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Hellboy 2

We saw Hellboy 2 in the US and although the first was really good this one disappointed really. Nots as actioned packed, and story was predictable.
Mamma Mia!

I wasn't expecting much before I went. I don't like Abba that much...and although I enjoy Musicals....Jukebox Musicals are not really my thing.

However, the plot was interesting, the characters were very likeable and the songs I enjoyed alot.

There was some good humour in there, especially from the chorus, who were hilarious!

Overall, I'd recommend it to anyone who likes Abba or enjoys musicals.

Just saw it again today (first time was with Peep and Patrick at Empire), and it was just as good as it was first time round, again, but it's still one of the best-looking and best-told films of this year...

Better than Toy Story? Up for debate, but it's definately in the top two, just edging Nemo...

I've edited the post, and I'm pretty pissed about it too. It's common courtesy - especially if a film if a big one lots of people are going to see - not to post major plot elements which are going to ruin the film.

I might just wait and watch it on DVD now :roll:
I apologise for the minor spoiler (it IS a Pixar film guys, course it'll have an ending of a happy nature), but thing is the film is just such a great piece of art, I honestly cannot and do not really wanna keep stum about some of the gorgeous set-pieces and character developments that they have within the film...

Tbh I see in this topic lots of spoilers over several films which I haven't seen, but obviously because they've been out longer, it's not the same is it?

Wanna wait for it on DVD now furie, be my guest... I made a mistake, I'll admit, but tbh again with most films of this nature it's hard to write or see a review which doesn't give anything away, it is just such a brilliant piece of filming, it deserves all the praise it gets...

And since everyone seems to have wanted to see it, been out on the weekend hasn't it? [/moan]
I saw Mamma Mia today, and well, I'm struggling with what to think about it.

On one hand, I really liked it, it was happy, fun and just, well... ABBA.

On the other hand, it was a random mixture of "lets throw an ABBA song in here for good measure, and oh, we haven't used this, pick a random point and put it in then". There were very, very few songs which actually fit and didn't sound like random ABBA in the middle of the film. I bet it works a LOT better on the stage, simply because there random ABBA songs wouldn't seem out of place, but in a film, they did. Don't get me wrong, a few fit, and Meryl's version of The Winner Takes It All will go down in modern-movie-musical history as one of the greatest performances of a song (behind Jennifer Hudson's And I Am Telling You, of course!), but especially in the middle, there's a definite feeling of "these aren't here for the story, these are here for the hell of it". And therein lies my main problem, there just isn't a story, there's no real structure to the proceedings, the ending is frankly crap and nothing really feels that well thought through.

And Pierce, give it up. And Colin, you too.

But, Christine Baranski is yet again, a joy to behold. That woman can do no wrong, and her doing Does Your Mother Know, is the highlight of the film for me.

But, a lot of the musical numbers, which the film then comes to entirely rely on, are cut short or interrupted. They should be the centre of the film, and at times, it feels like they got halfway through, but the director then sort of thought "can't be bothered, cut out the dancing and just kill the song now so I can go home". With maybe three exceptions, none of them are made into the big spectacles they deserved to be, which is a shame. A real shame.

So, I liked it, don't get me wrong. It was fun, it was frothy, it was camp, it was the gayest thing I've seen in... well, only a week and a half, but it was still pretty gay, and it was entertaining. But, it was empty, it was shallow, it was just a load of ABBA songs clobbered together, which while fun, and what I was expecting, left me feeling a bit flat and cheated. So, see if you like ABBA, but it's never going to be up there with some of the other fantastic musicals we've had in the last few years. It'll never join the likes of Sweeney Todd, Hairspray or Chicago.

^ I actually don't like the looks of Mamma Mia; the storyline doesn't interest me and the songs look super annoying, and not up to par with greater musicals.

Also, for whoever is complaining about Benin spoiling Wall-E, seriously guys, coming into this topic and you're bound to see a spoiler or two. And you should come in here expecting to see spoilers anyway, so if you want to make it one-hundred percent sure that a movie doesn't get ruined for you, avoid the topic altogether.
The Dark Knight was sold out.. so i went to see "journey to the center of the earth - 3d"

Worst.. Film.. Ever.

