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Golden Ticket Awards 2013

I couldn't get a ballot for years, then I finally got two in a row.

This year? Nada.

It makes zero sense to me, but it's clearly an ACE-centric popularity contest.
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk served as host for this year's 2013 Golden Ticket Awards.
Best Seaside Park - Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
Phew, that's lucky! Imagine how embarrassing it would have been if the hosts walked away empty handed. I've never been to SCBB but I could name several other parks worthy of that title just by looking at photos.

Do they ever give reasons for the winners? Never mind, it's that annual time of year where we get a bit outraged and then realise that in the grand scheme of things, these awards mean nothing.
Intricks said:
At least there is some change happening in these (finally).

It is better this year, by a small amount.

I can't remember if the choices categories other than coasters are given. Chris, you've done it so know.

So is it "Top Ten coasters, give us your list" and then "Out of SCBB, One of the demolished Jersey Shore Piers and Margate (Defunct) - which is the best seaside park in your opinion"?

Or do you actually get to say "My favourite seaside park is...", "my favourite park beginning with a C, ending in Point and in Ohio is..."?
^^ Or how Dollywood hosted last year, and received "Best New Ride for 2012"? :wink:
I wouldn't say the host park HAS to win, remember the year Holiday World was the host.... and Voyage LOST best wood coaster to THUNDERHEAD!
LMAO, when they had to remove a HW Fanboy from the event because he was so upset! (Oh PAUL)

And for what its worth, non-US parks/rides/coasters are set to fail by default due to the wait voters are picked for GT. They have the US split into 4 or 5 voter areas.... All internationals are lumped into the last voter area. So like.. 1/5 of the votes... come from non-US based voters.
Do roller coasters that voters consider have to be ridden that year? Or can they consider their overall coaster count?
Hyde244 said:
Do roller coasters that voters consider have to be ridden that year? Or can they consider their overall coaster count?

If I remember right only coaster count matters, although they ask that you have been to a few parks within the voting year.
I'd also love to ride the SIX woodies that are better than Outlaw Run, they should all provide for one hell of an experience if they're that much better.
Not everybody has really ridden it this year, and considering how most ace memebers are body wise... ;)

Plus, they may have ridden it and thought it wasnt the greatest thing on earth. Cause ya know, opinions vary and not everybody has the same points all coasters must have in order to be a number 1 ride.

The same thing happened to Skyrush last year on both polls mainly used. My friend was outraged that it wasnt number 1.
Haven't ridden it, but it seems to generally be considered one of the more mediocre wing coasters. The Golden Tickets are BS anyway, Mitch Hawker will give a much more accurate representation of ride quality.
The top ten woodies don't look as messed up as top ten steel. It's cool to see different woodies take the #1 spot each year, unlike the top ten steel coasters.

It's also cool to see EGF take the #3 spot though. And I guessed that Gatekeeper and Gold Striker would appear on the top five best new list.

And if I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure that this is Cedar Point's 16th consecutive year winning best park. :p

Interested to see how the Mitch Hawker Poll turns out.
Hobbes said:
Mitch Hawker will give a much more accurate representation of ride quality.
This. And because every enthusiast can vote (I've never voted btw...) so it's a fairer representation of what's good.
The Golden Tickets give an unfair advantage to coasters at major American parks. Mitch Hawker gives an unfair advantage to obscure coasters at little-visited international parks. The Golden Tickets are heavily influenced by ACE and Mitch Hawker is heavily influenced by TPR.
Mitch Hawker may be more accurate on the whole, but that's really not saying much.
^Mitch Hawker definitely isn't perfect, but at least it actually includes more than 5 or 6 non-USA coasters, which is much more than can be said for the Golden Tickets.

Sanchezmran said:
The top ten woodies don't look as messed up as top ten steel. It's cool to see different woodies take the #1 spot each year, unlike the top ten steel coasters.
I'll agree that the woodies are less controversial, but didn't voyage win for like 5 years in a row or something? That's not as bad as MForce, but still...
I actually like that both polls come up with different results. I think it's a good way to get contrasting opinions on various rides. That helps me decide what I should spend money to travel to.