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Fussy Eaters

Do you class yourself as a fussy eater?

  • Very fussy

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  • Bit fussy, but not that bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll try anything once, and eat it again

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  • I'll eat anything

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  • I don't know

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Giga Poster
Recently, i have been called the most fussist eater that a lot of people have met, due to me hating a lot of ****ty foods such as pasta and take aways, But more of a healthy person.

So what about you then, do you think your a fussy eater or will you just eat anything.
I will eat most foods, but can be a bit fussy at times.

I eat too much thats one thing though...
I'd say I am a fussy eater, because I don't like chocolate (except maltesers), ice-cream or cake in any shape or form.
I don't like spicy foods, so thats a lot of takeaways out of the window.
I only really like plain pizza.
I don't like most fruit or veg. I keep things simple really.
So yeah you could call me a fussy eater. :roll:

I'll eat anything, within reason.

Now Charlie (girlfriend), on the other hand, is totally the opposite. She has everything plain and boring. ALL she will ever have from McD's/BK is a Chicken Sandwich/Royal, thats it! She never tries anything new. She's never had an Indian, yet she says she doesn't like them! All she'll have from a Chinses is the English Chicken and Chips dish!

Makes me SO angry!
LOL! When I first saw this topic title I mistook the "F" in "Fussy" for a "P"! Hence my reading of the topic!

I'm pretty much an eat any food kinda person. Fussy eaters annoy me sometimes, but the girlfriend can be one sometimes which may be the real reason for that annoyance! :lol:
I'm pretty fussy really, but not to the extent where it's impossible to feed me. I don't like sauces on foods overly. Ketchup, Mayo and mustard especially and eating things with them on makes me feel ill. In fact just the thought of eating ketchup makes me wretch!

So sloppy things are often something I'll not even try.

However, I'll give most "solid" things a go at least once.

Unlike Minor_Furie who is incredibly fussy and near impossible to feed. He's getting a bit better, but it's still a real struggle. He wont eat red meat at all, in any form other than chilli-con-carnie, and only then if he can leave most of the meat. He will only eat fish in the form of certain fish fingers, and chicken has to be just right, but generally only if it's in breadcrumbs.

Oddly though, he loved Cauliflower and Broccoli and Carrots. Rice, Noodles and Pasta are stuff he loves too. So if he can get those things, then he's happy. It's just protein that's a worry.

Maxi-Minor_Furie will try anything you put in front of him, and he'll eat 80% of it. :)
Emmmerrrr said:
I don't like spicy foods, so thats a lot of takeaways out of the window.
I only really like plain pizza.

I am exactly the same, any spicy foods go out the window. Currys are foul and so are all the take aways like Chinese, Thai and Indian.

Pizza's i am the same, cheese and tomato and one with ham and pineapple are the only ones i can eat.

Fast food like McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Subway and any others can **** off from my money.
The stuff fills me up to quickly, i can only barely have KFC.

I deteste fish in every way shape of form, the smell is foul, they taste foul.
I prefer white meat to red and only like Ham as red meat. Sausages are ok as well, depending on what the filling is.

Nuts are disgusting, can't eat them. Don't like hot drinks at all.

Not a one for pasta of any sort, tis disgusting. Don't like noodles that much, only chicken and mushroom pot noodles. Wont have any other soups apart from chicken and vegeatble.

I love fruit and vegetables, they are so the best food ever made.
I will eat the junk though like Chocolate, chips, crisps things like that.

I will not try new foods, only if they look nice.
I hate all sauces as well, they can kiss my arse if they think i'm eating them.

Now how fussy is that!
I'm a very fussy eater. I don't eat fast food, but I don't eat really healthy food either. The thing is though I tend to get put off just by the look of the food, even before I have eaten some.
I'll happily eat fast food. I eat pretty unhealthily to be honest.
McDonalds, Burger King are fine, KFC I'm not too fussed on though. I will eat it but I'd rather not.

Subway, mmmm. :)
Only one certain type though, I'd probably like others but don't want to try them.
I like most meats (though I probably wouldn't eat rabbit/duck/horse/any other weird meat), so nothing wrong with me there.

The only vegetable I like are Cucumber, Carrot, occasionally Green Beans and Tomatoes.

I like some fruit, but not all. For example, I like Water Melon but not normal Melon.

The only crisps I eat are salt & vinegar, unless it's Hula Hoops which I'll eat ready salted, Skips where I eat prawn cocktail and Monster much where I'll eat the purple packet flavour.

I like most Ice Cream and Lollies.

I'll only eat Bread if it has been toasted, but not toasted too much.

I'll only eat toast/crackers/Rivitas if they've got Marmite on.

I'll only eat Rice or Pasta if it's totally plain.

I dislike everything else.
I'm not fussy at all. I'll try anything once, whatever it may be, but obviously if, if I don''t like it, I won't have it again.

There're only a couple of things I've tried and disliked though.
I am a bit fussy - but when its not my choice, or its not my house, I'll eat anything.

Raw tomatoes and mushrooms.. those are my main dislikes.
I hate vegtables, all of them. I normaly go for burgers, Mc D's, KFC, crisps, choclate. They do me fine and I live better than most people I know.
I will eat anything- But one thing i really hate is olives.
Apart from a few select really dirty things..... like smash or vegetable curry.... I'll eat pretty much anything.
I used to be really fussy when I was younger. My taste buds have changed now I think because I generally will eat most things within reason.

Things I never... ever touch:

Ketchup, Mayo, Beans, Mustard, Brown sauce, Spicy sauce... any sauce.

There's probably a lot more but they are the main things that actually make me feel sick looking at them, let alone tasting them.

Other than that I guess I'm not that fussy. I think I'm quite a weird eater because I love brussels, black olives (yumm!), broccoli and other things some people normally hate.