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Kick Ass.




What everyone has already said about it. SO win.

10/10. Best film so far this year (sorry Alice).
^So I was right with my review then? At least people can't pick on me anymore. :p
And before anyone mentions Alien I never said it was crap. Just not the best film ever. ;)
Neal said:
You need to open yourself up (haha) to accept new thing dude. Stop simply slating different things just because, well, because.

Because they're different were you going to say? Then you stopped because you realised that HTTYD is run of the mill, we've seen it a thousand times before? ;)

It is the absolute best example of "standard kids cartoon" I've ever seen. Going to upset Mark here, but it's considerably better than Lilo and Stitch which is essentially what it is.

It's a very accomplished film. It is very entertaining. So is Transformers though, but that doesn't make it a better action film than say, Goodfellas.

There's a difference between being entertained for a couple of hours, and watching a film which has depths you need to watch over and over to find.

That doesn't mean pure entertainment is bad, it's a good thing - especially when very well done (like HTTYD), but... Well, but... ;)

As for entertainment, I recorded Stardust last week week and caught up with it last night.

It's a film I wanted to see at the cinema, but I missed it, then it kind of fell off my radar.

Glad I got to see it, brilliant "dark fairy-tale". Family_furie watched it together and we all really enjoyed it. It was a little "thin" in places. I find that films based on fantasy books like this tend to be. It's because there's just too much to shoe-horn into a single film, so you feel there's something missing somewhere (which you'd suddenly realise what it was upon reading the book).

Anyway, great fun, very well made - predictable and clichéd, but it played on it very well taking that and playing with it superbly. Fantastic final scene too, had us in hysterics! 9/10
I quite enjoyed Stardust as well. Because of the media course I was doing in school at the time we were lucky enough to see it just over a month before it was actually meant to be released as the cinema gave us a special screening. Furie basically nailed how I felt about it as well so I wont bother repeating it.
Going to see Kick Ass again sometime next week so if it's still awesome then it proves to myself that it's a great film and can stay in my top five favourite films ever. :)
I saw How To Train Your Dragon in 2D, as we're cheap arses and we don't want to pay an extra £4 or such...plus 3D is a gimmick not really needed for this film. However, the film was relatively good. It had a good (yet predictable) plot, the characters were quite strong and believable, and the animation was of excellent standard. The kids in the cinema were quiet throughout, just showing how it was universally approved of.

Not the best animated family film I've seen, and I don't feel the urge to see it again quite yet, but good wholesome entertainment.


The second film was Clash of the Titans, again in 2D. This was digitally 3D rendered, so we knew it would be crap anyways. The film was awful, like, really bad. Some of the CGI was either really good or very bad, and almost none of it was believable. The plot was quite random at times, it was hard to engage with the characters, and the film itself just looked and felt almost like it had been put together in a few days.

Most disappointing of all, Kaya Scodelario only had 3 lines (2 of which were just one word long) and was hardly in it at all. Bad times.

But yeah, simply awful.

Clash of the Titans

Now I'm gonna end up going against most people here and say it wasn't a bad film... In fact, I rather enjoyed it...

Was I expecting a complex plot-line? No...
Was I expecting lots of monsters? Yes...
Was I expecting some dodgy acting? Yes...

Basically I got what I expected from the film, and it was typical fare of run around killing stuff in order to prevent a big baddie from taking over the world...

But when that baddie is Ralph Fiennes... It's all good...

Liam Neeson was also very good as Zeus, but slightly underused... A shame really...

Good reference to the original Harry Hausen film as well just before they leave on the journey as well...

Honestly... I found it enjoyable... It's not something to take seriously by any means (indeed with some of the one liners you get you wonder if the actors took it seriously), but it's definitely not an awful film...

7/10 - if only for Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson...
Clash of the Titans

Saw this bad boy last night and I rather enjoyed. As Nemmy said, it has its drawbacks but it isn't bad by any means.

As all the girls in my film class have been going on about The Notebook for ages now, I finally decided to watch it.

If I'm honest, I was expecting it to be a girly, romantic film with cheesy, predictable storyline which in the end leaves the female incredibly moist. But I was wrong.

It was actually very good, and I felt very drawn into it. Ok, it wasn't perfect (I thought perhaps the old people bits weren't all that necessary), but I do recommend it, even if you're a guy.

