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Monday 6th April: Day Four, Movie Park Germany
The one and only day all nine of us would be visiting a park.
We were up and checked out of the hotel early. I went with Jordan and Conor in their hire care. I had worn shorts but the weather when we arrived at Move Park was awful, cold and drizzly so I took no shame in getting changed into some jeans in the back of the car.
Nic and Peep soon arrived and, of course, we had to wait around for car of Sue to arrive. We couldn't go in because Stone Cold had mine, Nic's and Peep's tickets.
There weren't too many people milling around, hopefully the weather had put many people off bothering.
Soon Sue and her clan arrived and we were in!
Looking back at these photos, the weather does make the place look quite bleak whereas, in reality, it was reasonably a-ok.
We went straight for the new last year (I think it was last year), the Lost Temple but, as it was at the front of the park, it had quite a hefty queue so we gave up on that idea and went in search for credzzz.
We made our way over to Van Helsing. I'll chuck some photos of the park here.
From first impressions, I really liked the look and feel of this park, and the weather wasn't letting that down for me. I can imagine it'd be a great park in the sun.
Nic's expression perfectly represented the weather.
We finally arrived at the first cred of the day, Van Helsing's Factory, a Gerstlauer bobsled coaster.
In the queue line was a rather attractive mechanic telling us about the ride. Basically it is themed to Abraham Van Helsing from the film Dracula. The coaster takes you round the factory where Van Helsing prepares his cars for vampire hunting. Excuse the blurriness but here are the cars.
I really enjoyed it. There's plenty of speed, whizzing around various things in the factory, under things, over things, past things, it's great. Suddenly everything goes dark and you whizz around a little more and finish...clearly they ran out of funding and the theming suffered. Shame it had to be like this because the rest of the coaster experience was quite good to be honest.
On the exit was a long hallway. Suddenly something fell from the ceiling. I shat myself and jumped half a mile in the air...much to the pleasure of Jordan and Conor who were waiting to see my reaction. **** hell.
Next we headed over to the Santa Monica Pier area. As the name would suggest, it's themed to a coastal fair and pier area in America. If it's specific to a certain state, as I know they have their own 'culture' as it were, someone else will have to say because I've only been to Florida, a commercial part, I've never seen the 'real' America
I didn't realise they had a Zamperla Disk'O (such creds). We made our way over to Bandit which Stone Cold had said was awful.
There was basically no queue, only in the ride station. I decided middle would probably be less rough. We could see the coaster go around through the entrance to the station, my god did it look rough!
I had the pleasure of being sat with least we were both quite wedged in together meaning we couldn't really move around
Looking forward to the cred...
I was actually pleasantly surprised. It wasn't the most comfortable coaster in the world (duhhh) but it was actually reasonably pleasant, plenty of speed and not too rough, it vibrated which I actually quite enjoy... I loved how the coaster track dived under itself. It's good fun!
Next up, MP Xpress, a Vekoma SLC...yayyy. I've only ridden one, Infusion at Blackpool and I don't remember it being that bad. But this one? This one was f**king s**t.
Those cushions on the restraints were much needed.
It's just awful. Rough, uncomfortable, and just generally ****. It has ranked as my least favourite steel coaster so there's something. Awful thing. Moving on...
Peep and I (and someone else I think? I forget who, worry

) rode the drop tower.
Thoroughly enjoyable, I don't like drop towers but love them at the same time, the build up is awful, the feeling of falling is fantastic, hence why I ride them. This packed quite a punch with its fall too. Great fun.
Next up, Time Riders.
We saw that it had John Cleese in it so it'd be rude not to ride!
John Cleese introduced the ride, he spoke in German...I don't care what you say, he was speaking German, it wasn't dubbed, that was his voice and the way he speaks. Much fabness <3
We then filed into a room (I think there was an elevator first) deep underground inside a cave with the time machine.
Some lights flash, some mist happens and a few bangs. Can't remember much else. You then enter a simulator, i.e. the 'time machine' and you travel back in time. First to the Ice Age with a Wolly Mammoth beating us up. Then we travel further back in time to the (I assume) Jurassic, yay dinosaurs. After that I can't really remember what happens, I think we travelled ahead of time to some futuristic city with things shooting at us. Anyway, it was great fun, and realllllly **** violent, like really violent. Really thrown around, it was excellent fun!
We next had some lunch, we watched some **** (new for this year) show, 'Break the Rules'.
They were singing some song from High School Musical which meant we promptly moved on for some food. There was a Subway which I wish I had gone to but decided to go for **** theme park food.
It was alright, but a Subway would have been nicer.
I found a Minion.
And I bought a chocolate strawberry skewer for some extortionate amount of euros.
No way was Jordan eating it.
After lunch, more creds beckoned so we headed over to Nick Land.
Themed to Nickelodeon ****...obviously.
First up, Mission to Mars.
A Backyardigans themed junior coaster by Vekoma.
I rode back with Stone Cold...that was a squeeze haha. The coaster was alright, a plus one all the same though.
Next up, Ghost Chasers, a Mack Wilde Maus.
It was alright, nothing much to say. Quite good fun but nothing special. Another plus one.
Next up was the last cred of the day, Jimmy Neutron's Atomic Flyer, a Vekoma suspended family coaster.
