Very - I probably qualify as one of the fussiest eaters here, because everyone else that's ever tried to feed me has come to that conclusion.
I've just learned to live with, and ignore the fact that I won't go near anything that contains fruit, vegetables or anything similar, nor will I eat anything 'wet' or soggy (with a handful of exceptions, most notably ice cream, and it took me years to figure out how to eat even that!!!).
This confuses a great deal of people, who moan endlessly about my health etc. despite the fact that I generally experience much better health than many people I know who have been kept on a much stricter diet since childhood. The only difficulties it tends to cause is if people attempt to cook for me, or take me out for meals, as there tends to be only a small handful of things on the menu I'll attempt (less at a posh restaurant), and many a childhood tantrum resulted from the inability of kitchen staff to understand simple requests such as "no beans, peas or salad".
Whilst it's 'the wrong things' that I prefer to eat, I don't think I really go overboard - sure I'm overweight, but it's relatively constant, despite the increasing amount of crap I've found myself living off since university, and the alleged 'holy essentials' that are fruit and veg aside, I don't think I'm really lacking in anything - and anything I do miss out, I seem to be doing fine without, even with a diet that would give Gillian McKeith nightmares.
I've usually made up for it by enjoying strange things, and strong tastes most children would never have gone near - I love spicy food, especially indian, though its a shame so much has ****ing tomato or onion in, I'd happily eat any meat on offer (no insects or dodgy body parts... obviously), and always enjoyed that type of thing on holiday, and have never really had a problem with fish (except tuna and salmon), especially when it's smoked - possibly as a result of living off fish fingers for 3 years of primary school. I also enjoyed cod roe... until they started putting tomato crap in it. >:C
Yet what confuses people most is my love of bread. I seriously could live off just bread - not dodgy 'plastic' sliced stuff from supermarkets, but the rolls that Morissons and probably others do in their home bakery, which I'm quite capable of demolishing packets of - generally without filling as long as it's soft enough. I got quite a bit of stick for this from 'friends' at secondary school, but they were a strange lot, and I always reasoned that a reasonable amount of bread was filling, and balanced out the rubbish that makes up the rest of your average packed lunch... No idea what I'd have done if I'd had to go through the system of modern school lunches - my parents had to go into my first primary school and tell them to just ignore the issue, meaning I was allowed to not eat lunch and it didn't bother anyone. Infact, I had no real interest in food until I was about 8 or 9, but having discovered things I DO like, I've not really gone back.
So, generally speaking, as long as it's got no fruit or vegetables, it's relatively dry and has a strong taste, it's fine with me... Fussy? Yeah, probably, but I'm getting better all the time (apparently) - we had homemade tandoori chicken the other night, which apparently I wasn't expected to like. Come to think about it, that had lemon in... so that obviously doesn't count as fruit... dried fruit is OK too, and other citrus ones, as long as there's no 'bits' - but I digress. My diet's meant to be an 'unhealthy and limited' repertoire, but it very rarely bothers me - except when other people feel the need to make a fuss about it, which is why it was allowed to become an issue in my early life. Think people accept it as another of my inevitable idiosyncracies these days - my Mum had anorexia as a teenager, and I think unusual eating habits come under the heading of Asperger symptons, so there was never a lot of hope for me really :roll: