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Kent, England | The London Resort | Entertainment Complex

Like, if there isn't even a single coaster or ride on the docket for this project, does anyone even care anymore? 🤪
Yay so more years to come of people saying to me "ah you like theme parks, did you see they're building a Disneyland in England?" - "no it's not Disneyland, and they're not building it and probably never will".
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The clue is there in that letter of intention on the previous page:
"Circa £70 million has already been spent on the project".
There's always gonna be someone who doesn't want that gravy train to stop.
What does that mean exactly?

Is there any rare possibility it could actually come through at some point in some major form of itself or is this a still a complete farse?
Very little chance of us getting what we'd like.

But I would say that there is more chance of 'something' happening, due to the investors having more control... Very slim still, but more of a chance... Cinema De Lux and a Hollywood Bowl at least... 🙈😂

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised if the focus switches to retail and hospitality to be honest, with just a small amount of leisure thrown in for good measure. I know people have been saying that for years, tongue in cheek, but it seems like it may actually be the only way something is going to happen here.
70 million.

On track to be the worlds most expensive roller coaster. Screw you Rewind, Hagrids and Everest - we might get another wacky worm.
Maybe that's it. This whole park is a conceptual art project to provide the feeling of a roller coaster without ever building one.


Yes indeed, this thread celebrates its 10th birthday today.

And we still have a pile of mud next to the river. 🤣

Here's to the next 10 years! 🍻

oops missed this thread's birthday by 2 days....

11 years and counting.

(Edit:and apologies to anyone who clicked on this thread thinking there was anything new to report.... actually forget that, more fool you! ;) )
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I was initially screamed 'WHAT NOW' in my head while rushing to see what's been posted. Quickly realised was entirely my own fault and should have known better.

I hope that spider is flourishing.
I'm considering starting a similar thread on one of the music festival forums I frequent... Wondering if the 'London Sphere' will drag on for as long.

Sure they built the one in Vegas, so at least the company behind it aren't a bunch of jokers, but this is London. They've clearly NO IDEA just how long red tape, angry residents, and weird rare species you've never heard of can drag a project on for. 🙈 😂
I'm considering starting a similar thread on one of the music festival forums I frequent... Wondering if the 'London Sphere' will drag on for as long.

Sure they built the one in Vegas, so at least the company behind it aren't a bunch of jokers, but this is London. They've clearly NO IDEA just how long red tape, angry residents, and weird rare species you've never heard of can drag a project on for.

In London they will just need to open it under the guise of an American Candy Store. Be open in no time.
The Vegas sphere is an instant hit now but was way over budget and suffered long running doubts. Still needs to generate enough money to keep going and allowing the free spectacle tourists get. Its lucky they pulled it off. London will have its share of NIMBYS and the sightlines should intentionally be everywhere possible. I imagine a grasshopper will be endangered too.

That said, a London Sphere will happen before the London Resort. How about an hour glass shape so it doesn't disrupt the protected views of places like St Pauls?
Yup, there's a small car park near the Olympic Park, sandwiched between the UK's 4th biggest shopping centre and 5th busiest train station, both of which are often severely overcrowded. Perfect place for a massive arena coated in bright LED panels, surely? Still, at least there aren't any other big areas nearby! Can you imagine if there was already one only three stops away on the Jubilee Line?

oh. (2)