I've ridden Freedom Flyer at Fun Spot America and Flying School at Legoland Florida and they're pretty harmless coasters, tamer but much more enjoyable than they're bigger brothers, the SLCs. I love the restrains and how much space you have in them. Yup, good fun.
That was all the creds. It was time for a couple more character points.
Some more of Nick Land for you.
Next up, we went on the Ice Age Adventure.
It was a boat ride through many scary animatronics...which were very dusty. One thing I really liked was, as in the films, all along the walls a huge crack formed because of Scrat, it was all lit up and worked excellently. Loved this aspect. There are various other references to the first couple of movies, it's good fun but in need of a good clean, it appears to be left and forgotten.
Next up, Mystery River, an indoor rapids ride.
It's soooo good! The surprise of the day. The rapids themselves are quite calm but the theming is exceptional. So immersive and detailed. We went round and rode again immediately. As a rapids themselves, they're a bit meh, but the setting and theming is excellent. Loved it. I wish I'd taken photos but it was a I obviously didn't ride with my camera.
We'd ridden most things over this side of the park so thought we'd make our way back over to the Lost Temple. One the way we had the pleasure of seeing the parade.
Ploddish was scared bless him.
Stone Cold and Peep were happy because they found ice cream.
But we made it to The Lost Temple.
The queue line was well themed.
It was basically a glorified simulator. You sit in a safari truck thing and drive into a cinema with surrounding screens. Some dinosaurs are there, loud sounds before reversing back to the station. It was disappointing, it could have been so much better. As the safari truck had a roof you couldn't really see the screens and if you were on the edge you could see the floor and the ceiling, so ruins the whole feeling. There was no fire and water, I felt they could have made this so much better. Really disappointing. At least they had a huge dinosaur animatronic at the exit.
Next we rode Alien Encounter, according to Wikipedia it's an Intamin Spillwater? Whatever one of those will do. Its basically a shoot the chute though, with a dark boat ride aspect at the start.
From what I remember it is basically a story of how all the missing boats and planes and stuff from The Bermuda Triangle were taken by aliens and brought here, to the inside of this volcano. It was good fun. I was pleasantly surprised that we didn't get soaked on the drop either. It was good fun!
We'd done pretty much everything we wanted to by now. I think we headed over to Van Helsing's Factory to ride that again but we didn't want to be too much longer because there was another cred to get!
I really quite liked Movie Park Germany. I'd heard mostly bad things about the place but was pleasantly surprised. There's some really good theming and not a bad selection of rides, Van Helsing's Factory and Mystery River being the highlights. Had a really good time here and the weather didn't dampen our spirits.
We got back in the cars and drove over to Schloss Beck, a **** hole theme park basically in Movie Park's car park. None of us wanted to pay €11 to enter this obvious pile of s**te but credz be credz.
We got to the entrance ready to pay €11 each. But we were refused entry. They park still had another hour to go until close, the woman explained she had no tickets left. There were 7 of us who wanted the cred, in, ride the thing and leave, she effectively turned down €77 at the end of the day. We tried to get her to go and get a manager because CRED but it was no good. I even tried persuading her with my German...fat lot of use that did

. Disappointed we had to walk away. I have added the place to TripAdvisor and given it one star because we were not happy. Ugh, spite.
They days events did not end there though. It was time to embark on a 'mystery tour', I think I was the only one who didn't know where we were going and for that reason, everyone found it hilarious to not bother telling me.
Eventually we arrived at the Tiger and Turtle Magic Mountain.
It's an art installation in Duisburg. You walk around it and get some 'great' views of the local area. (I put 'great' views in inverted commas for a reason that'll soon become apparent). There was quite a walk up to the thing. Sue and I, being geologists, took the rocky route.
We soon embarked on the climb.
Selfie time, perfectly portraying why Sue is both burdenous and mysterious.
Have a few pictures and selfies.
Oh and those beautiful views I mentioned...
Yup, an industrial estate and a housing estate. Great. I think the whole thing is great, really good fun, but I can't help but feel it should have been placed in a much better locality...realistically there is just nothing to see so it all seems rather pointless, but for a free attraction it is really great fun, I'm glad we went, if you're in the area, go check it out. I loved how it wobbles too. Such fun!
In case you're interested:
We made our way back down to the cars. We said goodbye to Peep and Nic as they were flying back to England that night and the rest of us made our way to our hotel in nearby Cologne. I was with Jordan and Conor in the car and arrived quite promptly. Over an hour later the others in Sue's car arrived, oh Sue xD
When they finally did arrive we headed off to the Hard Rock Cafe Cologne.
We passed another travelling fair, more cred possibility, eeeep.
When we arrived at the Hard Rock Cafe we were told that the gas was down, meaning most of the items were off the menu, but we stayed anyway. Conor and I shared nachos for starter.
And a chicken caesar salad for main. It was very nice and surprisingly quite thrilling.
And I had a beautiful fruity drink.
We then made our way over to the travelling fair in the hope of creds....but it was shut by the time we got there :/
We went straight back to the hotel instead, and basically straight to bed.
Thank you very much for reading once again, day five at Phantasialand up soon, (eeeeep).