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Liseberg news topic, mid season report 2009 posted



Liseberg have just released a press release that wraps up the summer season for this year, it also gives a few details on what to expect for next season.
The press release states that the numbers of visitors in the later half of the season have dropped since last season, but that's a trend that have been noticed at many other parks in the Nordic countries. But they have still managed to get around 2,3 million visitors in total this year, and the winter season opens in little over a month to add to that.
Also it gives a riders/visitors tally for the new rides of the season and also a top 5 for overall.

Top 5:
1. Lisebergbanan 1,4 million
2. FlumeRide 1,2 million
3. Kållerado 1,1 million
3. Balder 1,1 million
5. Kanonen 700 000

New attractions:
Cykelturen 180 000
Evert Taubes Värld 100 000
Lisebergs Lustgård 70 000

Liseberg have just announced one of their 2 new attractions for next year. "Unfortunately" it looks like Tornado (S.D.C Galactica) is going to bite the dust (it have been on the chopping block for some years now).

The new attraction, called Hang Hai, is a Zamperla Mega Disk'O,. It's going to get a Asian theme, this to connect it up to the little Asian garden right next to it (behind Tornado/FlumeRide).



There is another new ride scheduled for next year, which is more of a family ride, but it's not announced yet...

There are a few other things that are going to get fixed up for the next season.

Liseberg are still planning on what they are going to do with that large piece of vacant land south of the park. It's stated that it will be more of a year around attraction. But that's all I know at the moment. There have been some proposals of making that area into a Water Park, but that is a bad idea since there are multiple public baths in Gothenburg with slides an all.

I keep you posted as I find more...

Link to Press release (Swedish)

Too bad with the accident in July, and the overall lowered attendance numbers, but it looks like they are doing fine still. Great with the Disk-O too, as TusenFryd won't copy anything from Liseberg, then we can rule out that option for 2009 here. By the way, Hang Hai is appearently Vietnamese and means "[to] hang two" (Google Translate). Is it random or intentional?

Just to taunt all the English-speaking members, I can say that that Swedish article you linked to was very interesting reading, and it sounds like the family attraction will be very good.

Now waiting for TusenFryd to release their 2009 plans... looks like they won't do it until a week before opening next season, as was the case this year.
^ I guess that you are not a big fan of the Disk'O then :--D

About that name, it's probably a play on "Hang High", but that it actually meant something in Vietnamese, then it's pretty cool.

The only thing that buggers me though is that this is the 5:th "swinging" ride in the park, do they really need that?
But this might mean that Kulingen (worst POS ever) might be going pretty soon, and that day when they are announcing that they are going to remove it, then I'll be celebrating.
Some pictures from a few days ago:


I hope that they will remove some of those branches.


One of the last time you will see this ride here.


Nice Kanonen shot.


They have already start to dig behind the ride.
So according by some of the rumors I have seen then Liseberg will remove 4!! rides for next season.

Rainbow (already been removed)
Tornado (to make room for Hang Hai)
Kulingen (YES FINALLY!!!!)
Cirkusexpressen (the 31 year old Zierer Tivoli Medium)

And except for the adding of Hang Hai, Liseberg will also replace Cirkusexpressen with a new Zierer Force Two coaster, so a nice update of the children area.

http://www.trips-n-pics.com/tips/coming ... 1#liseberg

Also heard some rumors that the new ride for 2010 will be something really special, wonder what that could be...
^Nice! So there are five new coasters in Sweden next year...

And as for 2010, that will be exciting. There are not many coasters of any kind in the Nordic countries, but we have one or two of almost everything. I am trying really hard to force the word "Eurofighter" out of my head, but it's not easy. I try to replace it with anything decent, but as we know so little, all that appears is a large, green question mark.
^ 4 coasters you mean?

Yeah 2010 would be awesome, but I can't really see where they will be able to fit another coaster, and as they have said is that to build a new coaster they have to remove an existing one (which they are doing now with the kiddy coasters). But said that, as they remove Kulingen (neutered inverting Space shuttle) they got a pretty big area to build some largish stuff in, but I'm pretty sure that a coaster would be out of the questing though (since it's up on the mountain). Even if an Eurofighter would be pretty neat.

It almost feels like they are doing a cleanup of old thrilling/high wear rides to update the park with newer stuff.
Update time!

Now that the Christmas season at Liseberg have opened, my brother got some pictures of the construction going on. He even got confirmation that Cirkus Expressen will be removed after Christmas to make room for the new unannounced coaster.


Tornado is gone!!


It's just hanging out by it's old location for now.


From inside the park.


Peaking over the fence.


Last few weeks for Cirkus Expressen.


Yay, construction marker!!


New Footer possibly.

Until next time my brother go to Liseberg.
Looks like Liseberg are moving in a good direction here then! Its very much an out-with-the-old and in-with-the-new scenario.

Replacing Circusexpressen with a Zierer Force Two sounds like a great idea, the newer Zierers are excellent family rides.

I'm glad to see Tornado and Kulingen go too, they were Liseberg's other two weak points in my opinion. A big Disk-O will be a popular addition i'm sure. Possibly not something that'd get me particularly excited, but its better than Tornado!
Instead of what used to be a large mound there is now a hole.



I guess that we have to wait until spring before we will see the good stuff.
News from yesterday


They have moved along pretty much since last time, I guess that they are soon pretty much done to start to add the steel.


They are also doing some work on Uppskjutet, which means that they have removed quite a bit of the tower.
It's official now!!

Cirkus Expressen is going next year, and will be replaced with: Rabalder!!


Manufacturer: Zierer (Tyskland).
Length: 222 meter.
Height: 9 meter.
Ride-Time: 90 seconds.
Passengers: 20 Persons.
Capacity: 450 people/hour.
Length limit: Above 1.1 meters alone, 0.9-1.1 meter with adult.

Source (Swedish)
^It means "racket" or "chaos". A pun on Balder, obviously.

And... I mean... wow...

In Norway, it would have been the fourth tallest coaster in the country, so by Scandinavian standards, it's actually awesome. 450 pph isn't going to raise many eyebrows, but I'm quite sure it won't draw a lot more than that even in the peak season.

On the other hand, this addition isn't the vastly expensivest out there, and with two junior and family rides next year, they both save money and have enough kiddie rides. So we could expect something big in 2010. Right?
[/optimistic teenage fanboy thinking]
Rayboulder? Flies lots, but can't keep steady - even on the brake run? Runs like a greased whippet?

^^ LOL!!

I got my hand's on a larger version of the image, and it looks like that the artist that created it have made a bit of a cockup.


Click picture for larger version.
Nah, the train is going to be put on backwards :lol:

It seems odd to replace the Zierer with essentially the same coaster???
Yeah that thing didn't seem too kanckered when I was there this year, and it even took a pretty hefty CF Fat train round in 2007, :S
I thought Circus Expressen had cute little scenery too. AND it is named after a Britney Album... kinda.

Eugh, I promised Ben i'd go to Liseberg with him if they built a new credit. *Books flights*. :p