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"Now Showing"


nadroJ said:
I don't disagree that he makes enjoyable cinema, what irritates me is that he's held up as this master of creativity and cinematic genius, when in fact he's just very good at retelling stuff that's been done 1000 times.

I agree with you!

We're arguing the same point lol.

On a side note. Are you and conor settling down to watch the football tonight? Exciting times eh?
Re: "Now Showing"

That was more aimed at Neal than you ;)

And no, we'll be working. He's pissed off about it though and will probably be on his phone checking scores for most of the night ;)

nadroJ said:
That was more aimed at Neal than you ;)

And no, we'll be working. He's pissed off about it though and will probably be on his phone checking scores for most of the night ;)

Ha ha there'll be hell on either way.

Competitive Scots and Irish drinking can only lead to bad news lol

I've given up on England now like, just one excuse after the other.

Out of interest, what are your fave movies?
Not in theaters


I recently came across this movie in which I completely forgot it existed and decided to watch it 5 min. later. Shane Acker made this a short film which won a ton of awards and was later approached by Tim Burton to make it into a full length film.

The full length movie was ok but but lacked so much potential. The animation and concept was amazing though which actually made me mad that this was wasted. After the movie I went to see the original short film which was basically the shorter original version of the full film and all I can say is that the short film was better than the original film, not in animation, but in story. The full length movie had a good start in the story which got progressively better but later, you would notice its the same formula over and over again until the last scene, the formula being they encounter robots and one of them dies. The ending was so cheesy, especially being voice acted by Elijah Wood and the movie was only an hour long which could have been one of the problems on why this movie lacked in story. But I did enjoy part of the movie. At least until the last scene.

Short Film: 8/10
Full Length Movie 5.5/10

When I heard about it at first, I had zero desire to see it. Then a few friends saw it and loved it, so I changed my mind. I knew part of the ending
the kids running the train bit
but I didn't know the entire ending.

What a weird movie. Parts were really good, others were not. It felt as if it tried too hard to make twists happen, and some didn't work while others did.

If you can redbox it or something similar, it's worth a watch for sure. Just a weird one.
Last week I saw Interstellar in IMAX.

I really didn't like it. It felt more pretentious than any of Nolan's previous films which is saying a lot. It felt like it was trying too hard to be clever. The acting was good but I just found the whole ordeal tedious and annoying. The sound was a real issue for me too but that could have been down to the staff turning the sound up way too much, I know IMAX is meant to be immersive and all but I like being able to hear, felt like my eardrums were going to actually explode due to the stupidly loud volume and bass. Gah, and I've either spotted a ridiculous plot hole or there's some bs scientific excuse as to why it's ok and my brain can't handle it...

So he only finds NASA because of the 'ghost' clues. Yet he's the one that has made the clues via the silly plot twist at the end. Surely he'd have had to go in to space no matter what to create said ghost clues? Yet the clues are what leads him in to going up there?

So he makes the clues when he's in space. Those clues wouldn't exist if he didn't go in to space and those clues are the only reason why he went up there.

I hope either way of me writing that makes sense because now my brain hurts

The interrogation game

Amazing, the cast are fantastic and the story is incredible, yet completely horrible at the end. I recommend it because it's a fascinating part of our history told extremely well.


Unfortunately not an X-Men spin-off. Instead it's an odd thriller about a determined guy trying to get a job who ends up filming graphic incidents during the night for a News channel. It's a little interesting and it is really dark at times but overall I felt like the pace of it was messy (went far too slow at times) and it was trying almost too hard to be the new Drive/American Psycho and failing. I can't fault the acting though, the cast were amazing.
peep said:
The interrogation game

Amazing, the cast are fantastic and the story is incredible, yet completely horrible at the end. I recommend it because it's a fascinating part of our history told extremely well.

Hopefully getting to see this next weekend. I did history of computing as part of my degree and so know a lot about Turing and Bletchley Park. It's wonderful that Turing is finally getting recognition and that his story is being told. It's taken so long for such an important part of our history to be recognised.

I've seen loads of stuff recently. Most memorable was the new turtles film. Absolute bollocks, a film of no worth in the slightest - I really enjoyed it much to my shame.

