Lain said:
I'd hand it in. If I lost that much it's what I'd like whoever found it to do. Do unto others etc.
Of course if nobody claims it after however long the period is, I'd happily spend it frivolously.
I'm one of the few with Lain.
I've found £100, and I did that, handed it in to the police. It was claimed too (bastards).
And that was back when I was student and seriously could have done with the money. The fact is though, as a student, if I'd lost £100, I'd have been gutted, and to find somebody had handed it in would have been a Godsend.
I think it's also linked to my religious upbringing, being honest and all that is ingrained
[heartwarming story]
Madame_Furie was in town with my evil-sister-in-law and both babies (ESIL and mine), and found a briefcase lying on the ground next to a posh looking car. They'd seen a bloke wandering off from the car, so they chased him and asked if he'd left his briefcase. He had and was pretty mortified, as it had a laptop in it, mobile, PDA, the whole works. So he gave madame_furie £30 that was in the wallet in the case to buy some toys for the kids. He said that he'd have lost that and more if he'd not got the case back.
ESIL_Furie was already working out how much she could pawn the stuff for I think and probably felt jipped at only getting a share of 30 notes. Still, madame_furie got warm cockles and £15

[/heartwarming story]