gavin said:
furie said:
I watched it on release at the cinema (Stafford Apollo, 3:15 p.m. showing) and thought it was "meh".
It's still pretty much the same. For such a famous director, I just don't get where Coppola was going with this film.
The soundtrack is absolutely AMAZING though.
It very good, yeah. It's odd, but I was so bored with the film, I noticed how great the soundtrack was. Usually a great soundtrack enhances a film, here, it made for a good distraction
Vadge said:
Bad Taste
Oh. My. God. Where has this film been all my life?! It's utter crap, and made on a budget of 50p (which is prob still about NZD500! haha), and therefore AMAZING!!!!!!!! It's utterly puerile and juvenile - essentialy, it's a kids school project made by guys that are old enough to know better. Tons of NZ in-jokes, and props almost certainly purchased from The Warehouse just add to it's awesomeness. It made me laugh, it made me want to throw up, it made me laugh some more. In short... watch it now <img> !
5/5 (and I NEVER in my life thought I'd be saying THAT about a Peter <img> Jackson film!)
Well done Vadge. One of my all time favourite films. ultimately quotable "I'm a Derek, and Derek's don't run".
Oh, and the gruel scene :lol:
gavin said:
^Watch Brain Dead. It's even better!
I disagree. I know a lot of people who consider it better, and it's a better made film. It's just that the very poor nature of Bad Taste makes the film a better watch in my opinion. I find Braindead just a little too "Evil Dead 2", whereas Bad Taste is an original comedy horror.
Just remembering more classic Bad Taste stuff though and chuckling to myself in the office... I'll have to get a DVD copy as my VHS tape is shot.
Ian said:
Last night I watched Summer of Sam.
The plot was weak. At one moment it was a murder-thriller, next it was a gangster film, then it was a "not another teen move" afair. Rubbish. Nothings eemed to glue together, and when it did it was with Pritt-Stick being applied in the bath.
I wouldn't recommend it.
I'm with you on this one Ian, and I remember Slayed being upset with me not liking it either :lol:
I found it really bland and a bit forced and just, well, it was just a bit rubbish really.
I watched the first half of
Fantastic Mr Fox last night. Went to have a bath halfway through. I'm in no rush to catch up with the next half, but I might do.
I wasn't convinced by the style of the film at all. I don't know why, I just thought it was a bit Cosgrove Hall 1986 Wind in the Willows. The dialogue was good though, and I it's obviously got the Dahl wit in the story. I just couldn't really engage with it. I agree with Vadge, the Americanism of the voices grated really badly with the setting and "English nature" of the story. It seemed quite at odds.
However, massive thumbs up and immediate extra marks for having my favourite Beach Boys song within the first five minutes
I'll give it a proper mark if I watch the rest of it