Couple of recent watches:
A Nightmare Before Christmas - It was good, had iconic imagery, and some memorable tunes, but it was perhaps not quite the ground-breaker I had expected from its iconic status. For the moment, I consider it a 2/3, might change more with hindsight.
Muppet Christmas Carol - Another one I had heard about, mentioned around in passing a lot, and this one delivered much more closely to my expectations. Great performances, great story, great jokes, and even though the Muppets weren't really ever on TV over here, the characters were relatable to me in their own way, while also staying true to the book. Great movie, 3/3.
Pokémon - I Choose You - The twentieth Pokémon movie is titled the same as the first episode of the anime, and in the beginning it follows the same plot too. This is also the best part of the movie, as it makes up a new plot after that. Our hero, Ash, meets two friends, has some encounters with legendary Pokémon (at least those are pretty well done), and meets a plain cookie-cutter villain, one who only cares about strong Pokémon and who discards those he deems weak. The hypocrisy shines through here, as official Pokémon competition practically requires you to behave just like that if you want to have any sort of success. Building a team that can win the Pokémon Video Game Championships involves obtaining and discarding literally thousands of Pokémon, depending on your luck with randomly generated numbers. Of course this villain reappears in the end, makes a terrible mistake that makes a legendary Pokémon appear right out of nowhere and go amok for no reason except "we really need a cool battle for the climax!", then is redeemed afterwards and convinced that friendship means more than strength. The writers also felt the need to include Team Rocket, whose appearances are all ten seconds long and end with them getting blasted away, they add literally nothing to the movie. All in all, the only good bits of the movie were copied from something else, and then it changed between cheap Hallmark-card lessons and making no sense, as if it was written using a checklist. 1/3.