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Favourite Computer/Video Game Music

I have always been a huge fan of the music from the sonic games







Less we forget the scariest music in gaming history.....


Music from other games.....





Colossus said:
Less we forget the scariest music in gaming history.....




This is from a Cute loveable game where you go around as a little kid with a baseball bat beating up giant ants, robots, hippies and giant piles of vomit with loads of silly moments and THEN **** THAT THING!
You should watch actual gameplay footage of it. Such a messed up little thing during its second phase.

RCT3's music is fantastic. Specifically:
Girls Like Spice
Summer Air
Mermaid (so chill...)
Love the Siunset Shore music from DK Country Returns...The flute!

Colossus said:
Less we forget the scariest music in gaming history.....

I've always found this really, really creepy...

The music for Monkey Island was amazing.

Magic Pockets because Betty Boo was a f**kin' genius.

Ugh, how could I forget how awesome this soundtrack was!

How has no one mentioned Battlefield's immense intro song, it has evolved numerous times in different adaptions over the years. The original still is fantastic:


The Terra theme from Final Fantasy VI is one that sticks in my head, it's a timeless and haunting


Loved Final Fantasy VIII soundtrack, The Landing being the most atmospheric.


Mention others like Transport Tycoon, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Metal Gear Solid, Tropico, Portal but most have been said before.
Any of the classic Sonic games for me.

Kebab said:
Ugh, how could I forget how awesome this soundtrack was!


^ Love this song - also loved Live and Learn for Sonic Adventure 2.

EDIT: Ice Cap Zone ftw! <3
Let's not forget the only video game song ever to win a Grammy, Christopher Tin's beautiful "Baba Yetu" which was composed as the menu theme for Civilization 4:

(And if you wonder what the lyrics are, it's the Lord's Prayer in Swahili)

Mario Kart 64 is best known for Rainbow Road, but its End Theme is also quite good:

Age Of Empires 2's music has to be the best. A full 30min classical style piece. Fits so well with the game.

I would honestly say that Uncharted 2 has an amazing soundtrack. The music is compelling and can bring suspense. It suits the mood very well to the game.

Also, The Far Cry 3 soundtrack was quite good, when it wasn't playing chart songs from yester-year.