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Do you lock restraints yourself?

Do you lock restraints yourself?

  • Yes, I always know how to lock the restraints

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  • Whenever I know how

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  • No, I wait for the ride OP because I'm lazy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes yes, sometimes not

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  • Total voters
I think it's ace when say somebodys restraint doesnt come open on Air and I can open it by standing on the pedal on the foot things, that feels great but then the ops give me evil looks.

But yer i always pull my own restraint, but on Pendulus at Pleasure island, because they are automatic but people pull them down and hold them down until it locks, i dont see the point and let it do it itself.
If their ugly old guys I will do it myself ... take rocky express the other week for example me and my best mate beckie acted really dumb and let the fit (very fit) ride op push it down!

I do that!! Must be really anoying if your a fit ride op lol bet it happens all the time. I hate it when the push it real hard though, like they used to have to do on Rita!

OR, if your like the one who spends ageees putting your bag on the racks and the ride op is waiting at your seat, So as soon as you get in, the do up the restraint for you. Happens alot when using single rider as well.
Ah yeah, hate it when they push them too hard! Was on Air, managed to pull it down ok, not easy, I'm tall enough to ride, but a little small to reach up lol. So, I pull it down, get it so it's nice and comfy and I can breathe, then the op comes along and shoves it down a bit more, so I can't breathe! Also, on a bit of a different note, do you attract restraint checks? I got mine checked twice at AT. Wonder why. But at Parc Asterix it is a little worrying, I saw no checks whatsoever!
I always lock them so that I'm sure I'm safe and also I'm very impatient and if me doing that saves a few seconds then yay! Nothing better to do while sitting there anyway!
I do so that I can control how tight / loose I want them, depending on the ride.....Coasters loose.....Drop Towers as tight as they go!
Whenever I can I do. Some rides have restraints that have to be activated electronically (Mondial Top Scans and KMG Afterburners for instance) so obviously I can't do those myself!
Sometimes the ride ops try to push them as hard as it possible. I hate when it happens. In such a case I always perform a beer belly trick.
AeRo said:
I do so that I can control how tight / loose I want them, depending on the ride.....Coasters loose.....Drop Towers as tight as they go!

^ Yeah hit it on the button. You can slip a shirt or your hand in there to prevent them crunching you too tight. The ride is less enjoyable that way. :(

But why tigher on drop towers? More of the free-fall effect?
Yeah, I do them myself, and I always slouch in the seat so that as soon as I've pulled out of the station/when the ride is in motion, I can sit up and there's a big gap between myself and the restraint. Hell, if I'm not gonna get airtime, I might as well feel unsafe!
Now that I know how I always do it myself. I love looking experienced and knowing what I'm doing. I'll never forget my first ride on a B & M... Kraken. There were very few people in the park, it was late, and the only people on the ride were the experienced coaster buffs who had stayed during the rain and were riding it dozens of times back to back without even getting off the train. I got in to pull down my restraint and saw this weird buckle thingy and thought (hmmmm...this must be optional, for the people who are so big that the restraint doesnt come down enough to click, so they use this instead.). So I just pulled down the OTSR and let the safety buckle hang. Since no on had gotton off the train in the last hourthe ride op was just sitting down inside his little AC'd cubicle and just pressed the dispatch button every time the train came. They were only running one train! So there I was sitting, everyone was staring at me impatiently, waiting for me to buckle. I then realized that everyone else had theres buckled, so I scrambled to buckle it, but I couldnt figure out how. I even tried pulling up the relesae clip and trying to stick it down the back. Then, finally, the annoyed ride op came walking slowly over to me(leaving his McDonalds take-out behind) and buckled it, and everyone else laughed. Believe me, if that happened to you, you would NOT forget how to buckle the safety belt. Now, whenever I get on, I always scramble to try and get myself buckled first.
I pactically always lock my own restraints because everybody gets scared when the park workers do it. They push it down so hard its hard to breath. So if you see a park worker coming , quickly do it yourself
Oh another thing. Kinda off topic,but related to restraints. It always funny when someone is afraid and they bwant to feels ecure so they pull it down tight and it clicks about a half of an inch away from their stamoch, but they NEED it to be touching their stomachs for it to work apparently, because they'll pull it down*pop back up*
Pull it down*pop back up*
Then they'll look to the left and right to see if anyone else seems to be having the same problem...
The the begin to try and pull it down again
*pop back up*Finaly they begin vigorously jerking it up and down trying to get just one click tighter.
Some are so determined that the continue doing this in a panicked state all the way up the lift hill, until the just put their hands above the restraint and firmly hold it down for the remainder of the ride. always gives a good laugh.
I do my own on everything except Nemesis and Oblivion, I always get the ride op to do it, otherwise i get it wrong and they have to take it out and put it in again lol.
I always lock them myself, that way I know how safe and secure I am going to feel and I can get it to how I want it. If I am having some trouble, I'll happily let the Ride Op fit it.
i always do it for some reason, its now become a sudden thing to do when on a coaster.
00 Tom 00 said:
They push it down so hard its hard to breath

I find that on rides like Spin Doctor, with the powered restrains they come down really tight on you and its hard to breath. When I went on it I thought mine was tight enough anyway and then the ride op pushed it in even further, so I have to agree with you Tom, ride ops can over do it sometimes and push them in to far.
I always pull my bar down just right so that it's comfortable and then the Ride-ops come and push it down more and crush my balls :shock:
I do just because thats me, I like it the way I do it and tend to get worried if I don't.

P.S. Sorry fo this reply didn't realise some one bumped it.