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gees.. how many endings does it have?

the one i saw on dvd was - he died just as he almost had a cure.
(Taylor would hate it, nobody loses their trousers, drinks piss, throws up, falls over (erm, they may actually), gets slapped, or anything remotely teen movie like

Haha, ohhh I do like intelligent movies too, or non-chick flick movies. Let's take a look at my tops!

Wizard of Oz
Green Mile
Rain Man
Sweeney Todd
Willy Wonka
Home Alone 1 and 2

I don't see any teenage movies in there really :p .

Snoo, I heard College actually sucked balls!

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

I bought this the other day because I had wanted to see it for the longest time and it looked like a teenage movie which I would enjoy. I didn't hear great things about it but I did expect quite a bit from it, which I got. The overall story lacked much substance just like any teen party/romance movie, but I really like Michael Cera and I think the girl in it is excellent as well (very pretty, too). The situation also is something I can relate to kind of so that was another reason why I liked it.

Overall it was entertaining and cute. If anyone has seen it, LOL at Nick driving away on his ex.

furie said:
Ploddish, you'll love Brazil.

Stone Cold - Brazil is a comedy, based on what would happen if abject officiousness ruled the world. It's not (as you think) a fantastic insight into a utopian world of accountants and civil servants that you would love to live in :p

Nope, wrong future. The dystopian society of Brave New World is what humanity needs to strive towards.

Well either that, or a Judge Dredd system of governance, in which I'm the only judge...
^Exactly. Some of my favorite movies aren't rated that high.

And.. of course.. all of your most hated movies are in the Top 10.. :p

ps: Aladdin was on Disney tonight.. :lol:
LiveForTheLaunch said:
(Taylor would hate it, nobody loses their trousers, drinks piss, throws up, falls over (erm, they may actually), gets slapped, or anything remotely teen movie like

Haha, ohhh I do like intelligent movies too, or non-chick flick movies. Let's take a look at my tops!

Wizard of Oz
Green Mile
Rain Man
Sweeney Todd
Willy Wonka
Home Alone 1 and 2

I don't see any teenage movies in there really :p .

Well done, you missed the bit where I said you wouldn't like the comedy because:
(Taylor would hate it, nobody loses their trousers, drinks piss, throws up, falls over (erm, they may actually), gets slapped, or anything remotely teen movie like

I notice that the only comedies in your top ten feature that kind of thing... Point proved :p
Me again? Ooops! :D

Two films watched then.

First up Igor. I should like this film, but I didn't. It just left me utterly cold. It's very stylised and pretty; it's off the wall, and a little bit weird; the voice acting is great and it really shines as somethnig a little "different".

Just didn't do anything for me though, which is a shame.

I followed it up with another of my Top 100 films :)

Some Like It Hot - Brilliant stuff. It's amazing watching these films just how crisp they are. There's no messing about, the films are direct and compelling. They're focused on the actors, the writing and story. Some like it hot is exceptionally well paced, and thoroughly mirth ridden. The acting is excellent on all fronts.

Now, I've never seen a Monroe film all the way through, but how captivating is she? Never really understood the fascination before now, but she was just sublime - really something else.

Definitely a must watch for everyone. There's something in there for anybody to enjoy and love. 5/5!
I went to go see taken yesterday.
Oh, what a sick movie. Liam Neeson just so bad ass going around killing everybody.
I'd give it a 9 out of 10.
Furie, so spot on about Some like it hot, such an excellent film.

Fast, Taken was actually quite good, what's best is how, for once, America has got a film months after us :D

Film day again for moi:

First up was Woody Allen's Vicky Christina Barcelona.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, it's quirky, has a good soundtrack, good performances by the cast and it moves at a good pace. Another good thing is that it can be now placed on the list of films which feature an amusement park :D

Rating: 4/5

Next up was the hugely hyped The curious case of Benjamin Button.

Umm, one word, weird. Yes Brad Pitt is good but the whole film just felt meh. Dragged on way too much which probably wasn't helped my bladder yelling "I need to go" through most of the film. It's the sort of film which will gain loads of Oscar attention but is really average that there is no need for a second viewing.

Rating: 2/5

Last up was Doubt.

I was intrigued by this film as I think that Streep, Adams and Hoffman are all excellent actors. All three put in an excellent performance and the film kinda just flew by, it really grabs your attention and the tension in some of the scenes is excellently portrayed. The ending is a bit confusing and does make you ask several questions like "wtf?".

Rating: 4/5

I think Milk is the only film I haven't seen yet which has been nominated for best picture Oscar. Places it on things to do list :p
peep said:
Film day again for moi:

First up was Woody Allen's Vicky Christina Barcelona.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, it's quirky, has a good soundtrack, good performances by the cast and it moves at a good pace. Another good thing is that it can be now placed on the list of films which feature an amusement park :D/quote]


... it's Cristina :p

Penelope *needs* the Oscar for the LOVE OF GOD!
I borrowed You Don't Mess With The Zohan tonight from a friend just for something to do.

My God,what a pile of absolute ****ing shambles of a film.

Possibly one of the worst films going,completely unfunny,the storyline was all over the place,it just never made sense.

Adam Sandler what the **** were you thinking?

It got to the stage where unblocking the toilet with my bare hands became more appealing.I'd rather lick piss off the toilet seat,than watch this film again.

annwndog said:
Adam Sandler what the <img> were you thinking?

Hehe, what do you mean what was he thinking, he has only made 3 watchable films. I really don't see his appeal.

Lol @ Ben. I noticed that little while ago but I didn't edit it :p Cruz was good but I'm still torn between her and Amy Adams, maybe they will just piss us both off and give it to the woman in the Wrestler (forgotten her name).
I notice that the only comedies in your top ten feature that kind of thing... Point proved

Here no Evil, See no Evil is one of my favourite comedies and that doesn't have that in it!

Peep, it sucks that you were disappointed by Benjamin Button, but I agree with you when you say that it's not really rewatchable. It's way too long and way too anti-climactic really, but it was definitely good the first time around for me. Way worth more than a 4/10, I thought that was pretty harsh of you.
I have just returned from my sixth and final screening of The Dark Knight. I finally made the trip to the IMAX for it today and I am so glad I did. The difference between seeing it in a conventional cinema and an IMAX cinema is immeasurable. The film was still fantastic but everything when it came to action was made better through the use of IMAX cameras, as well as the sensational views in panoramic shots. 11/10
No, I don't think he did, although I think that Taylor called it an intelligent film though, which is even worse!

It's a family movie, nothing more, but it's also kind of comedic. I mean, come on, you have to laugh at the extremely unrealistic pranks Kevin pulls on Marv and Harry, that work perfectly.

I dunno, I've just always loved Home Alone 1 and 2; those are two movies I can recite almost line for line, alongside Labyrinth, Willy Wonka, and Wizard of Oz.
Today I went to the cinema and saw the new Disney animation Bolt in 3D.

I loved this film, everything was perfect and the 3D was cool but it didn't add much to the experience apart from a larger ticket price and a grey shade which blocked out some of the films minor details. Also Rhino is probably the best character ever created. One thing I wasn't that impressed with was the short beforehand, Tokyo Mater, that was quite pants.

Rating: 5/5