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Election 2010!

As the main topic of tonight's final Leaders Debate is The Economy, I thought I'd clarify something (apologies if you know this already, but it confused me, and it's bound to crop up).

The UK has a debt of just under £1 trillion - this is the total money that the UK owes.

The UK has a deficit of £167 billion - this is how much the UK borrows per year (which then gets added to the debt).

They're going to talk a lot tonight about reducing the deficit - for example Labour want to halve the deficit within four years. That just means they'll be borrowing less, about £85 billion instead of £167 billion - they'll STILL be borrowing though and adding to the debt, not bringing that debt down at all.

The question to ask yourself tonight is: Who is going to handle the deficit and the debt the best?

It wouldn't surprise me if none of them mention the debt at all...
The Tories will be the ones that tackle the deficit (and therefore help to reduce the debt) the quickest but it will mean a lot of finacial pain.

The Governor of the Bank of England has been reported to say that whoever wins the election will make some really tough cuts and raise taxes. These measures will be so horrible, the party who wins is likely to serve just one term and then be voted out for a generation!

Brown showed his arrogance yesterday, Cl*gg showed his arrogance today when "answering" a question from a student. Dave has yet to show his arrogance but you only have to look at him to know.


In a way I'm gutted that the snooker is on tonight as I'd like to watch the final debate, but as I've made up my voting mind up already, I know where my priorities lie. :D
Thanks for that clarification Slayed, and thanks to all for the positive comments about the debate :) I'm escorting Iain Stewart (Con) around our school. He is my favoured candidate, but only as he actually listens and acts on the younger people's views :)

The results of my first election poll are just in! This poll was especially aimed at people my age, but was open for anybody who wished to vote. As a reminder, the question was (and will always be) "Who do you want to win The Election?"

The results are: (out of a total of 38 votes)

Labour - 4 (10%)

Conservatives - 7 (18%)

Liberal Democrats - 15 (39%)

Other Political Party - 7 (18%)

Don't Care - 5 (13%)

These results are dated from 22nd-29th April.

At exactly 10pm, the same question with the same responses will be placed onto my blog until 7am next Thursday (The time that the polls open). This will mark the next weeks responses, as well as the initial responses from tonight's final debate.

Thanks for all who voted, and I welcome your input from 10pm onwards :D

Haha this guy in the year below us in Media called Gareth said he's voting for Lib Dems because he likes the colour yellow. :P

He's about 23 I think and has quite a few problems wrong with him, but I found it amusing. :lol:
The talk today at work was rather funny, we were told why we should vote Conservatives and then it question time.

You have to remember where I work is typical East London/Essex workers.

1st question was about the rail, and they said it was up to the private companies to fix the problems with the advise of the government. The person that asked the question then said if you had not sold them all it would have been easier to improve. The answer was the service did improve until Labour cut the help.

2nd question was about hospitals and schools and where the extra funding would come from. We got no clear answers but it did sound like they would like to privatise more schools I could be wrong though.

3rd question was about equal rights with section 28 mentioned. The answer was that they have changed with the times and believe everyone is equal be it straight gay colour of skin. Yes it was a gay female that asked the question.

4th how will they save money and what cuts we could expect. We did not get any straight answers.

The rest of the questions were just general things really, until someone said for the first 5 years of the Labour government they were fixing the problems that the last government caused with the NHS, rail etc. There were rather red faces at that point.

It was a good open session tbh, still not changed my mind though or anyone else's.
^Well at least you got the opportunity - our customer, the DVLA, is not allowed to discuss politics by law (civil service impartiality), and my lot, Fujitsu, have warned us to stay impartial in case it affects a bid!

If anyone fancies some MSN action during the debate, I'll be lurking :P.
^Lol, shush you, I'm MSNing, cooking, eating & feeding the cats :P.

Brown is getting PWNED on the economy! He's shafted.

They're ignoring Clegg a bit too - mistake, it gives him freedom to look different (like the first debate).
The Beeb hosted today’s debate, and after the Clegg bandwagon of the first debate, and the checking if he was still strong of the last debate, this debate should have been mostly about policy. The main part of this debate was on the economy, something which affects EVERYONE and to which all parties (Though Lib Dem would disagree) have not shed the 100% truth on. This should be Labour’s strong point, and I expected them to take the stage and leave the others sobbing in the corner...

