Well for some reason I haven't been updating you all on my thoughts on films I've seen recently. This may take some time...*cracks knuckles*
The way back
I found this film a bit strange, it was quite 'epic' but there were so many scenes of just walking up or down mountains that at one point I thought someone had changed the film over to Lord of the Ruddy Rings. There were some fantastic scenes in there, like the escape from the camp. Overall the film is made really well and the cinematography is just breath-taking, earning the film true 'epic' status. The casting was a bit odd though yet it really worked, I'm of course talking about the random presence of Colin Farrell as like a Russian convict-type and yet pulling it off. For me though there were just too many moments of nothing happening and I was able to get easily distracted rather than being totally captivated by their truly horrifying journey.
Rating: 3/5
127 hours
I really love Danny Boyle's films, they have such an edge to them that make them great entertainment. Recently I've realised I have to leave like at least a year in between watching his films as I find them hard to re-watch, I'm not sure why but I can see this film heavily falling into this category. For such a simple story he pulls out some interesting film techniques to continue making the film interesting and to keep hold of your attention. Annoyingly he uses a 3 way split screen way too much and ends up just distracting you from the story, somehow (which seems impossible due to the fact it's usually during a scene where he is riding a bike or something). There were some cool scenes and yet another film where the cinematography of the amazing landscape takes centre stage, if only for mere moments due to the sheer amazing performance by James Franco (WHY isn't he doing more serious stuff like this?). The whole hype surrounding the *spoiler* arm-cutting scene *spoiler* was a bit pathetic and I found it a tad distracting because up till that point you're just waiting for that moment and then it's over in a flash and doesn't really leave much of an impression. I think the film has been very over-hyped and I was a little disappointed due to this but it is a great film, if only for the excellent performance by James Franco.
Rating: 4/5
Season of the Witch
Yay for new Nic Cage mental film....Or so I was hoping. I love it when Nic Cage goes nuts or plays a bit of an edgy character (see: Vampires Kiss, Bad Lieutenant, *THAT* scene in Family Man). It also stars Ron Perlman, I've currently been getting into Sons of Anarachy and I love him in that and in Hellboy so the two together I was expecting major epicness. On top of that, without knowing it, it also stars Robert Sheehan (Misfits and Killing Bono (not out for another few months)) who I think has his moments. The film however was quite the let-down. It has all the elements to make it amazing but a lazy ending and the occasional piece of really dodgy CGI ruined it, oh and script was weak at times, ok, quite a lot. I loved the banter between Cage and Perlman and the girl who plays the 'witch' was really good being able to switch from the sweet innocent little girl to pure evil in a mere heartbeat. So it's a film that has its moments (the bridge scene is pretty awesome) but overall it doesn't fulfil me with my 'Nic Cage is a nutter' obsession
Rating: 3/5
Sex and other drugs
I really love both Anne Hathaway (don't like her? Go watch Rachel getting married and you'll change your mind) and Jake Gyllenhaal (yeah he has been in some bad films but he is great in Donnie Darko). I thought the chemistry between the two in this was great and the story is funny and yet very sad, actually the film is, at times, very depressing. Somehow the film is able to balance the two themes of the film extremely well so as to keep you entertained and amused and yet at the same time able to pull on your heart strings when her conditions get worse (this can't be counted as a spoiler as it is heavily hinted at in the trailer and if you had a brain cell you'd work it out very early on in the film). I felt really engrossed with this film and for once in a rom-com found myself really wanting their relationship to last and to be all 'happy ending' and soppy. Yet don't let the emotional stuff put you off as there are some hilarious scenes (the brother character was a genius touch) and lots of exciting nudity.
Rating: 4/5
The Tourist
Once again, I love both of the lead actors but they just don't work well, there is just no chemistry, just two very lovely looking people in a simple comedy thriller. I admit the twist at the end is fun but for most it will be too predictable for the film to gain any merit from it. There are a few Muse tracks in there so it gets bonus points for that but it's all just too fancy and not much going on for it to be good enough.
