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It's about the same progress that India had this time last year. Relax you bloody great pessimist :p If there's one thing Tilke GMBH is good at, it's project organisation. And it's why Bernie keeps going back.
India had the base laid this time last year, Texas have not.

Mind you I did forgot the race is not when it was meant to be and was moved to near the end of the year to give them time. So yeah there is hope :)
BBC's coverage so far today has been nothing short of stunning, two outrageously good segments pre-race.
Rofl, bye bye Simon Lazenby. From what I've seen of Sky's coverage he's been awful at best, but surely the final nail in his coffin is making a joke about Princess Grace's death at the Monaco GP?
Really? Thought it was a **** 'race' tbh, can't recall a single overtake that wasn't the result of a pitstop. Always the way with Monaco though, the worst bit about it is the race.
It was one of the worst Monaco races I have seen.

I hate this look after tyre rubbish.

F1 should be about flat out racing.
Michael's lap yesterday shut a few bitchy BBC staff up, but in general I love their coverage. I'm pleased he was able to "roll back the years" as they say in amateur journalism.

Monaco is never particularly exciting given that you rarely get overtaking there, but it's always aesthetically pleasing to watch on TV. It's all about qualifying really and Mark was lucky to inherit pole, but he still drove well.
Was anyone else watching that and quietly hoping a couple of cars would crash out and let Caterham have a point or two? I do love a good underdog.

Monaco's never exciting... apart from last year, but I think people seemed to be more aggressive for whatever reason. I still wouldn't want it dropped, it's a fantastic circuit.

Still not entirely sure where I stand on the Pirelli issue. It's been a fantastic season this year (I reckon they could actually ditch DRS and still have tonnes of overtakes) with some great memorable moments. The inherent problem with creating a race series based on having the most technologically advanced cars in the world is that they would be so perfect, nobody would be able to overtake each other and it would be so very dull. Regulations generally aim to reduce the cars' level of perfection.

I think what I'd want is something between the two. Tyres at the moment seem to be filling the void taken by refuelling (which for f1 was a really bad thing) so maybe it's possible to make them more predictable but still degrade quickly? I expect tyres don't work like that, but we'll see. I would like Pirelli to provide something solely for q3 though.
Q3 is a joke at the moment. 9 drivers tried to put on a show on sat and vettel did not bother.

Vettel finished 4th due to this and it's simply not good sportsmanship.

I would like the rule to change and if they dont set a time then they must start on q2 tyres.

I can see many drivers not bothering in Canada as you can pass and it's heavy on tyres.
The tyres are a bit of a joke. They are too controlling and there is little choice of what compound to use. All makes of tyre should be allowed again.

Monaco can look boring but the drivers have to keep 100% concentration for nearly 2 hours which is incredable one lapse in concentration and its the end of your race.

I was really hoping Caterham could get a point KOV had a good race.
Was I the only one praying for some rain towards the end, to give it a little bit of excitment?

That was dull, and Red Bull were lucky.

Still, this is SO much better than last year. I think it was around this time last year that I totally lost interest.
Haha, it's not a bird, not a plane but a flying Sauber ^^

Even though the close finish was actually quite exciting, the rest of the race was largely unspectacular. As a Massa fan I'm very happy to see him more competitive - it's probably not enough to keep his seat at Maranello however. By the way, he and Hamilton again faced each other :p

This title race is so open and there have been so many twists in form so far. Button mastering in Australia and looking miserable in the last two races ; Alonso leading the championship in an initially terrible car ; New GP winners with Rosberg and Maldonado while Raikonnen and Perez were very close to triumph as well... I love that.
Hey, noob here but I've been a huge fan of F1 since 2003.

Big fan of Kimi and Alonso, (so I'm quite happy with how this season has gone so far...especially with the Ferrari PoS to start) and it's been an epic season thus far.
Good Canadian GP

Being an Alonso and Kimi fan I'm a bit let down at how it ended after strong starts but that gamble on not pitting bit Alonso in the ass. He was defenseless there at the end...I could've passed him in my Toyota Camry LOL

Awesome to see Grosjean and Perez and the podium