David Cameron opened strongly and confidently. He didn’t seem to annoy me with his stare down the camera this week as much. Nick Clegg kept looking down at his notes – not the best of openings but spoke well nonetheless. The Big “G” spoke very, very strongly and powerfully. He certainly had the most convincing opening.

Nick Clegg on the first question spoke to the questioner and already started poking the others in the ribs. He also did say that he tried to spell out everything, but not all could be said at this time. I very much liked his idea of getting all party chancellors and vice-chancellors together with the BofE. Gordon spoke very well and strong once again. He spoke sense and told David straight: he is getting it wrong. There was even a shot of his big smirking face which was absolutely hilarious <3 I quite frankly had to turn away from David Cameron...”I believe...I believe”...It’s not enough to “believe” Mr Cameron... He really was quite irritating.

On the next question, Nick spoke sense about the ordinary person. He knows that the ordinary person is struggling and will continue to struggle to in the future. David was, of expected, trying to come up with imaginative ways of taxing the poor and keeping the rich rich. Gordon spelled out what he was going to do, and cleared the air over what was perceived to be done, mainly over what DC had said.

I started getting bored here. I happily watch Question Time most weeks, I love debates. But I simply stopped taking notes...I was BORED :S

From what I heard, David wasn’t any more convincing than previous to this, and both Gordon and Nick were storming away in front.

I decided to tune myself back into the debate on the “offices and shops” industry question. Nick Clegg was strong on banks lending and helping to businesses, which I agree is key to expanding businesses and creating new jobs across the UK. Gordon related the question back to the area and regional industry and spoke about what needs to be done. He mentioned green power and faster broadband, which both appealed to me very much. David actually started speaking a bit of sense, I stress a bit... He just kept dodging questions, which did annoy me a lot.

Both parties seemed to almost blank out Nick Clegg. This only gave him the upper edge like in the first debate as he can air his views without having them questioned or picked apart. Bad decision Mr Brown and Mr Cameron.

I‘ll quickly sum up each other area covered below:
* Gordon Brown and David Cameron were much stronger on immigration than Nick. Nick really didn’t explain well, and could have misled many people. DC was probably the strongest for once, though kept avoiding the question.

* On homes and homeowners, David Cameron’s part rent, part mortgage idea is very good and would benefit many thousands of people wanting to get on the housing ladder. Nick Clegg’s support of council houses I think is wrong. Having lived in a council house for a large part of my life, and ultimately being kicked out for little-to-no-reason, this causes more **** than it solves (apologies for language). Gordon didn’t say enough to justify a complete sentan...

* Gordon’s talk of getting people off benefits and back to work was very strong, and almost makes me put a symbol of love...<3...there it is. He really is strong on employment and benefits. David didn’t offer anything new to the debate, just said that there has been 13 years of Labour and very little change. Nick linked back to question with good, but not strong, points. Gordon wins by far on this point.

I decided to stop taking notes here and just listen and watch.

Who did I think won this debate? Well, this was probably the most varied and hardest to decide of the 3 so far. All performed good, bad and ok at different points, but Gordon just edged it, closely followed by Nick and David last.

These debates have transformed politics forever, and have made the fact of 1 in 3 people only knowing Nick Clegg's name now needing to be recalculated. What a great addition to this now modern social-political era of parliament. Of course, Nick Clegg overall has benefited and has been strongest overall, and he well deserves it.

THE NEW POLL FOR THIS WEEK IS UP Who does it for you? Please vote HERE and say who YOU want to win the General Election.
Cameron failed to answer one single question though even ones thats only required a yes or no answer.

Can he police people coming in from Europe, no yet he did not answer.

I am just worried at the moment about who will back who, why vote for a party if they are just going to work with another? Bit confused tbh now.
Hmmm, for me

Cameron was the weakest again... Dodging questions and just generally spouting the same stuff. More money in the rich persons pocket etc.

Clegg... undecided... Strong in areas but overlooked in others. He posed his questions well.

Brown... Strong, as expected really. Being a money man by trade etc. Took a while to get going though...

Also, first poll I saw... www.channel4.com/news
POLL RESULT: The final debate - which leader impressed you the most?
Brown 44% - Clegg 42% - Cameron 13% - None 1%
ciallkennett said:
* Gordon Brown and David Cameron were much stronger on immigration than Nick. Nick really didn’t explain well, and could have misled many people. DC was probably the strongest for once, though kept avoiding the question.
Clegg got the highlight of the debate then though, attacking Cameron - "Answer the question!". I thought they were even on Immigration, Brown's attack gave Clegg the opportunity to explain the policy.

