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"Now Showing"

Re: "Now Showing"

gavin said:
Sorry, but "realistic" and "random teens get telekineses" don't, and shouldn't, go together. Clearly it's not supposed to be presenting a realistic situation, and I don't have a problem with that.

I have a problem with it just being generally crap, with over-simplified, obvious characters, and pretty much just an updated version of a stolen idea anyway.

Adding in the bully ridden teen who decides to use his powers against those that have bullied him adds in a depth of realness (in my opinion) to what one would do if they were to gain those same type of abilities.

Carrie, anyone?

The only difference being that Carrie was a generally good, well-acted, genuinely quite creepy, emotional film.

It reminded me of Carrie, but I dont readily remember the film completely. I cant really comment much more on that as I still have to see the whole movie.

And yes, "realistic" and "teens getting powers" are useable in the same sentence with the context I used it in. It shows a more realistic approach than what we have always seen when kids get powers of any kind (Fight crime and be all justice-y and whatnot).
Re: "Now Showing"

The whole reason I liked it was because it put 'realism' and 'superhero' together. I don't see why you can't have both, that was afterall, the point of the film.

I also quite liked the ending. Not the last five minutes, that was cheesy and ruined it, but the crazy street smashing scene. The camera angle from inside the car and the way you always saw the action from a far away with very few closeups. The film was brilliant at always giving you a spectators view (via cameras ect.) into the personal crises of very believable characters. Fake documentaries can easily seem hookey, but this just didn't seem false to me.
gavin said:
Sorry, but "realistic" and "random teens get telekineses" don't, and shouldn't, go together.

This. I want my superheros to let me escape from reality.

Also Just finished watching Predator. Arnie is so silly.
Saw a bunch of films the other day. First up was The Watch

Turdio on a stick. The characters really don't work at all, separately, together, nothing, just awful. Pretty much the whole film can be seen in the trailer which is just ridiculous. Yeah, just avoid.

Rating: 1/5

Shadow Dancer

Dark British/Irish drama about spies and the IRA. It was great apart from the pace which was really slow so there was lots of time spent wondering when it'll get going again. I thought the cast was excellent but I just wish the pace had a better flow to it.

Rating: 3/5

Take this waltz

Had no idea about the film apart from who's in it. This is one of those rare times when not knowing really backfires. Such a piece of rubbish. The two guys sitting in front of me left about half way through and there only seemed to be one lady really enjoying it and she was letting everyone know about it (very loud laugh). It was trying to be funny and quirky and it was just boring, dull and just generally awful. The only redeemable feature was the scene where they ride a spinny flat ride with epic disco lights and some really bass-happy version of the Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams (are made of this)". So yeah, yet another film to avoid peeps.

Rating: 1/5

I ended the night by attending a one day early screening of Total Recall

I have seen the original and can't really remember most of it but one thing I can tell you is that this version is very different. I thought the CGI and design of everything was amazing and I just loved their futuristic vision. There's some really good scenes and I generally really enjoyed it.

Rating: 3.5/5
I decided to watch Scott Pilgrim VS the World. Now that it's aged a bit and it's initial impact has died down and I've read through the comics multiple times I will say it's still pretty good. I find the only problem with it is Michael Cera's (CAILL SHUT YOU MASSIVE FLAMING HOMO!) portrayal of Scott, he just seems too awkward, weedy and pathetic which boils down to Michael Cera playing Michael Cera. The rest of the movies elements are strong enough to carry it along to be a lot of fun.
Michael Cera esque roles are **** awful. Yes, we get it, you like indie stuff, you are a geek who can't talk to girls, are shy, and have the friend who really annoys you because he is an extrovert. Shut the **** up and grow up. Thankfully they are going away.

Bourne Legacy

I need to go watch the first 3, but the ending sets up perfectly for the next one.

Megan is Missing-6/10

I know it was meant as like, a message to scare young girls away from Internet chat rooms, but it just seemed to stereotype teenage girls in such a way that is so unrealistic that it was almost ridiculous. Also, nothing even happened until like, the last half an hour. The last little bit was okay I thought, with a few chilling moments, but nothing really to write home about.
Watched The Awakening last night. Bit of a late night scare thingy.

It was good actually. The setting and atmosphere post WWI worked really well for the most part (thought he whole "educated woman using modern techniques for debunking the paranormal" needed some work to swallow). It was tense and had the scares in just the right place.

Very similar to The Others, only not as good. The conclusion and half-arsed twist at the end let the film down, as did the very poor attempt at trying to add a sexual quality to the film. Actually, a lot of the inter-character dialogue was turd. Hmmmm... Okay, so it was really good for the scary bits, which were well made - so about 1/4 of the film. The rest was a bit gash, but watch-able.

