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GhosterForce 2017 - 13-15 Oct - Movie, Heide, Hansa


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Three days at three top German parks!

The trip kicks off at Movie Park Germany, where seven creds await us including the new, amazing-looking Star Trek: Operation Enterprise! It's also the time of their Halloween Horror Fest event so expect some spooky stuff!

On day two we'll be visiting Heide Park where most of you will be crying that Colossus isn't open. Don't let that put you off because since CF last visited, there are two new creds and and the new Ghosbusters 5D dark ride to enjoy!

The final day of GhosterForce sees us at Hansa Park which has arguably the world's best Eurofighter - Fluch von Nogorod! If that's not enough to excite you, the other six coasters might such as Karnan! There's also a flat ride that is shaped like a bell! On the day of our visit, the park is open until 9pm and has a light parade and fireworks!

Details about the meet up times and locations will appear in this topic closer to the event. In the meantime, please use this topic to start arranging your transport to/from the parks and accommodation! I will organise entry tickets for the three parks, with more details about that soon! If you are attending, please post in this topic so I can keep track of the numbers. If you have spare space in your car, let us know as I'm sure people will be happy to help spread the cost.
It think it's a better choice to keep travel arrangements and accommodation to everyone else. I assume we'll end up most likely in the same place anyway for convenience. :)
Looking forward to this!
Conor and I will be there!

Here's a quick overview of what we'll be doing:
- Fly out Thursday night and stay somewhere nearby
- Hit up Schloss Beck in the morning before Movie Park Germany
- Stay somewhere near Bielefeld on the Friday night (about 90 mins from Movie Park towards Heide) (it'll be a late finish with the Halloween event so don't want a huge drive after as it's not fair on Conor)
- early start on the Saturday to do the rest of the drive to Heide Park
- stay at the Heide Park Resort Hotel on the Saturday night

We'll be heading on to Berlin after the live so will leave you guys at Hansa.
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I'll be going too!, my plan:

Fly out Thursday, might do efteling (symbolica <3)
stay in Oberhausen, so I can get a train straight to MP on Friday morning.
After hansa - Go to Copenhagen for Tivoli. (was thinking about bakken, but it looks like they're closed then!)
Me and @Ian discussed a rough plan yesterday that invloved bunging Phantasialand in on the thursday, not too sure if we'll be adding anything on after Hansa but will have a few spaces in the car if anyone fancies the above!
Yess I will be coming to this and want to make a week or so of it. Haven't booked anything yet or really looked into it, but I was planning on doing something like:
Wednesday - Fly into Cologne, culture
Thursday - Phantasialand
Friday - Sunday - The main live
Monday - Culture in Hamburg (The miniature model place probably)
Fly home Monday evening or Tuesday, depending on flight times/prices.
If anyone wants to come along with any of the extra plans, more than welcome :). @Chris Brown deffo interested in a car space for Phantasia and the main live. I'll public transport it around the 2 cities probably.
I now only have one space left in my car (along with Chris, Jordan and Conor). Ideally I want somebody who is doing Phantasia on Thursday, the Live and then ending after Hansa to make the cost splitting easier.
I now only have one space left in my car (along with Chris, Jordan and Conor). Ideally I want somebody who is doing Phantasia on Thursday, the Live and then ending after Hansa to make the cost splitting easier.
Would you mind if I was taking that spot then? I defo want to go back to PHL before Ghosterforce.
Sure, no problem! I've yet to book anything but will do at the end of the month when I get paid. I'll let you know my plans.
I'm thinking about doing sumat slightly different cos... y'know, I'm awkward like that. Might start on the Monday or Tuesday by flying into Amsterdam, getting a bit wasted, picking up a few 'supplies' for the trip, and then doing a day each at Efteling and Toverland before meeting up with the Phantasialand crew on Thursday. After Movie Park though I'll more than likely sod off home cos I did Heide Park and Hansa Park last year.
Just like everybody else though, I ain't booked nothin yet.
Ok then Howie - Who's just booked their flights for this?

I've no idea what the answer will be!

Only kidding - were you just joining us for movie park then?
^Me! That's who. I've just booked my flights for this. Yes, me! Thanks for asking :)

I'll be with y'all for Phantasialand (those of you who are adding it on, which will be everyone) and Movie Park, yah. Before that, doing Efteling & Toverland and after that I'm going to back to Holland for Walibi.
See, last year's Ghosterforce looked sooo good, and I was so gutted I couldn't go, I'm just kinda doing that one instead.
Am currently looking at prices and hotels around each park, but I'm somewhat confused by the Hansa-Park hotel website (despite it being in German). Am I correct in thinking the park doesn't have an actual hotel, but rather little huts close the sea? Because if that is the case, their website states that you need a minimum stay of 4 days to book any during the Live. :O
^ It does say the 'resort huts' are minimum 3 night stay, or 2 nights at a push upon request.
They don't have an actual hotel, they just link you to a third party German hotel searcher.
Site also offers 'youth camps' and 'youth hostels', but I don't do peasant stuff so can't advise on those.

I recommend looking for a cheap hotel slightly further out, like in Lübeck.