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Manta- B&M Flyer for SWO opening May 22

I also believe that it has to do with the footing following the grade contour of the splash pool, considering how close that is going to be to the track. Guys, I think this little dip is going to for riders what SheiKra, Griffon, Diamondback, and Dive Coaster failed to do - that being, providing an equally impressive effect to riders that was presented to passerbyers.

I have a feeling that you wont realize how close you come to the water until you're actually diving out of the block and going "Oh **** we're gonna hit the water!"
^ Simple really, the trains on a Flyer are longer then a normal sit-down train, and that you need to have some stopping distance to be sure that you have space to stop it without any chance of overshooting the MCBR, especially since a flyer have more "complex" seating so you have space to fold down the seats and safely evacuate the train.
I'm interested in how an evac would work on that brake run. Obviously getting the train down from the flying position is easy enough because they just use a manual winder which allows the seats to swing down freely, but how do they then lift each car back up to the flying position so it can do the rest of the course?
^ Get a few engineers to hold the car up in the flying position, while someone re-locks the pin I guess.
^ You are forgetting that in the station you only have to deal with speeds of about 5-8 mph so you don't have to worry about stopping the train.
But on that MCBR then you have the train entering it with 3-5x the speed then in a station so you need enough space to stop it. Just compare this MCBR to the ones you find on a B&M Mega Coaster which are pretty long.
UC said:
^ Simple really, the trains on a Flyer are longer then a normal sit-down train, and that you need to have some stopping distance to be sure that you have space to stop it without any chance of overshooting the MCBR, especially since a flyer have more "complex" seating so you have space to fold down the seats and safely evacuate the train.

I don't really buy that, because flyer stations aren't really any longer than normal stations.

There really isn't any significant distance between one car to the next - probably only a foot or two more than you get on Inverts - when the cars are in the down position. The only real thing a flyer would need on an MCBR is for the final block brake to stop the train a bit sooner, so that the final car can swing down onto the track.

In other words, that MCBR seems quite a bit excessive than what would be needed to actually evacuate the train. The differences in size of a flyer train and a conventional train aren't as much as you're making them out to be.

I dunno... Going off Air and Inferno or Batman... I'd disagree with you.




I know which one I think is significantly longer...

And that's not even getting into when the train is going round the track...
Perhaps the length of the block will give you an idea of the speed that the ride will be going at that point. Judging by the way the coaster was designed its certainly possible that it'll might be hauling ass when it engages the brakes.

Tatsu's prebrake block (no Manta isn't the first flyer with a double brake folks) seems pretty long as well - but Manta's seems significantly longer


^ No but the MCBR on Manta and the final brake-run on Tatsu looks to be the same length, just indicates that B&M have modeled the MCBR after the brake run on Tatsu since that's the closest thin they got to a MCBR on a Flyer. It's just that they want to be sure that they can stop the train on it, and since they can on Tatsu, then it should be no problem on Manta.

A fresh update from SWO http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/vi ... 082#673082

Just clamp-brakes on it, so hopefully they will let the train carry some speed through it.
May also be one of the reasons on the length of the MCBR (correct me if I'm wrong to think that magnetic brakes are more efficient to slow down a train then a clamp-brake).
^ But if you look on the latest update you will see that there is only clamp-brakes installed on the MCBR.

And Magnetic brakes are always before mechanical ones.
Right now I'm guessing that they just needed to fill in some space in the layout before the wing dip. Since it's practically over the aquarium, I don't think they could have made the track dip down a little bit and rise back up before entering the brakes.
^^ If you look again at the pictures, the straight section during and after the MCBR is above durt. It is actually BETWEEN the aquarium and the maintenance building. This was smart; if the train made any noise passing just above the aquarium might that be enough to disturb anything in there ?
This is really something to behold. I was there on Monday. All you guys from out of state are missing something. It is great to walk under one of the hightest points of the ride. You are not seeing anything just looking at pictures.
Oh my gosh ! cool)
theRock-steel said:
It is actually BETWEEN the aquarium and the maintenance building. This was smart; if the train made any noise passing just above the aquarium might that be enough to disturb anything in there ?
Well, at 1:38 it's stated that the coaster will be quasi-silenced. Beyond that, I'm sure SeaWorld has also designed the station/aquarium to block outside noise if it is needed. I mean, they wouldn't make that big of an oversight....would they? :shock:
^^ My point is that the track is never really over buildings. It is at the height it is for a reason, not because it has to be.
I like B&M's so much because of their smoothness and quietness; I don't think that they will have to protect the inside structures that much.
I forgot to mention, if you compare Mike T's Dec 05 picture of Tatsu to the final picture of Manta I suspect that you will find many many similarities. Most of the turns, twists , and loops are the same, they are just in different places.
^There are different types of quietness though. The roar is quite loud but unlike some coasters, B&M have a smooth sound. Whilst the rattling of others is perhaps, lower in actual loudness, it has the effect of being louder.
So I drove by the park today and currently, Manta's lift hill and pretzel loop are painted silver/grey...