I thought Brown was rubbish in the first-half, and then the old political dog in him woke-up and he fought his way back in.

Clegg was very good, as he has been all the way through. Great finish.

Cameron was slime personified. I BELIEVE NOTHING YOU SAY CAMERON.

These debates have been fantastic for the election, even if this one was a bit quiet! :)
Labour keeps lieing and delaying things, plus their plan with the imagrants f**ked up our country, so anyone but Labour, but
and my sisters voting UKIP, but if we leave the EU our prices will shoot up and we'll be even more f**ked! Personally at the moment I'm routing for Conservatives to win, we need change, people are too scared of change, but if we don't change now, err Hello Greece :D
^ errr yeah.

I hated Cameron how he dodged the questions all the time, especially on inheritance tax! ****ing the poor and supporting the rich?
Brown did well to claim back support after his bigot comment yesterday, made clear statements. Clegg didn't really get much of a say in as Cameron and Brown kept talking about each others plans and past **** ups.

Another thing that annoys me is when Cameron keeps saying "Don't believe what you read in these leaflets", to be honest, I've never seen these so called 'leaflets', all I've had through my door is Conservative ones, about 4 of them in fact!
Why, if every single person I see and talk to, hates the stupid Tory ****s, are they going to be in power this time next week?

This country will go down the ****ter, with the rich becoming richer.

Brown tore him a new arsehole and he refused to answer on tax cuts for the rich. How is this pantomime puppet in the lead?

Oh, it's because the general public are ****ing moronic and listen to polls designed to fix the election through choosing a selective audience to provide the desired results.

Dave said:
^ errr yeah.

I hated Cameron how he dodged the questions all the time, especially on inheritance tax! <img> the poor and supporting the rich?
Brown did well to claim back support after his bigot comment yesterday, made clear statements. Clegg didn't really get much of a say in as Cameron and Brown kept talking about each others plans and past <img> ups.

Another thing that annoys me is when Cameron keeps saying "Don't believe what you read in these leaflets", to be honest, I've never seen these so called 'leaflets', all I've had through my door is Conservative ones, about 4 of them in fact!

True story.

*See Cameron feign anger at 'scaremongering' by Labour*

*Walk downstairs and pick up Tory leaflet*

*Read that the economy is doomed and the country will go to ruin if Labour stay in*

*Wonders why on Earth the media are being absolute cock gobblers in terms of bias and influence*

*Realises this country is a ****ing ****hole, that my vote is worthless, and the vast majority of this countries inhabitants are ****ing moronic puppets*

^What's even scarier is Cameron's "team" - a complete bolus of w**kers if ever I saw one, they give arrogant ignorant pompous morons a bad name.

The majority of the media have been ridiculously biased - I'm hoping less people are falling for it now.

At least this time it's a) close, and b) the ACTUAL vote percentage could well have some significance if it's hung.

It's interesting seeing the polls with completely different results all the time though - which basically means they're all bollocks!
I seem to remember that the Liberal Democrats once outlined plans regarding sending convicted car thieves go-karting, which apparently would act as a detterent, and stop them offending again, Slayed.

They are clearly a set of jokers that would have made Lord Sutch proud.
Had the MK South candidate debate yesterday. It was nice as I got to speak for a long time one-to-one with all 3 of the candidates that could make it (Iain Stewart - Con, Phyllis Starkey - Lab, Peter Jones, LD) about politics, as well as watching the debate with the Year 13s.

I must have shook their hands so many times :P

It was nice that they all took my views on board, asked me questions and engaged in what I had to say. Iain didn't do particularly well in the debate, but he's still a nice chap and I feel he is the right candidate for my consistency.

Peter Jones was very well as presenting his policies to the students and then explaining them on a level those who weren't politically-fluent could understand. He was also very amusing and appealed most to the first time voters I felt.

I'm glad our school took up our idea and I'm glad they all took time out of our busy schedules to come to our school for 2 hours :)

I've just cleared my name with my tutor if I'm not i Friday morning as I'm doing an all nighter :P
Well I was sat at Mini for hours today and the had Sky News on.

Looks like the Cons will win but Labour will still have more seats them. The Libs have now dropped off by a lot and people are moving back to Labour.

It was 36% cons, 30% labour and 24% Libs.