Rating: 2/5
Tangled in 3D
Really been looking forward to this, I think Disney got off to a great new start with Princess and the Frog last year (two years ago for those across the Atlantic) and despite the lack of the hand drawn 2D animation I really love the style of this, it has just the right look of a Disney animated film with that classic look but with just a brighter touch. The story isn't great but it has some awesome characters (that chameleon has to be one of the best side-kicks in a Disney flick) and it has fantastic humour and style. The evil mother character is kinda cool when she has her epic mood swings and her songs reprise is just epic and pure evil, fantastic. I thought the songs weren't the best (although Mother Knows best is fantastic it doesn't quite beat Dr Facilier's song in PatF), some do grow on you after repeat listens but that's not a good thing in a film, I do usually love Alan Menken but it just felt samey and nothing really stands out. The film really has some fantastic scenes (the jolly fun in the tavern and the lantern scene) and the ending was really good if very dark (which tbh just makes it more true Disney-ish). The 3D? Nothing special and the only scene it really shows off is the lantern scene which is, to be very honest, spectacular. Overall a great film for the whole family, pure entertainment.
Rating: 4/5
Tron: Legacy in IMAX 3D
I just HAD to see it again and this time in proper IMAX 3D. It's still astounding, fantastic set pieces, special effects are more than special and that Daft Punk score still makes me feel all spine-tingly. Does IMAX make a difference? Not too much, but the battle scenes are pretty cool, but it almost gives you too much to try to concentrate on.
Rating: 5/5
Blue Valentine
I'd heard good things about this film and I can totally see why. The performance by Ryan Gosling especially is just phenomenal, it feels so real, he is able to create this very versatile character which can at times be quite scary just because of the whole realistic feel to the whole film. It's quite a simple film but told in such a way that you're so engaged and realise quickly what it feels like in that relationship on a day-to-day basis. As the film goes on it's like another layer is unveiled and the characters just get more real and engrossing (if that makes sense?). Everyone should watch it, if they want to see a masterclass in acting.
Rating: 5/5
Green Hornet in 3D
I like Seth Rogan, he always comes across as that really cool, easy to know guy that everyone likes. In this film he is quite the opposite and I just didn't find anything amusing apart from the bad guy towards the end. The plot twists are so predictable and the only thing worth note is that the car is cool and the 3D is pointless.
Rating: 2/5
Morning Glory
I was expecting this to be one of those films where all the good bits are in the trailer and nothing is left to enjoy, I was proved quite wrong. Although predictable it is still great fun and Harrison Ford just confirms his status as a legend. There are some really funny scenes, even if most of them aren't till half way through. Oh and it features a CRED! Jeff Goldblum is also rather amusing with his rather dry banter with the girl. The only downside is the terrible scenes where the she gets all flustered and clumsy when talking to a guy she likes, urgh, annoying.
Rating: 4/5
Black Swan
Still annoyed I didn't get to see this at the festival last October but it was worth the wait. It may take a while to get going but when it does it is just spectacular. Natalie Portman is just amazing in every way possible (bedroom scene with her and Mila Kunis is just well, WOW

) there are also a few amusing moments which I feel add to the film a lot (one makes you jump and then everyone just mega-lol). There is a lot of gore but I think it was really necessary to be able to give it more of a shock and to really show her demented side of her character. I found it quite scary at times, a very jumpy thriller with some really twisted scenes. I really hope Portman wins all the awards she can for her performance because she is just amazing in it.
Rating: 4.5/5
I haven't seen
The Kings Speech at the cinema because I saw it shed loads of times for work last year, I'm really in no hurry to watch it again. But I thought I should put my two pence into the fire of conversation regarding the film. The film is fantastic, full of brilliant performances. I think Helena Bonham Carter is subtle and amusing and she really adds to the film, obviously Colin Firth is superb as the King and without a doubt deserves all the award glory he'll get. It's a film that actually has a lot of amusing banter and the film flows really nicely and everyone should go and see it
