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^Thank god the 1st film was meant to be good as the 2nd one wont be :)

I did not like the Blair Witch, but the 1st one worked due to the way it was filmed etc. The 2nd one did not work as they tried to tell a story and make it a main stream film if you know what I mean.
East Coast(er) General said:
Just finished watching The Hurt Locker & it's the most
ing heavy
ing duty movie I've ever had the pleasure to watch. It's not very often that 2 perfect 10/10 movies come out in the same year, but hell
ing yeah!

Good ****ing man.
I just got back from seeing 'No Distance Left to Run' with Neal.

Now, I know I'm a massive Blur fan girl, and as such I was always going to love it, but... Wow! Just Wow!

It tells the story of their history, their fame, their fall from grace, the break up... and of course, the make up. It does this with a clever mix of footage from the archives mixed in to a large amount of footage from last year's successful reunion tour. This, along with brand new interviews with all 4 band members gives an honest and heart-felt take on the story. The new footage is beautifully shot (in stunning HD), and the whole thing is very cleverly edited. It looks amazing.

It also manages to tell the story very very well. You get the feeling that its all very frank and honest. There's lots of skeletons shown that the band have hidden for many years, and that helps to add to the honesty of the piece. In fact, there was one clip that I actually found quite hard to watch, purely because it shows 4 men completely on the edge - struggling to contain their demons. The overall theme of the film is one of rekindled friendship. However, what struck me was the touching tale of Graham's battle with alcoholism. It covers what led him there in the first place, shows how dificult the battle was, and how he's overcome it.

Whilst very emotional throughout, its also very funny in a lot of places. From idiotic journalists, to Alex's opinion on Japanese cuisine, there's plenty of laughs to be had.

The only thing I found a bit disappointing was the relatively small amount of new live footage. Although there was actually a fair bit there overall, there was only a small portion of each gig. Whilst I totally understand why they didn't include more, I would still love to see it at some point (perhaps as an extra on the DVD, or as a seperate release?)

To summarise, you don't need to be a Blur fan to enjoy this film. If you love any of Music, Britain, The 90's, Friendship etc etc, then its well worth a watch :D


PS. I'm in it!!!!! :D I walk right past the camera whilst they're showing Graham chatting to a mate outside the railway museum! <3
Just watched the new adaptation of The Turn of the Screw. It's been sitting in the Sky Plus box since Christmas since I've been putting off watching it, expecting it to be really disappointing and crap.

I was right.
Even Madame_Furie didn't watch it all :lol: So it must have been bad Gavin!
Ollie said:
I don''t know what to think of this.:

He deffinetely helped with Say 6 bringing it back to how awesome it used to be but Paranormal Activity is a completely different type of film all about psychological horror. I fear he'll make it loose it's 'homemade' film look and may put too many effects in.

I reckon he'll do a brilliant job. His work on Saw VI was utterly amazing, so I have all faith in him. He seems the type of director who does what the fans want (He listened to what we all had to say on the House of jigsaw forums), so I think he will stick to the original setup and not make it too 'Hollywood-ish', that is unless he is told to do so by some big man working for the production company :)
A Few Good Men

YOU WANT THE TRUTH?! YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! At least now I know where the quote comes from haha, but yah we watched it in law and it was a good movie, I was actually interested. Very good lineup of actors and I actually felt pretty bad for the accused guys in the mvoies.. So yep, decent.

^^I know. He did amazing in Saw 6 taking it back to how good it used to be. Although Paranormal Activity is meant to be amateur. It's meant to look real and home made. As both films are completely different I'm worried that he may feel the need to go over the top and make more stuff happen in the second one. Also how can you continue from the end of the last one? Unless it's got a completely new location and story.
Yah, I truly don't want them to make a Paranormal 2.. It'll just ruin the effect that the first one had. What else can you make a demon do?

Same with Blair.. The second one was redunk.
^The first Blair was the worst film I've ever seen though so I dread to think how bad the second one is.
How can Ollie fluctuate between so right and so wrong within three posts? ;) :lol:

I watched The Bucket List last night. I was expecting a soppy, sentimental, mildly amusing film with two great actors, but nothing fantastic overall. Instead, I got a sentimental, soppy, mildly amusing film with two great actors.

CGI was fantastic though, pity I didn't see the 3D version as I'm sure it would have added a lot tot he film ;)

7/10 anyways.
^ There was a 3D version of the Bucket List? When it came out like two years ago here there wasn't.. I can't really see how it would work that well in 3D though, from what I remember.
Can I have a headdesk in here please? Ah sod it, I'll provide my own rabbity one!

Oceans 12:
Even though I haven't seen the first film I decided to watch this as it was only 99p on iTunes. Due to this I don't think I followed it as well as I would of if I'd seen Oceans 11. I still got the plot though and got to know most of the characters.
It had a few good scenes. Especially the robbery ones and the ending was quite good as well. There was some good acting and it flowed quite well. The last half hour did seem to drag but overall I liked it although it could of been a lot better. It's a film that needs your attention the whole way through though and if you miss a bit then it's easy to get a bit lost.

She's the Man:
This was on Film4 last night so decided to watch it. There's some good comedy in it but there's just as much forced comedy that seems out of place and isn't funny. The characters were good and each stood out even though there were quite a few. The plot was easy to follow but that's because there isn't much too it. It just sets up a series of scenes they could play out.
Overall it's a light-hearted comedy that's fun to watch if you don't want to think much and enjoy some one liners been dropped in every now and then.
Finding Neverland

Heard good things about it when it came out, and I've had it for a few weeks now but just got around to watching it. I actually realllly liked it; Johnny Depp was amazing as usual, Kate Winslet was actually not hideous, the boys were adorable, it was sad, and it was happy at the same time.

Really good and a pretty emotional film.

Flicking through the channels tonight, and I find Small Soldiers...

I remember watching it so much when younger, and it's still awesome... 90s ftw...
Ollie said:
^I love that film as I'm a youngster. :D

I know, the joke's old. (unlike Ollie)

I saw Hot Fuzz last night... for the third time... in a fortnight. :p

Still an utterly hilarious film. <3
