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Game of Thrones

furie said:
Do you not find that Dany is just "treading water" anyway, waiting for the rest of the world to get it's **** sorted before she can go "DRAGONS!!!!"

I've found her stories just became a bit bland and nothingy. Though still better than the simpering wet cow she's sometimes portrayed as in the TV series.

She is one of the characters that you want to win, but seem to be stuck. Before the 4th/5th book my guess was she was the second coming of Az Ashoir (sp), and was going to be the spearhead of the war vs the Others. Now, I am not sure if she is ever going to be the leader she seemed destined to be during GoT.

I am now convinced it is Jon Snow. But by the end of the 5th book there is like 5 or 6 people it "could" be. There is a very popular theory amongst the fans in regards to Jon. I dont want to post it here as it contains super
. Possibly.
Agreed, but by the end of the books, everything was in such flux it could mean anything. I do like the fact there's story arc that is much bigger than the games the characters are playing amongst themselves, and that it's rarely mentioned. Though with just two books left, he needs to really start getting into the flesh of that, it's not just Dany sitting on her arse waiting for stuff to happen, I am too ;)
Yeah, the two main theories I like are below. Spoiler tags!

Jon isn't actually Ned's son. He's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. There is a tonne of evidence for this, and it's all but confirmed I think. I reckon Jon won't be dead/will somehow be revived by Melisandre, and then he and Dany will kick ass together.

The other is that Young Griff, AKA Aegon isn't actually Aegon but a Blackfyre pretender. Varys and Illyrio are trying to get him on the throne because they are Blackfyre loyalists.
^ Interesting, when you hit quote it shows the spoilers.

I am firmly in the camp of your first "spoiler", as evidence from my "signature" on my first post in this thread. I think a song of Ice and Fire literally represents said characters lineage.

I am pretty up-to-date on theories, and had never heard your 2nd one before. It is interesting. I guess we will find out said characters true background over the next 2 books.
Lain said:
Jon isn't actually Ned's son. He's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. There is a tonne of evidence for this, and it's all but confirmed I think. I reckon Jon won't be dead/will somehow be revived by Melisandre, and then he and Dany will kick ass together.
Agreed on the first part and that Jon will survive his stabbing but I can see Dany and Jon ending up fighting each other as opposed to together. GRRM has oft stated he likes his writing unpredictable and pitting two of the fan favourites against each other would be an interesting revelation.

The character I'm really interested in for the next book (if we actually get it that is) is Sansa. Who is clearly learning to play the game well and I think we could see something shocking coming from her character in the next volume.

Concerning the show, I have to say the reaction towards the you-know-what was even more hilarious and entertaining than I anticipated. I've felt a bit letdown by the show in the past (particularly Season 2, with the exception of the "Blackwater" episode) but the show really bounced back in the third season. Seeing as Season 3 is essentially entirely the set up for Season 4 my expectations for next year are unbelievable high! :--D
So still fighting through A Feast for Crows, feeling like it will never end. I swear if I read one more Cersi or Jaime chapter, my head will explode. I despise the character of Cersi so much, Jaime not as much and knowing how the books were split just makes it worse. Same with the iron islands characters, keep getting them confused because each has several names for same person it seems so I have to go back to figure out who it is or look online if I don't wanna skim back, and then I get hit with spoilers.

Probably 2/3 way through and I'm going half the rate I did for last book. Hope to finish by Thursday so I can start next one while traveling. Of all the characters not to be killed at this point Cersi pisses me off the most.
So A Dance of Dragons is already SO MUCH better than A Feast for Crows. About 300 pages in and I've gotten upset again a few times. Only problem so far is where in time everything is happening. I know the books are supposed to happen at the same time, but I could have sworn this one picks up with the other characters at some point.

One thing that really pissed me off so far is (spoiler)
Aegon Targaryean? Really? Martin has been setting up for Dany to take over from the beginning basically, so him introducing "Young Griff" kinda pissed me off. I've heard the theory that Jon Snow is also a Targaryean, which doesn't bother me, but this random person who just shows up? Not a fan. Also, at least where I am, Dany has totally lost it and isn't as awesome as she had been up until now. I love Littlefinger and how he is playing the game. So happy to be done with all the Cersi chapters from aFfC. She is awful.

Had to dump that somewhere before I ruin everything for all my friends who are too lazy to read.
Yeah, I don't know how much of it is just red herrings. I think I finished A Dance with Dragons with mixed feelings. It was much better than Crows, but I did feel that there was so much being added for the sake of it. It's getting huge and complex and dragging on. The "guts" of the story is excellent, but I feel it's being pushed too far. That's why the TV show is better, it takes out a lot of the complexity that bogs the books down without ruining the overall story.
tomahawKSU said:
One thing that really pissed me off so far is (spoiler)
Aegon Targaryean? Really? Martin has been setting up for Dany to take over from the beginning basically, so him introducing "Young Griff" kinda pissed me off. I've heard the theory that Jon Snow is also a Targaryean, which doesn't bother me, but this random person who just shows up? Not a fan. Also, at least where I am, Dany has totally lost it and isn't as awesome as she had been up until now. I love Littlefinger and how he is playing the game. So happy to be done with all the Cersi chapters from aFfC. She is awful.

Young Griff isn't actually a Targ. He's an imposter; a Blackfyre who Varys and Illyrio are plotting to put on the throne because they're Blackfyre loyalists, and possibly other reasons.

I'm not sure if Jon Connington knows about this or whether he believes the kid truly is Aegon.

Err, maybe. xD
Re: Game of Thronesj

So I just finished Dance with Dragons. It just ended, there wasn't anything that makes it feel separated from just being a break in chapters. Quite weird with so many battles basically happening he just stops. Irritating. Can't believe how some of the things happened, especially after knowing that they happen, but now how. I wish there was a release date for book 6, now to search the internet for theories and hopefully leaked chapter.
There are a couple of new chapters on the internet kicking about, but they just carry on a little and don't really reveal much.

I think it's exciting knowing there's so much to come, but I'm worried that the final two books will turn into a final four books and drag again :(
I'm loving Storm of Swords, it's my favourite book so far.

Really need to make the effort to get through them all...
I'm really enjoying Feast of Crows now I'm bothering to read it and omg new episode todayyyy.
Sky Atlantic show it at 2am on Monday so it's on at the same time as the US so you don't have to wait! <3

So much dragon in ep 1 <3
Yeah, I work on Mondays so the 2am thing wasn't going to happen ;)

It did mean it was On Demand early though, and yayyy, it was so good.

I really can't wait for some things this season, especially
Joffery getting what's coming to him, the sniveling little twit

I still hate how in that one scene it was like, naked lady, naked lady, ahhhh the man's not going to get naked. Far too many boobies.