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Harry Potter @ IOA Updates:

Do wht? i dnt undrstnd u?

Seriously use some decent grammar and spelling [/mod]

Why would it not be as successful as the original? Who do you think will lap this up? The people who matter more to the theme parks overall, the GP... They will love be able to 'experience' the world of Harry Potter...

And since Universal are doing it anyways, I have faith that it'll be an excellent looking area, however, the only real concern is when the fad fades away in the distant future, then Uni have a bit of a problem, much like what they've had previously (Earthquake, Jaws) but on a much larger scale...
They only have a 10 year licence from what I remember.

The building could easily be turned into something else if need be.
Another update about unknown ride!

Apparently, Universal are looking at a customised experience. Instead of 1 set program, you would be able to choose the settings of how fast or scary the ride is. This is actually the concept for the old Incredible dark ride, where you could choose the type. But this one will be able to adjust the encounters of the ride, so small creatures for a slow setting or monsters for a fast setting. Cool! They claim that robotics that can adjust a rider's position will play "a very big role, and are enabling things to happen that have never happened before,". So this pretty much locks in a Kuka ride... unless they go for a new company like this one- http://www.cantileveredcoaster.com/ Source- http://www.orlandosentinel.com/business ... 1195.story
That would be exiting. When the family goes to Orlando, we only go to Disney because of the lack of rides at Universal that my six year old brother can go on and this sounds promising.
Last year when the project was announced in late May I drew up what Harry Potter is roughly going to look like in MS Paint... The thing that I left out though was the new attraction which will be located to the bottom of Dueling Dragons in that employee lot...


Wow, that's pretty hardcore.

So I take it that Sinbad's 7th Voyage will be out of the picture as it would be then exiting into the streets of Hogesmead?


But thanks for the graphic Mike T, really helps put the idea to paper!
Assuming that the show building for the new ride is in that employee parking lot, where it can be seen while riding dueling dragons, I wonder if they will do anything to hide/theme it, other than a coat of green paint. Of course, industrial warehouses really do fit the Harry Potter theme. :)
Re: Harry Potter theme park planned

I cant wait to see this theme park! It will definitelt be well themed and layed out, and hopefully there will be a few good rides in there. The hogwarts express themed coaster sounds good :)
tarion896 said:
Assuming that the show building for the new ride is in that employee parking lot, where it can be seen while riding dueling dragons, I wonder if they will do anything to hide/theme it, other than a coat of green paint. Of course, industrial warehouses really do fit the Harry Potter theme. :)

Well what do you see now when you crest the lift of Dueling Dragons? You see the backstage area...

Plus the ride building is veers a bit left of the direction the lift travels. So as you crest the top, you'll pretty much be seeing a similar view as to what you see now.

By the way, foundation is being poured for the Hogwarts Castle and the new ride plot has been cleared and filled. There's a lot of action going on at the parks right now, and by this time next year, the entire resort is just going to look like a big construction zone.
Yeah right now the thoughts are to build a new temporary bridge from Mythos to the Jurassic Park, and have both Flying Unicorn and Dueling Dragons become a "Dead End" of sorts, since the conversion of the Enchanted Oak/ Sinbad area is going to be quite extensive. Don't expect the Dueling Dragons' conversion to take that long though. In fact if plans serve right, the Flying Unicorn will be down longer than Dueling Dragons will.
Rumors are now claiming that one ride there would be themed to the wizard bank, involving a wild ride through the underground vaults and a new show with the battle section in Goblet of Fire. However, there was one article which caught my eye. Universal may be auditioning for characters and actors for the park soon. Thre would be characers from the books, a 'wand instructer' telling people how to use their wands and possibly actors for small duels in the streets. Apparently, it would only be in certain spots and would involve SFX. So one spell could miss the target and cause an explosion nearby. Cool!
Source: http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/2008/ ... theme-park BTW this is only a rumor at the moment...
Ride descripshion

i dont know if this has been said but there is a link to a article that talks about a roller coaster that will be in the park. With construction now underway on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park, work begins on other facets relating to the theme park in Orlando, Florida. As such, we’ve gotten a new report today stating auditions are now, or will soon be, underway for actors to portray an assortment of magic related people, including characters from the Harry Potter novels. Word is that they “are casting all the major parts for the characters in the books,” in addition to others such as “a wand instructor for the kids. They basically show kids how to do wand magic tricks.” Others “will be traveling actors through the park playing the parts of wizards that come together in duels. They have specific spots in the park that this happens for special effects. For example, one wizard throws a spell at the other, the other reacts, does stunts and the places around, or behind them, bursts into flames or there is an explosion.”

Finally, in one very cool piece of news, reportedly “there is going to be a ride through Gringotts that is based on the rails through the bank. There will be a stage show that comes from Goblet of Fire of the scene in the grave yard where Harry fights Voldemort.”

As fantastic as this sounds, please keep this in the rumor category for now, until we can obtain further information on this. As announced previously, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is under construction at Universal Orlando, Florida, with the latest report stating a December, 2009 opening is planned.
^If you're going to copy and paste information from other sites, please provide a link, or at the very least let us know where the information came from. Otherwise, you're basically ripping off other people's work.
Re: Harry Potter theme park planned

All sounds a bit cheesy to me. The best coaster they can build would be a flying coaster where your on a broom
All these rumours of actors and duels sound amazing! Shows they're really putting in the effort, hopefully it'll be a great experience just walking around the new area.
im guessing some rides that'll feature will be a walk through forbidden forest with car simulator at the end and a inverted coaster called quidditch. just some ideas, i could really see this park taking off
at the end and a inverted coaster called quidditch.

As they already have Duelling Dragons, very higly unlikely.

i could really see this park taking off

It's already an established park, thats what annoys me, to the general public, its being introduced as a completly separate park, which is obviosly not true.