Snoo said:
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Crap results.
Remember.. we didn't ride it in it's prime. Honestly.. without those trims.. 305 would have been in my top 10.
The only way I can describe how BAD that drop was when we rode it was... it felt powered. It felt like a down hill bit on a mack powered coaster. It didn't feel like it picked up speed, then hit trims, it felt a constant speed all the way down to me. So it's hard to imagine what it would be like without trims, because it didn't show any sign of what it was about to become before the trims grab it, like all other coasters I've ridden with trims do. Did you find the same?
Thing is as well, MF's first drop is the best bit of the ride, but it's still not that great. There is no sense of speed on coasters that tall, no passing scenery to compare to, and no rapid increase in speed to define force. Just a gradual build up.
The uncomfortability of I305's whiting out also makes me wonder if, had I ridden it before, I'd actually be less impressed with it. But I really like the ground hugging section of Intimidator, and it makes me wish they'd concentrated on that instead of all this tall bollocks.