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Lost - the final season! (UK people spoilers found within!!)

Don't want to say much about tonight's episode, but Sayid is Da Man!
Still more questions than answers though.
Only 10 episodes left before the series finale!
Anyone else think that "the real time-line" is being influenced by the alternate island time-line?

So if they are good on the island, good things happen in the real world. If they're bad, then bad things. So when the "candidate" is chosen, everyone goes back and gets what they deserve based on the island.

Something along those lines anyway - there's definitely a concurrency between the actions on the island and the new time-line.
I just want them to start explaining what is going on.

I have tbh so far it just seems the episodes are on but not much is really happening in them.

Yes Furie I can see what you mean as well it does seem to be following like that apart from Locke. On the Island he is dead so that could be why the real time line is different for him.

I think that something at the end of the current on island series will trigger a sort of reset type thing, which will lead to the current off island events. So, the events off island are both in the future, and in the past at the same time.

Maybe Jack will have to do something donkey wheel-esque to make the reset happen, and someone (Sawyer?) will try to shoot him while he's doing it, hence the mark we saw on his neck in the first episode.

Also, it seems that people off the island are getting a chance to do over the mistakes they made previously. Claire kept her baby, Jack didn't become a massive alcoholic, Ben chose his 'daughter' instead of his power. Interestingly, Kate is still on the run from the law, and on the island she looks to be allied with the Locke Dressed Monster. Does this mean she's gone a bit evil?

Also, the off island Locke was trying to influence Ben into blackmailing the principal, which could be seen as the evil thing to do. Is off island Locke the Locke Dressed Monster?

Locke is a wildcard, as is whoever stays to be the guardian. How do they fit into this alternate future we've seen.

I think Lain is right though, there will be a "reset" which puts everyone in the right place in this new alternate time line. I didn't explain that, but that's what I meant would happen in the end, but the way people are on the island reflects the future they'll end up with.

Sayid has never been able to give up his torturing and killing ways, so he will never get his woman and has gone back to being a "hired hand" for instance.

Maybe the new time line Locke is based on the one who sacrificed himself but then got a new start, but tainted by the evil of a LDM?

From the look of the LDM to Kate after she came onto their side from the temple, he's not a happy bunny about her joining that side. I think it was clear he wanted her dead or with the others.

Claire is another odd one, she's clearly gone mad, so how does that affect her future?

Marc, I know what you mean, the series is very odd this time around. It doesn't seem to have even as much direction as previous ones. It's actually quite similar to the second series where you're getting answers but it's just raising more questions. While that's going on, there's not actually much happening in the episodes, there's very little movement or flow in the plot. It's because they're keeping us guessing right until the last minute. The end of the second season and start of the third was very much like this, and I was ready to give up at that point. I stuck it out though, and this calm period without much movement is just laying down important "back story" ready for the big reveal and final showdown.

The lull before the storm... And unlike five years ago, we know the storm will hit in the very near future :)
I think when talking about someone staying on the island as a sort of guardian, you have to mention Desmond.

Remember in episode one, where Desmond kind of appeared on the plane, talked all cryptically to Jack, and then disappeared, right about the time the plane was flying over the sunken island?

That has to have some significance.

Also, if the island has a protector, it has to have a 'bad guy' to keep up the balance of light and dark. Who would that be? Widmore? Maybe Widmore is actually a good guy. Maybe Fake Locke is the good guy and Jacob was bad all along?

Ahhh! :lol:
Hmmmm, but Desmond has already been a guardian and didn't like it, but yeah - I'd forgotten about him.

Does it need a bad/good guy? It's running without one at the moment.

I was thinking about Widmore though as a potential for guardianship. If it wasn't for the rest of the last episode, I'd have said him and Ben would be the ideal candidates, but him and Desmond would make a correct opposing set of factions.

I think that Locke is bad, otherwise it would really upset things. Ben looking like he's just saved his soul to find out he's been on the good side all along and failed at the final test? Ouch!

You do get the feeling though throughout that LDM is a malevolent spirit and Jacob benevolent. Even if Jacob seems to be hands off and very happy to not get involved even if it means good people die for the "greater purpose". He's very much like god in that respect.
furie said:
Hmmmm, but Desmond has already been a guardian and didn't like it, but yeah - I'd forgotten about him.

Does it need a bad/good guy? It's running without one at the moment.

Well it doesn't need one, but given the whole light/dark good/evil thing the show has had since day one, I think they'd stick with that theme.

I still think there is both a good and bad guy on the island at the moment, it's just that the balance of power has shifted. Jacob may have been killed, but I think he intended to be (and maybe he knew that Ben would redeem himself?). He still influences on-island events by appearing to Hurley.
Hmmmm Recon is gooood. :D Glad to see
Charlotte well and alive in the sideways timeline! And a shoutout to Pierre Chang! How cool :D

Oh and Kate got caught. Oops. she gonna hang??

Oh so it looks like it's Widmore (is he on the side of Jacob?) vs ol' Smokey. Cool to see some new sonic pylons, Did anyone else think that Sub looked ALOT bigger inside than it did outside?
If Widmore is against Flocke, then that means he'd have to be allied with Ben. They hate each other, but I think it'd be really cool to see them team up to save the island. Cool beans.
so let me get this right there are two time line going on yes? The one where they crashed and are on the island all met each other and stuff and the series happend. And the one where they all got on the plane and landed safely and got on with there lifes? So in this timeline which is presumably there ordanary life we find out sawyer is actually a cop and his partner has been miles for years. so what troubles me is why does sawyer not know miles on the island as timelines presumably only changed after the plane landed and if this is so the dr linus episode is a load of poo as he wasnt on the plane so his timeline wont have changed at all and as for desmon he wasnt on the plane also. so i think something else is going of here and its not a altarnate timeline its an alternate life for each whith no knowlage of the island apart from ben
It's a time line which was altered when they set the nuke off in the past. Was it 1977 or earlier?

So they were in the past, set the nuke off which stopped the "incident". It also destroyed the island (made it sink) and killed Darma.

This meant that Jacob died and couldn't go back in time to change the lives of everyone involved. So Ben's dad never went to the island because Jacob didn't "suggest" him to do it.

So the entire past of all the characters is very different, as they haven't been touched by Jacob... Well, not very different as they all seem to be on the flight... Some of life is inevitable or something....

Hope that explains why Ben's life changed too, but it's a long way from actually explaining it all :lol:
Didn't Ben and his father, who was on a life support machine, talk about the island and the dharma initiative in the 'safe flight' timeline though? Or did I imagine that...

The most recent episode was cool. <3 Widmore.
Jake said:
Didn't Ben and his father, who was on a life support machine, talk about the island and the dhama initiative in the 'safe flight' timeline though? Or did I imagine that...

Yeah, Ben's Dad said "I wish I'd taken the job at Dhama"

I think in a previous episode, Jacob came to Ben's Dad (or Richard did) and got him to take the post there to get Ben to the island...
Ben's dad said that he wished they'd stayed on the island. (The beauty of downloading LOST is that you can watch it over and over again really easily!) And he wonders what kind of man Ben would have become had they stayed, well, we all know the answer to that question!

Oh and Roger met Horace when Benjamin was born and killed his mother in the process, so I assume that's how they came to know about Dharma in the first place. Jaacob didn't have a hand in bringing Ben to the island (afaik).

Character Discussion: Sun. Has she become mute this season? Will her and Jin ever be re-united? Are there evil forces pulling them apart? Or does simply nobody give a ****?

Btw the LOST Collection, (All 6 DVD's, about 36 discs on Blu-Ray or 38 on DVD) will be available from around the end of August/beginning of September :)