Ok slightly longer review now I've left the park. With some poorly times photos to boot.
As mentioned earlier it's a pretty solid ride, it's got a bit of the old intamin rattle which all intamins of the era seem to have but for thanks to the lap bar only trains it's not an issue at all.
The lift engages the roll backs extremely loudly and then it whisks you up to the top of the lift at a break neck pace. The first drop has a nice whip to it and it keeps good speed through the loop.

The airtime hill adds a lighter pop of airtime than i had hoped but it's solid. The first tunnel is so full of steam that my glasses came out drenched. The cobra rolls and corkscrews are exactly what you'd expect, smoother versions of collossos.

Now the possibly contentious part. The rolls have always been my least favourite part of the Thorpe park version and the same held true here. Upon a second ride later in the day we all felt the ride was much better if you took up a more defensive riding position and pushed down on the restraint during the rolls. And while that's true and made the ride much more rerideable, I always feel any ride that requires a particular riding position to make it more bareable has a design flaw.

In general I thought the landscaping was lovely and I loved the smoke effect that would blow over on to velocitys launch providing a nice addition to that ride as well. The little lake at the end looks lovely and while the majority of the ride is over a gravel pit it does look better than say scream at SFMM. It does its job and looks alright.
Some small random odditys I noticed

some random squares with wires sticking out of them. Which I assume are for lighting eventually. But just looked a bit odd.

I've not really followed construction closely so I don't get why some of the supports are in holes when ones really nearby are not.

The fun steps to nowhere which are on the other side of a bolted down fence rather than a gate.
Overall I think flamingo land have a winner. It fits in with their other rides in the way it's alright but feels a bit janky in places. It's arguably the best ride in the park (I personally prefer Kumali but I'm weird and an often told I'm wrong about such things)
Would I rush up to Yorkshire just to ride it? No I wouldn't but then I haven't rushed to Blackpool to ride icon or Alton to ride wickerman (or thirteen or the smiler) so I'm probably not the best barrometer for these things.