9/10 if you get scared by decent ghost films, 6/10 if you don't ;)
Very late to the party on this one as we now have 645 sequels and a roller coaster based off of it, but I just watched Saw for the first time, and rather enjoyed it. It's not so much a horror film as it is a psychological thriller, which was pleasantly surprising to me as I've heard it classed as "torture porn" by some - a label I don't find befitting of that movie at all. I'm sure I would've liked it even more if I'd managed to avoid hearing the now-famous twist at the end, but since the movie came out 8 years ago, I've got nobody but myself to blame. 8/10

Also got around to watching Hostel as well, which was interesting. Much more of a "torture porn" (and in some places straight-up softcore porn) than than Saw, and much less clever, but effective, I guess, in that there were definitely some stomach-turning moments. (
Except for the makeup and special effects involved for the girl who supposedly had her eye ripped out, which were almost laughably fake-looking
). Not much else to it, but since it hits its goal for visceral reactions: 6/10.
Definitely! Though I'm wondering how I have some friends who still somehow haven't seen The Shawshank Redemption or any of the Indiana Jones or Star Wars movies. Movies like those, I feel like you have to go out of your way to avoid.
Re: "Now Showing"

So, I recently watched V/H/S and I wont lie, it didnt readily freak me out from what I was understanding it to do. For those that might not have heard of it, a group of thugs are asked to get a tape. No clue what is on it, but they will know it when they find it (stupid, I know). So while searching for said tape, they break every horror movie rule instilled and let one lone idiot sit in this room with about 10 TVs all attached to one single VCR. Did I mention a fat dead man that is randomly there? Anyway, apparently tapes were already there so the lone goon sitting in the room with the corpse puts in the VHS and watches it. By watch I mean it goes straight into the what was filmed and we dont see anything of whats happening in the general movie. The shorts themselves are odd. Lots of tit, some lesbian kissing and just a wee bit of cock for the select few. The first one was interesting to watch. Creepy in the beginning, then just wierd followed by sudden realization kf what exactly just happened. Second one is the one that trully disturbed me the most. Seemed entirely realistic for that scenario to happen and made me not want to sleep that night. Was one of the better ones. The third one I believe was the one **** entirely through Skype (this MAY have been the fourth one). This is the one that will get the jumpy ones. Very sudden with its scares, but the ending was just a whole dose of "Really? Ugh....gay". Was the worst imo. The next one (or possible third one) is by far the best in overall creep factor, especially when I realized it was a bit of the mythos of Slenderman. Best death scenes, more suspense and overall bizarre. While the story was a bit hard to swallow (how did she escape the first time exactly?), it is by far the better of what you will see. The final one is just pretty special effects. Frat boys on their way to a halloween party and stumble upon a cults ritual sacrifice. Que everything going awry and a predictable ending amd you really have that one dealt with.

Please note that inbetween each viewing of the vhs, they go back to the ACTUAL movie and **** is happening there as well. I believe they played it off as Zombie, but you will have to see it and guess for it as you will. So, the review is this:

Creepy? Yes
Scary? Kinda
Watch Value - 3/5

It doesnt scare so much as creep you out. Granted three of the inner movies are meant to be scary, but all they did is make me not trust lesbians, camping and invites to random parties.
Re: "Now Showing"

I can't wait to watch it, seems really interesting to me, I like narratives with a bit of quirkiness and originality.
I saw Lawless, which was great cause Tom Hardy's hot, but bad because Shia LaBeef exists. Like, it would have been great if he wasn't in it. Shame.

I saw Bourne Legacy. It was OK.

And I saw Paranorman. Which was fantastic. Really quirky, really, really funny, and surprisingly adult. Proper little surprise!
^^ I was gonna see Paranorman instead of the campaign, but it's only in 3D which I can't stand to watch, so I didn't bother. Kinda wish I did now though, since everyone is saying it is really good.
^Awww, the 3D in it was really good as well!

I mean, I hate 3D it's gash, but, ParaNorman was just gorgeous to look at. I really do recommend it.
Just came back from ParaNorman, and I'd like to echo Ben's comments. As a huge fan of Laika and what it stands for, and as a person who has a bigger soft spot for Coraline than I probably ought do (<3 Gaiman <3), it was really rather lovely and probably exceeded my expectations. They definitely pushed the boat out on having every single scene be as beautiful as it possibly could be. I swear, I'll get this on blu-ray, extract every single frame and just put each on shuffle as my desktop background.

I really enjoyed the themes. It was really nice to see them take the film where they did - and it ended up being much more satisfying emotionally because of it. I do think the first act was weak and perhaps could have done with a little work to hurry things along. There was quite a lot of this in Coraline - about half the film is this strange downtime where the scenes are given almost too much time to breathe and perhaps ending up being a little stale because of it.

Also the soundtrack was done by Jon Brion (Eternal Sunshine, Magnolia), and it was wonderful to hear his style done on a big orchestra, even if it only popped up every now and then. I've got it on now, writing this.

Lastly, I'm glad it appears to actually be doing good money in America, and will hopefully do so here too (but given that the screen I was in had 5 people in, including me and a friend, it appears to be unlikely). This is a film that absolutely deserves to make enough to let them keep making more amazing movies <3