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Game of Thrones

gavin said:
It just all felt a bit "filler" though.

Book 4 (the fifth book :roll: ) is ALL filler so far (just over halfway).
Though with the entire main character list dead by this point, Martin's had to start over again and spends the first 200 pages introducing new characters or making lesser characters major characters. Lots of people going from one place to another to meet somebody who may or may not be important in the future

I absolutely hammered my way through the third book (books three and four :roll: ), so I think you'll probably find it similar. They're both really good once they get going. The first half of the two books are like the series though, wander, wander, chat, chat, wander, chat, chat and wander, OMFG, wander and chat.

The second book I found a bit of a chore and it took me ages to work through it. It was good though as it was just different enough from the series to keep it interesting - though obviously the outcomes are all the same. I don't know why I found it a chore, probably:
Ben said:
Although there's not enough Daenerys in the books <//3
Yeah, not going to bother with the books. I've just got sooooooooooooo much to read as it is already.

I think it's the blessing and the curse of the Kindle; I've now got way more "books" than I'm ever going to be able to read (including A Song of Ice and Fire) and just keep adding more to the collection.
i like HBO and i especially like the dragon mother, so i got a picture of her in my case, it is nice and cool!
That's a lot of effort for a spambot ;)

It did remind me to come in here though and be smug about the fact I'm now utterly superior for having read all the books :P

It's a bit of a chore to be honest. I'm sure that it's great for lots of depth and that extending the characters and world is brilliant - but the TV series is kind of better.

The books have so much wandering about and faff it's unreal. There are loads of extraneous characters that are kind of important, but the TV series just writes them off. So like a 100 pages in the book vanishes in the show and the story loses nothing for it. A couple of things are a bit annoying if you think about them, but if you're ignorant, then it's okay.

So yeah, the TV show is actually better than the books as it "does stuff faster". The guts of the story are there and it works better. Though some story threads are really great even with the faff, but overall - TV all the way.

Though if you're like me and need to know how things turn out, then the books are the way forward. I don't think much more has happened in the books though from where series three ended :lol:
Re: RE: Game of Thrones

I'm about halfway done with book 3, and its only like a little more than half into the season. I like all the filler crap though as of now.. Its definitely not a simple read since its so wordy. Can only read about color of the sky at night for so long.
I thought it was pretty basic stuff actually :lol: It's not particularly verbose in my opinion, it just gets on with explaining who's doing what.

Pretty standard fantasy fair to be honest.

Is that book 3 part 2 then? :lol: It's really good right up until the end, and then the last chapters are superb. Loved that book and couldn't wait to inhale book four... Oh, what a disappointment...
It just drags on, and since I watched 90% of what happened so far. I just keep picturing the scenes in my head.

I guess I'm nearing part 2? Not as far as thought (stupid **** e-books, I need the feel of a book in my hands) about page 500 of 1267 or whatever it is, but I've gotten through 200 pages in 2 days.

Definitely get a different vibe from some characters. Love how the books allows you into Jon Snow's head while heading to the wall, something the show couldn't do and one of the main reasons I wanted to read. That character is one of my favorites.
I think Series three ends at about 75% of the "double" book three on the Kindle version. So about halfway through book three part two :lol:

I really like the Jon Snow stuff too and Arya as well. Tyrion of course as well. It's excellent getting a more personal perspective of what's going on with them and I think they have the most interesting story lines. It's certainly those three that have kept me going through the books :)
So have about 200 pages left in A Storm of Swords and this is how it has gone past 2 nights:

-Finish chapter, finally caught up with the show. So much more graphic and amazing the events that happen with it.
-Few chapters later, slam tablet down out of disgust, "I'm **** done with this ****"
-Pick it back up 5 minutes later, few pages later, WHAT THE **** THAT'S HOW IT HAPPENS!!!

I had a spoiler when looking at the books on amazon, I was shocked with the way it came. Just blew my mind.
I loved it, then book four happened...

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Book 4 isn't good?

Just read that book 6 will be out sometime next year. That's depressing since that means book 7 will be, what, 2019? They might have to make the rest of the books 2 seasons to match the speed of Martin's writing.
Finished Storm of Swords and loved the end, past two weeks I've been forcing myself to try and get into Feast for Crows, and when it's the recurring characters, it flies, then back to the new povs and it's just a bit painful. About 1/4 way through so hopefully they get better, but dragging.
Yep, Storm of Swords is fantastic and ends really well. Feast for Crows continues like that all the way through.

It picks up a little towards the end though. The last two books are more like Storm of Swords, but sadly not quite as good. They contain some great Imp moments :)
tomahawKSU said:
So I started watching the show about two months ago at season 1 and am current with where the show is, and I absolutely love it. I know a lot of people who watch the show read the books it's based off of, so my question is, if I were to start reading, should I start with book 1, or book 3? I know season's 1 and 2 were off the first two books, and this one was the first half or so of book three, so just trying to figure out if there are conflicting stories from the show to the book and stuff.

Daenerys <3

Personally I would start with 1, but you could get away with starting from #2. Book 1 follows the plot about as closely as I have seen between a book and a tvshow/movie. Book 2 is where the show really started to deveiate.

I have not seen the third season, but from what I have heard they have gon off the reservation in some places.

tomahawKSU said:
Book 4 isn't good?

Just read that book 6 will be out sometime next year. That's depressing since that means book 7 will be, what, 2019? They might have to make the rest of the books 2 seasons to match the speed of Martin's writing.

Disregard my previous post I guess.

Book 4 is good. The problem is Book 4 and 5 were meant to be 1 book, but had to be split because of length.

Instead of doing what most would do and finding a middle point, GRRM cut it up geographically. So the 4th book has a bunch of characters missing, like Dany, and Tyrion, and maybe Arya? I forgot now its been a while, I just know that you go a whole book w/o 2 or 3 of the biggest characters.

Also...HAHA on book 6 coming out next year. Look at his publish dates. He went 5 years between 3 and 4, and 6 between 4 and 5. GRRM has gone on record saying he is a troll, and the more people rush him the slower he writes. If this was the ACT, my guess would be book 6 comes out in 2018 and book 7 in 2026.
Lol. I knew Dany wasn't in 4, that's why I really wasn't looking forward to it, but if Tyrion isn't in it then I'm really bummed. I read to help fall asleep and since I have just passed out the past 2 weeks or so from just exhaustion, really haven't been able to get in.

He has an HBO series that he has barking at his ass, so he needs to go as fast as he can, he can't afford to let it get caught up.
tomahawKSU said:
Lol. I knew Dany wasn't in 4, that's why I really wasn't looking forward to it, but if Tyrion isn't in it then I'm really bummed. I read to help fall asleep and since I have just passed out the past 2 weeks or so from just exhaustion, really haven't been able to get in.

He has an HBO series that he has barking at his ass, so he needs to go as fast as he can, he can't afford to let it get caught up.

HBO will either draw it out or go in their own direction.

It is not Arya, it is Jon Snow. An entire book with no POV of Dany, Tyrion, or Jon Snow.
Do you not find that Dany is just "treading water" anyway, waiting for the rest of the world to get it's **** sorted before she can go "DRAGONS!!!!"

I've found her stories just became a bit bland and nothingy. Though still better than the simpering wet cow she's sometimes portrayed as in the TV series.