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Kent, England | The London Resort | Entertainment Complex

Hmmm coveniently declares bankruptcy when creditors are chasing him for millions of pounds and a company he was previously a director of is being sued by Paramount..
*Waits for the next pointless "the dream isn't dead, we've secured the next round of funding" pledge post from the 'developers'.*

Gonna have to keep up the luxury lifestyle one way or the other. Gotta keep running those laundry cycles, if you know what I mean.
Even in it's final breaths - like the croaking, last-gasp, death-rattle of some slain mythical beast - in one final act of defiance this bloody project spits out the words "I could have been the UK's answer to Disneyland" One. Last. Time....

A major blow? As if selling the land is just a new hurdle or inconvenience that needs a workaround. Quick, whip up some more investors to buy a floating platform with acres of land.

Set to rival the fastest time you can boil blood and piss with continued updates.

Trying to find this funny but its hard.
I'm looking for a bookie to give me odds on the next buyer being the "London Peninsula Resort"
It sort of feels like there was a plague on UK theme parks since it was announced. A plague which has started to shrivel up in the last couple of years.

Maybe this nail in the coffin will lift the curse off the UK scene.