Terrible acting, terrible direction, terrible script. The direction seemed to consist solely of "lets do something to show off the 3d".

Only made mildly interesting by the 3d.. which didnt seem to work properly on the screen i saw it at - things which were SUPPOSED to come out of the screen just got blurred and you saw double (wasnt just me.. everyone i was with had same experience).


(2/10 if the 3d worked properly)
Nemesis Inferno said:
I apologise for the minor spoiler (it IS a Pixar film guys, course it'll have an ending of a happy nature), but thing is the film is just such a great piece of art, I honestly cannot and do not really wanna keep stum about some of the gorgeous set-pieces and character developments that they have within the film...

No, that's fine Benin, but you can do that without actually posting a plot point. You can allude to the point in the film so that others who have seen the film know what you're talking about too.

Do you think Jonathan Ross can do reviews week in week out without spoilers? Of course he does. Sometimes you do want to discuss a film further - but in that case, you make sure that there's a spoiler alert.

Nemesis Inferno said:
Tbh I see in this topic lots of spoilers over several films which I haven't seen, but obviously because they've been out longer, it's not the same is it?

When a film has been out longer, no, it doesn't matter as much. If it's not on the cinema any more, then you're not going to be able to avoid spoilers anyway generally, and the timing is different. For new films - people are still trying to get the chance to see them.

Anyway, I'd like to see where major spoilers are in this topic? Okay, so Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader, sorry if I posted that ;)

Nemesis Inferno said:
Wanna wait for it on DVD now furie, be my guest... I made a mistake, I'll admit, but tbh again with most films of this nature it's hard to write or see a review which doesn't give anything away, it is just such a brilliant piece of filming, it deserves all the praise it gets...

As I said above, you CAN review without giving anything away at all - I'll show you in a while.

Nemesis Inferno said:
And since everyone seems to have wanted to see it, been out on the weekend hasn't it? [/moan]

It has, but I've been at Butlins all weekend with the family. I get a few hours each night to do things, and quite often that involves stuff to help keep the house running - so I can't just pop to the cinema whenever I like - I have to make a special effort. For a film I REALLY want to see, it may take me three or four weeks to actually get to it.

LiveForTheLaunch said:
Also, for whoever is complaining about Benin spoiling Wall-E, seriously guys, coming into this topic and you're bound to see a spoiler or two. And you should come in here expecting to see spoilers anyway, so if you want to make it one-hundred percent sure that a movie doesn't get ruined for you, avoid the topic altogether.

No, that's wrong, utterly. I come in here to see what people think about films, and to give my opinion of a film. I don't post spoilers, and I don't expect others to either - maybe it's because I expect people to have a level of common decency. Most people who do post spoilers make them had to read - or highlight it. Benin admitted he was wrong too, and it's actually the first time I've seen a spoiler on here which really makes a difference.

Anyway - reviews :)

First up, Cloverfield again - this time on DVD. I think my opinion has remained exactly the same, which is good I suppose.

It's a good film, with some excellent set pieces. It's a little obvious in places and loses it's believability (well, your belief has to be suspended anyway, but the film DOES work at being believable quite a lot), but it still works overall.

I also spotted a few little bits this time around I missed first time, like in the very end scene (keep an eye out).

It thinks it's much cleverer than it actually is, but it doesn't stop it from being an excellent film anyway - 4/5 :)

Next, I watched Holes again (I know, repeats :lol: ). I love this film. It's such a well written, enticing, rambling tale. The direction and acting is a match for the great writing too. The characters are endearing, and the film is just a joy. The way the story winds and weaves so subtly is fantastic, with little bits of information earlier on coming back later to help out the characters. Usually, you spot plot devices like a 300 foot monster attacking Manhatten, but in Holes, they're so understated and fleeting, they're a genuine joy when they're brought in.

Really lovely film and one of my absolute favourites! 5/5!
^Phil, Holes murdered the book! Absolutely killed it! It's a wonderful, fantastic book, and was an enormous favourite of mine growing up, which was just killed by the film.