Also watched The Book of Life which confused me. It looked like it should have been a "straight to Netflix" type of film. The initial character design and animation was very poor when compared to most modern CGI films. However, the film opened up and the main story was very nice. Still not Pixar or Dreamworks nice, but still good. It was a nothingy kids really, but it passed an hour or so and I don't regret paying cinema prices for it :)

The clues lead him to space - he knows he has to go to save the world, so he sends himself. Or I thought so

I liked Interstellar, but I need to see it again really. It had some lame moments but some really good ones. No Inception, but, I think it'll grow on me.
Re: "Now Showing"

Seriously Peep, how can something be more pretentious than Inception? I've not seen Interstellar and don't intend to. His films are always so painful to watch because you feel you're in the middle of a lecture rather than it just getting on with the plot.
Ben said:

The clues lead him to space - he knows he has to go to save the world, so he sends himself. Or I thought so

I liked Interstellar, but I need to see it again really. It had some lame moments but some really good ones. No Inception, but, I think it'll grow on me.

Totally agree. The only problem is:

How is the worm hole there in the first place if he hasn't gone to save the world yet?

Other than that, it's pretty decent.

Now, everyone go watch the Imitation Game. Except the Americans, it'll upset them.
Re: "Now Showing"

Interstellar was good if you can ignore things like massive plot holes and have a vague grasp of quantum physics (loads of people walked out when I went to see it and the woman behind me went 'well that was stressful' at the end, which it is!) But oh my god that score. Amazing.

If you can stomach the Nolan gumph it's a good watch for the most part, especially if you don't try to think too hard ;)

nadroJ said:
Interstellar was good if you can ignore things like massive plot holes and have a vague grasp of quantum physics (loads of people walked out when I went to see it and the woman behind me went 'well that was stressful' at the end, which it is!) But oh my god that score. Amazing.

If you can stomach the Nolan gumph it's a good watch for the most part, especially if you don't try to think too hard ;)

Go watch HOBBIT 3 to balance it out
Re: "Now Showing"

Finally got to see the new x men film and thought it was brilliant best one yet.

Yes it totally wiped out 1 2 and 3 and we have no idea if he still has bones or blades but it was action all the way and thought the story was really good.

No idea why people found it hard to follow it was easy.

marc said:
Finally got to see the new x men film and thought it was brilliant best one yet.

Yes it totally wiped out 1 2 and 3 and we have no idea if he still has bones or blades but it was action all the way and thought the story was really good.

No idea why people found it hard to follow it was easy.

Totally agree!

I loved it and was very glad it reset the series and gave then a blank canvas to work with.
Big Hero 6

Good but disappointing. Compared to Wreck it Ralph, it's dog ****. Was hoping for better but I was still entertained. The San Fransicyoko bugged me.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

As a massive fan of the books I was slightly disappointed that they cut this into 2 parts, I don't think it needed to be and as a result parts of the film dragged and it felt like it ended just as the action was starting to pick up. However Jennifer Lawrence was once again amazing as Katniss and the film really did well at capturing the bleakness of a full on rebellion / war. Such a pain having to wait another year for the last one. Oh and the dedication to Philip Seymour Hoffman made me sad :(.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1

Rachel said:
as a result parts of the film dragged and it felt like it ended just as the action was starting to pick up.

This really sums up my general opinion on this film. I've not read the books but the ending was like the cliffhanger at the end of a TV series and just left me with a feeling of meh. Most of the film was just too dull, reminded me of the first film. So out of three films I've only enjoyed one of them. I think Part 2 of Mockingjay could be brilliant though.
"Now Showing"

So pleased I did not see guardians of the Galaxy in the cinema.

What a pile of ****.

Yes effects are brilliant but that's about it.

It's actually everything I don't like in a film.

It's like the last star fighter or whatever it was called from the 80's but even that was better than this.

marc said:
So pleased I did not see guardians of the Galaxy in the cinema.

What a pile of ****.

Yes effects are brilliant but that's about it.

It's actually everything I don't like in a film.

It's like the last star fighter or whatever it was called from the 80's but even that was better than this.

Out of curiosity what was it that you didn't like about the movie?