Pixar, but really...

Cars just plain sucked. It had a weak storyline, and it was overall a little too long and boring. Some of it was cute, but the majority of it, I was just like man, when is this gonna be over?
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Cars just felt FAR too disney-ified, tbh. I mean it was still excellent, being a Pixar, but really...

Cars just plain sucked. It had a weak storyline, and it was overall a little too long and boring. Some of it was cute, but the majority of it, I was just like man, when is this gonna be over?


Cars is a good film. Its wonderfully directed and its entertaining. I agree its not the best Pixar film but not every film made by the same studio is going to be fantastic. Pixar try to have a good story in their films and at the same time they try to push boundaries within computer animation which I feel (along with a lot of peeps) they succeed with every time.
I saw Vantage Point today and it was quite good. The plot was pretty interesting and drew me in pretty well. I do think they flashed back to too many point of views but other then that it was good.

I just got done renting "Across the Universe", a pretty good abstract film set to the music of the Beatles set in the midst of the struggle of the Vietnam War.

It isn't a ground breaking drama nor out to tread any new ground, but has some great cinematography with the different songs throughout the movie, rather abstract and far out.

On the whole, I'd say it receives a solid 8 of 10.
I saw Jumper on Friday. Was alright but I thought the beginning and the end was far too rushed. Christensen's acting was pretty poor as well, I don't like his acting and it sounded wooden and robotic all the way through.

It also had me asking questions to myself all the way through. I don't think it explained enough really . However I thought some of the action scenes were very good but the ending was very rushed.

I think I would give it 6.5/10. It had the potential to be a good film but I think they wasted it in some ways.
Cars sucked.

Nemo is obviously the best of the lot. But, then again, anything with Ellen in it is bound to be brilliant. But, that film is just hands down the funniest of them all, therefore, the best.

The Incredibles and Monsters Inc. are then like, next.
Nemo is obviously the best of the lot. But, then again, anything with Ellen in it is bound to be brilliant. But, that film is just hands down the funniest of them all, therefore, the best.

Nemo was freakin' amazing, though I think the reason Monsters Inc won me over is because of the sheer creativity, like how every single monster is different and everything. Ellen was definitely the highlight of Nemo though (the actual fish Nemo was plain annoying, Ellen clearly made the film).

I do agree though, it's the funniest of the lot, but not the best. Ratatouille had me laughing out loud a few times also, actually.
Anybody who doesn't think Toy Story is the best Pixar film is clearly retarded.

Also; Cars was awesome, Incredibles was good, and Ratatouille was meh beyond belief.
Lain said:
Anybody who doesn't think Toy Story is the best Pixar film is clearly retarded.

Also; Cars was awesome, Incredibles was good, and Ratatouille was meh beyond belief.
