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Cheers Ollie, I didn't even know that. I'm trying to keep myself pure for this, so the entire film is a nice surprise when I get to see it.

Well if you didn't know that then it's almost as bad as Ciall not knowing Sweeney Todd was a musical. :p
Ollie said:
^I haven't given away anything that people don't know about already. Everyone knows it's about a house that floats away with balloons. I haven't said anything that happens or given away what goes on after they take off.

You've given away at LEAST the first THIRD of the movie!

And I take it you pirated the movie in order to do so? (unless you're on holiday stateside at the moment?)

If you did then DOUBLE SHAME o you! You're RUINING the film for people who havent seen it yet - and for brits thats FOUR months away... AND you're taking money away from the people who made such a GREAT film!

All in all.. you're not very high in the "clam fanbook" at the moment
Ollie said:
what goes on after they take off.

okay you didnt mention (For example) the:

bird who got hurt then?

or the

collar of shame

or indeed


etc etc etc

No not at all
Ollie said:
Well if you didn't know that then it's almost as bad as Ciall not knowing Sweeney Todd was a musical. :p

The film is still three or four months FROM RELEASE IN THE UK!

Why should I know anything about it? There's no hype machine in action yet and I rarely go to the cinema, so haven't seen any trailers.

Sweeny Todd has been around for a couple of years and was also classed as a musical. It's massively different being ignorant of a film well advertised for years and one not advertised really at all yet!
Well sorry that I can't post a film review in a film review topic.
It's all in spoiler tags now anyway so doesn't matter.
But what I've posted hasn't ruined any of the film at all. There's so much to it and it's just Clammy wanting to have a go.
It's like talking about a film such as Titanic and going "At one point someone coughs" then Clammy moans saying "you've given away 2 thirds of the film" When I didn't mention the fact that the bloody boats hit an ice berg and sank.
All I was doing was giving the film a decent review that it deserves and then get people jumping down my back and having a go. If anything you could say I've spoilt about 1/100th of the film. Not even that even. Which is hardly a third of the whole film.

And no-one moans when anyone else says what happens in films. You should expect it when reading a topic such as this anyway. And besides. I haven't even posted any spoilers.
Lain said:
You can post reviews without giving spoilers away...


I saw Benjamin Button on the way over to the States. I was intrigued as I like David Fincher's work and this was a real step away from his usual stuff.

I found the fakeness of the film a little off putting right from the start - it just felt wrong to me. It was also a little bit confusing - obvious what the tale was, but handled badly.

The actual tale droned on and on. It wasn't interesting and the characters were hard to engage in. It just seemed to be a collection of mini-stories, rather than a contiguous whole. It didn't sit or fit properly really, and halfway through I was finding the whole affair tedious.

The direction was very hit and miss, with some genius at times, followed by blandness. It was inconsistent which jerked you away from the (pretty bland) story.

I have to say though (despite some odd character plots and motives towards the end) - the ending was very touching and I did have welling in my eyes (though it could have been tears of joy for the thing was finally putting me out of my misery).

Epic film that shouldn't have been! 7/10

See Ollie, people will know whether or not roughly the film is worth watching without explaining a single bit about what is going on that could ruin it :p
Ollie said:
And no-one moans when anyone else says what happens in films. You should expect it when reading a topic such as this anyway. And besides. I haven't even posted any spoilers.

I don't expect spoilers in a movie review (unless in spoiler tags or have been warned at the beginning of the review) and if I see spoilers I usually shout at peeps for not putting them into spoiler tags. When I see a film I don't want any of it ruined. Just because you've never been accused of doing it before doesn't mean that people haven't done it previously un-noticed.

^Furie, I know where you're coming from on Button but a 7 out of 10 rating? Really?
You can't really have a go at me when the films official trailer reveals more than what I wrote.
You going to have a go at Disney/Pixar now for revealing too much in their trailer?

Mars Attacks

I've had this for a while but never watched the entire thing. Now I did, and well, it's slightly overrated, but it was still cheesy goodness :p .

I've recently brought (and am watching) 90's sitcom The Detectives.

I've forgotten how funny it is. Decent comedy that doesn't need to rely on sex, violence or bullying to be funny.

Carrot and Powell are a brilliant double act and Knight and Whitehill are superb writers. Each episode has a predictable twist but the adventure of them two getting to the twist keeps me gripped.

I was laughing out loud when they took on a blind man and his dog at pool. Wish I could find the clip on YT as it's ace.

Films are boring, TV series FTW!
Terminator Salvation

Not going to say much because it would spoil the film. A solid 10 for me tons of twists in the story goes back a bit over the previous 3 films. Special Guest as well. Loads of action but not over kill. Very well put together. Also a believable story line which makes a change.

A Must See

Terminator Salvation was OK. Lots of things get blown up. And... uh... that's about it.

It needs a LOT more Helena Bonham Carter and a LOT less Christian Bale.

There's one slight twist (not a twist, it's given away within two minutes of the film starting, so, it's only a twist if you don't pay attention and are a twunt. So, you, Steven), but, other than that the story just sort of plods along, nothing huge and unusual is revealed, the Terminator universe isn't turned upside-down, it's just... explosions and robots.

7/10. A solid "lots o' explosions" film, but, there's a limit to how good they can be.
furie said:
Ollie said:
Well if you didn't know that then it's almost as bad as Ciall not knowing Sweeney Todd was a musical. :p
Sweeny Todd has been around for a couple of years and was also classed as a musical. It's massively different being ignorant of a film well advertised for years and one not advertised really at all yet!

I feel loved :lol:
I thought it had nothing to do with the 3rd film?

I have heard that all Bale does is shout and this ruins the film, I really need to see it.
^It doesn't, Steven's just a twat.

Christian Bale is crap. He needs to stop being cast. He can't act and has a stupid voice. He isn't even hot.

Oh, and a "believable" story? Eat faeces.
Saw Terminator Salvation earlier.

I thought it was great, not as good as T2 but it was better than anticipated. I didn't know what to expect regarding the director as I haven't seen anything by him, he gets slagged off a lot and has a silly name but it was a good piece of directing. I think one of the best things though about this film was Danny Elfman's score, it was excellent. It's one of those 'leave your brain at the door' films where the special effects and unnecessary explosions are awesome. Ben is right, needs to be more Helena Boham Carter.

Rating: 4/5