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NGL it really bugs me that the photos I posted that I gave credit for get taken down just so the member who took them gets to post them instead.

Maybe because they are his photos mate. You do come out with some crap sometimes.

I’d be pretty pissed if I took photos and someone else posted them before I could. Different matter if the photos are from someone not on this site.
You need to get over yourself sometimes ATI.

You do actually post some decent stuff, but then post **** like this. Keep posting the good stuff mate.
@CrashCoaster, how would you feel if you took some sweet photos of a coaster (or literally anything else) and have one of us post it ourselves without your permission?

People put pride into their photos/work and it's up to them to figure out how they want to share it. Don't take the spotlight away from them ("spotlight" might not be the best choice of word, but you know what I mean).

Anyway, this ride is starting to look really good. I really wish the best for them after that disaster.
But it's not like any of us own most of the content that we post? If someone posted my photos on this site but give full credit and a source link, even if they didn't ask permission first, I really wouldn't give a **** as long as no money is made from them by other people. If this is how it is then why should I bother posting any images on the site?
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But it's not like any of us own most of the content that we post? If someone posted my photos on this site but give full credit and a source link, even if they didn't ask permission first, I really wouldn't give a :emoji_zipper_mouth: as long as no money is made from them by other people.

I think it's more the fact that when people take a photo, they feel a sense of pride in sharing it and when people like their post or give them a nice comment back, they feel appreciated which encourages them to take more photos and share them with everyone, which benefits the whole community.

I agree that a lot of the time the content we share on this forum isn't owned by each individual person when we share a photo, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it's not a nice feeling when you want to share your photos with everyone and you discover that someone else has beaten you to sharing the photos you took yourself.

There's nothing wrong with sharing other people's snaps. as long as you give them credit, you just need to respect that they might want you to retract that post you have made so they can share their work with everyone, because at the end of the day they are the person who has spent their valuable time taking the photos and therefore they are the person who should be given the likes, the credit and the appreciation, rather than the person who simply copied, pasted and shared their photos to the community.
@CrashCoaster - I will PM you later today to talk this out. There is no need for it to continue bogging this thread down.

Everyone else - I think I will try to update the image posting guidelines for CF to bring them more inline with the current platforms. For now though, let's move on now please.
I don't understand what the big deal is with the post being deleted though? It's not like you wrote a huge detailed post that deserved thought and recognition, just shared someone else's photos that everyone has now seen. Not much of a loss unless you want recognition for sharing photos you didn't take.

Either way, nice to see the pace being picked up after the previous setbacks!
To publish someone's photos, you must meet all of the following conditions:
- you can not delete the watermark,
- you must provide the author and source,
- you must have a permission (!).
Oh don't worry, I have zero intentions of posting your content again in the future.

Like I said, I personally wouldn't mind someone posting my photos on here without asking. As long as I got given the proper credit and source given. I'm happy. It's just one less job for me.
Imagine having a park steal your image and use it commercially.

Now that's annoying...
Has that ever happened in the coaster community? I know I saw Kennywood post an image taken by Xscreamthrills (A Pennsylvanian roller coaster YouTuber) last summer, but they gave him proper credit.
Sweet jesus that's tall. This thing is going to look incredible once it's done.

I will say I'm not entirely sold on the light brown they went with for the lift. Maybe I'm just so used to Goliath? It's not a deal breaker(it still looks really ****ing intimidating), but it's slightly off-putting for me.
Looked at this earlier on Tapatalk. Didn't realize how big this was until I saw it on my computer! Good god.
Has that ever happened in the coaster community? I know I saw Kennywood post an image taken by Xscreamthrills (A Pennsylvanian roller coaster YouTuber) last summer, but they gave him proper credit.
Yeah it happened to me, a park (which I won't name) used my picture, which I had posted online, on the packaging for a piece of merchandise in their shops.

In fairness they removed it once I flagged it with them, but still shouldn't happen.