I just got back from seeing The Dark Knight.


Quite possibly the best action film ever made. Not the best film, but a definite top ten, and a definite must see.

****ing fantastic.

And at the risk of sounding very typical, if Heath does not win an Oscar it'll be a crime against humanity.

Now, there's going to be some spoilers below, so don't scroll down, I aint having people randomly bitching at me like they did Benin.

I'm serious.


OK, Heath's performance! OMG! Like, seriously! The nurse-outfit was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, and when he can't get the detonator to work on the hospital- inspired! And then on top of that there's just so many moments where he shines wonderfully, the interrogation room scene comes to mind instantly, as does the mob meeting. And the pencil trick! That is going to go down in history as a moment of film genius. Overall, he just gave the role so much, and whenever he's on screen, you can't take your eyes off him, and when he's not on screen, you're waiting for him to come back. The closest thing I can compare his performance to is that of Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs. He's the biggest thing about the film, he's constantly in your thoughts while watching, he's brutal and every inane aspect of him being a psycho is explored by the actor. Amazing. Sounds very typical, but this is a performance that'll go down with the best in movie history.

But, lets not ignore Two-Face. Aaron Eckhart is fantastic, and that face! Wow! He does get overshadowed by The Joker, but he still puts up a very impressive fight.

Bale gets like, ten minutes of film time. The film's totally Heath's film, not Bale's.

And then Maggie Gyllenhaal finally gives us someone in the role of Rachel who can act! I have a question about her, did she get taken away, or did she die? I didn't quite get that bit.

The ending was a little flat though. I dunno, it just sort of ended without really explaining too much. I'm guessing the idea was to have a third which would feature the Joker, but with Heath gone, I hope they drop that idea. In fact, I hope they don't do a third, that would suck. And although some people are claiming it'll be Two Face who returns in the third, I really think he's
properly dead, as a doornail type thing.

Just, amazing. And I can't wait until next week when I get to see it again!
I'm sorry, but I have always thought that IMDB's top list was whack. I don't understand how movies like Shawshank or heck, even the Pixar movies, get higher rankings than classics like Wizard of Oz, or the Green Mile.

And yes, I know what you mean Furie by sayinf you come in here to see opinions, but I'm sure you know by now that some people are inconsiderate and post spoilers.
To be fair, at least from my view, the only thing on that list I can see that I preferred to The Dark Knight is Pulp Fiction.

I'd say it was my third favourite film I've ever seen, only behind Pulp Fiction and The Rocky Horror Show.

So, OK it may not be a "classic", but who is to say it isn't better then The Godfather?
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I'm sorry, but I have always thought that IMDB's top list was whack. I don't understand how movies like Shawshank or heck, even the Pixar movies, get higher rankings than classics like Wizard of Oz, or the Green Mile.

And yes, I know what you mean Furie by sayinf you come in here to see opinions, but I'm sure you know by now that some people are inconsiderate and post spoilers.

1. Everyone has different opinions, and it would seem a majority differ from yours. Doesn't mean the list is whack, just that your perspective differs from the majority.

2. At least he warned us about the spoilers, something that didn't happen before. Its not hard to just scroll past the section now is it? Plus, reading one line about the movie, something you could see in probably a dozen reviews online, won't ruin the whole movie.
1. Everyone has different opinions, and it would seem a majority differ from yours. Doesn't mean the list is whack, just that your perspective differs from the majority.

Well, I think most people would agree that Wizard of Oz and Green Mile should be much higher up on the list than they are. I think they're both somewhere from the top 100th to 200th movie, which seems ridiculously underrated to me.

And yeah I don't really mind the spoilers; and if I were really that concerned I wouldn't read reviews about movies I want to see. But, I'm not really concerned, so I don't care.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
1. Everyone has different opinions, and it would seem a majority differ from yours. Doesn't mean the list is whack, just that your perspective differs from the majority.

Well, I think most people would agree that Wizard of Oz and Green Mile should be much higher up on the list than they are.

Obviously they don't Tay, as that's the reason as to why they are not so high.

Anyway, Dark Knight. Watch it.