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Lost - the final season! (UK people spoilers found within!!)


Strata Poster
I thought it would be appropriate to start this topic seeing as the new and final series begins on February the 2nd in the USA and the 5th here in the UK.

What on earth is going to happen after Juliet hit the bomb? Is everyone on the island dead (I suspect not seeing as that would make the last series void of main characters), or has the timeline been reset.. Who knows? Will Jack/Kate/Sawyer ever be resolved? Do you even care about the love triangle? I certainly don't! It means less screen time for smokey.

If you don't like Lost then that's fine, but please don't fill this topic up with pointless +1 "lost is crap posts"

Oh and if you happen to watch Lost before it has come out in the UK, please either refrain from posting spoilers until the episode has come out in the UK (only 3 days later) or make the text white and warn people :D

Like so:
the island is made of cheese.
I'm so excited I've spent the last week in a constant state of incontinence ;)

Can't wait to get back into it and finally get some things wrapped up.I can't help but think that may be it's going to be a bit disappointing, but at least it will be over and done with at last :D

I suspect that what happens is what has always happened - but I'm never gonig to try and second guess the bloody program...
I have to admit, i am also in a state of excitement. I really hope this last season blows away all the others and ends the series how it should be done - Amazingly!
Yayyyyy, Lost! <3

I have no idea what's going to happen, and I'm sure the ending will leave me frustrated more than anything else, but I love it.
I thought I would just resurrect this (HAHA, Series 6 joke) and say it gets much better after Kate's filler episode!!


isn't Rose just awesome? Her and Bernard are possibly my favouritist peeps ever, purely cause they're actually normal. <3

Oh yeh and errr So jacobs been forcing people to the island? what a douche.
I've loved Lost, but I have to say this final series isn't doing it for me yet.

The only part I like so far is the "successful flight" thread, that's fun. Oh and the Locke bit.

The stuff with the temple is extremely contrived, even by Lost standards! "How can we fill this last series then? Ooh, let's create a whole new set of obsessed people on the island."
Jacob is such a swine, but he's hot <3.

Kate is actually amazing.

The whole 'sucesfull flight' thing is weird, but good. For the first few minutes on the plane jack seemed to be making an effort to go and see people from the Island, but then was oblivious. That confused.

Oh, and why was Desmond on the plane?
I've seen episode 4, but I won't write about it until it's aired in the UK.

OMG, though, seriously. D:
I sort of feel that this series is almost completely seperate from anything that has happened in the show previously. It feels really unconnected. Maybe that's just due to the immense length of time between the seasons.

Oh and the episodes are just getting worse as the "plot" complicates and just messes things up. Even Ep 4 isn't brilliant..

"Locke" and Sawyer walking across the jungle for most of it? laaaame. Oh and why did a small child just appear from nowhere?
tks said:
Oh and the episodes are just getting worse as the "plot" complicates and just messes things up. Even Ep 4 isn't brilliant..

I liked it.

Here's why:

It was the first one of the season that actually started to answer questions (why are they there, also some stuff about the numbers). Granted, that kid was a bit weird, young Jacob maybe? Or maybe someone who has more power than both Jacob and Flocke? I dunno. Also, really camp teacher Ben was awesome.

With regards to other, less spoilery stuff, there's gotta be some link between Claire and Rousseau. They both had their babies taken away from them, and they both were looking a bit feral in the forest, setting up traps.

Maybe Rousseau was infected by the same 'darkness' that Dogen says has infected Sayid and Claire, and if so why is Claire saving Jin from the temple-folk?

Maybe the island is on some kind of loop, where the same things keep happening with different people, and Claire is actually Rousseau.

...or something.
I think the infection is something that happens after you die.

Sayid has been "revived" but by who? The healing spring did nothing because Jacob is dead (I presume) and his body was claimed by the Black Smoke. I think the same thing happened to Claire when her otherville house got blown up by the Freighter people.

Danielle's people probably got killed by smokey down in the Temple and then were claimed by it.
They really do need to start explaining what is going on as at the moment its just getting more confusing.
Lighthouse (fridays episode) is AMAZING. I've always slated Matthew Fox for being a terrible actor before, but he was actually pretty decent in this episode.
tks said:
Lighthouse (fridays episode) is AMAZING. I've always slated Matthew Fox for being a terrible actor before, but he was actually pretty decent in this episode.


And what the hell is going on? Jack has a son!? I was just waiting for it to turn out that the kid's mother is Claire, or something.

Also, the skeletons are blates Rose and Bernard.
Lain said:
And what the hell is going on? Jack has a son!? I was just waiting for it to turn out that the kid's mother is Claire, or something.

Can't be cause his mum was like "do you know a claire littleton" when she was reading out the will and they both looked a bit confused. So it seems that Jack & Claire will probs meet after all back in LA.

No-one is coming to the island.

JAcob asked them to point it at 108.

108 is the sum of all the other numbers put together:

4+8+15+16+23+42 = 108

Also notice the name "wallace" (if you watch in hidef) is next to 108 and is scrubbed out (so already dead)

This is clam speaking from beyond the grave.

Jacob was like "i'm sure they'll find another way"

so I think someone is coming.. and whoever this Wallace person is, possibly a false name? Widmore?? I want him back on the island!! I imagine him & jacob must have spoken when he was leader of t he others..