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Europa Park | Voltron | Mack Rides Stryker Coaster | 2024

That airtime hill, rr the video is accelerated or it seems too intense. We can say everything except "it looks slow"
Doesn’t look sped up to me. It is going fast, though.
Aaand it’s no longer crawling over the top hat either, so my excitement rises once again. I guess we will it speed up a bit more until it’s opened. Not that I am going to complain about this 😉
Wouldn’t be the first time that happened, BUT I only see limited amount for trimming. Every high element is traversed fairly slow (although not crawling), so they can only reduce the trains momentum by a comparably small amount before it doesn’t make it through. The best point to take speed off, is the MCBR, but at that point you might as well let it run with the intended speed.
Wouldn’t be the first time that happened, BUT I only see limited amount for trimming. Every high element is traversed fairly slow (although not crawling), so they can only reduce the trains momentum by a comparably small amount before it doesn’t make it through. The best point to take speed off, is the MCBR, but at that point you might as well let it run with the intended speed.

Also, from a couple of the interviews/reactions from park officials/Mack family, it seems like they were aware Europa were missing that stand out thrill coaster. I think it's been designed to be the most intense in the park, to fill a gap in their line up that Silver Star, Blue Fire and Wodan don't quite hit.
So guys how confident are we of this being open with the park opening day?

I’ve got a trip planned and organised for a few weeks after opening but I’m too scared to get it all paid for incase they don’t open it!
So guys how confident are we of this being open with the park opening day?

I’ve got a trip planned and organised for a few weeks after opening but I’m too scared to get it all paid for incase they don’t open it!
Slim, think they've only run it with 3/7 trains so far