Saw Clash of the Titans in '3D' last night.

Well, the 3D isn't very 3D, I knew this before seeing the film but annoyingly the Cineworlds in London didn't give me a choice :(. The film has a great cast but I felt that the film just rushed through everything and therefore the great members of the cast were just left with no room to actually do anything apart from say one or two unemotional lines. The direction was mediocre and the special effects were great at times yet sometimes a bit poor. What annoys me is that the Kraken is shown in the trailer and teasers yet if they hadn't shown it in the trailers etc then it would have been an epic surprise at the end of the film and would have actually been a decent ending, however the trailer destroyed anything the film had going for it and I felt like I watched a slightly prolonged version of the trailer with nothing interesting added. Major disappointment.

Rating: 2/5
Saw Saw 6 finally...

The skybox crashed half way through but I only lost about 10 mins.

To say a review, well my dad fell asleep half way through it. Its better than some of the previous films. I'd probally say second best as it actually followed to a story and was quite clever with the outcome. But thats about it.

All it did was bring back memorys of sitting in the same room as Betsy Russell and Mark Burg for about half hour without even noticing who they were...ahhh.

*Yawns*. 7/10.

I didn't think it was QUITE as good as everyone was saying, but it was good. It wasn't very long, but it was too the point, and it had some funny moments! The amusement park was a nice touch, too :p .

Watched a movie called Letters to God last night. I had never heard of it until last night and although I didn't want to go, I was somewhat dragged there.

It was exactly what I thought it was. I had no idea it was based on a true story, but it was one of those movies that really portrays the idea of God and how he can help and stuff like that. It was actually a nice movie, and I am religious but it seems like they really poured it on in the movie. I guessed the storyline easy but it wasn't too bad of a movie.

^^^^Yeah it sucked pretty bad didn't it? At some points I took the 3D glasses off and I didn't see any difference at all except the glasses made it seem slightly darker. I actually think I might of enjoyed it better in 2D, although even then it still wouldn't be much better.

^^^I'd probably say Saw 6 is the second best Saw film as well. It takes it back to how good it used to be and keeps it on track. Looking forward to 7 now.

^^I agree. Zombieland was good but I wasn't coming out screaming "EPIC" and stuff when it finished. It had some funny moments but I don' get why people were so amazed by it.
Ollie said:
^^I agree. Zombieland was good but I wasn't coming out screaming "EPIC" and stuff when it finished. It had some funny moments but I don' get why people were so amazed by it.
Bill Murray, duh.
Clash of the Titans - Rubbish. Its not 3D, well, at least 75% of it isn't. Feels like it was added at the end, and not thought about throughout production.

Acting was fine, characters were ok. But the battle scenes were so poor, and short, and ****. Just a terrible film. 1/10


How to Teach your Dragon - Awesome. It has some of the same quality's to it as UP did. The relationship between Toothless and Hiccup is fun to watch develop. The 3D is there, but there isn't too much. It adds to it more than anything.

The film could have gone all weird, and the dragons could have been able to talk or whatever. But its a very adult kids film. Like all kids films should be.

Defiantly one to see - 8/10
Watched Hot Fuzz last night. First time I've seen it all the way through, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was funny, had a decent enough plotline...however, I felt the ending was a bit drawn out, and many of the action scenes (while good) lacked something, I don't quite know what.

But good film.

I'm tired, so a quicky:

How to Train your Dragon

Kicked so much ass. It was very well done, not overdrawn by humor but at the same time not overly dramatic. Toothless is fierce but so beautiful looking, Hiccup is a really cool character to see unfold, story was solid and pretty easy to follow. Even have a little bit of that "you know, I've learned something today" to the ending. Developed quickly and kept going at an easy pace.

Overall, I loved it. Dreamworks actually did something that was really fun to watch! Best animation they've done to date.


How To Train Your Dragon.

I enjoyed it as well. Unlike Neil/Neal bleah, I prefer the flying scenes in Avatar( cause they remind me of Panzer Dragoon) but these were enjoyable as well. Toothless is cute and awesome and stuff... and I think I might relax on Dreamworks a bit, I'm finding that I'm enjoying their movies, that aren't Shrek and Monsters vs aliens, more.

So yeah, S'good.