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Derren Brown

Joey said:
I know how hypnotism works (or how people think it works, anyway). It's about subconsciously "playing along" and people like Derren intentionally pick people who are good candidates.

But that doesn't mean that consciously "wanting" it to work is enough to make it work. I wanted it to work, but I expected it not to. And it's not really possible to believe something will work that you ..just.... don't.

Yes, but you can't consciously want something to work if you don't believe it will. It's two conscious thoughts that contradict each other. In this case ,your knowledge of the truth outweighs your hopes pinned on... nothing.

For a lot of people, they don't know how it works and not only want it to work, but expect it to work because of who Derren Brown is (or like a stage hypnotist, because they expect this person to be able to do it).

Erm, yeah - so we both do agree :)
My legs got completely stuck to my sofa! I was a bit suprised it worked.. Good one Derren! Much better than the lottery "trick".
Joey said:
But that doesn't mean that consciously "wanting" it to work is enough to make it work. I wanted it to work, but I expected it not to. And it's not really possible to believe something will work that you ..just.... don't.

Not really proveable.. but the theory is that you have concious and unconciou mind.. both have to be in agreement about it for it to work.

A person who's easily suggestable will be the type who happily dis-engages their concious mind while watching tv, driving their car, etc. Everyone does this at one point in their lives or another - have you ever had a long car drive and thought back and cant remember a thing about what you just did (i.e. you were in "autopilot")?

Or watcing tv and your thinking turns off and you just become mesmorised by it? (i put this down to why a lot of american sitcoms are popular).

Watching tv is passive - it doesnt require much brain power - Some people are so used to suspending their "concious" (and i hate that word in this context .. but its the only word i have) thought while watching tv, due to watching endless drivel like soap operas and xfactor, etc etc.. That it becomes second nature to them.. Sit down, turn off thought processes, veg out and just let the tv do the thinking for them.

Of course these people are going to become more suggestable to the tv program as they have their thinking brain "switched off" while watching the tv. The fact that you were thinking you really wanted it to happen tells me you were actually thinking while watching tv. Therefor, you hadnt given yourself totally into the thing.. therefor nothing would've happened.

Its not magic, or anything like that.. it's just pure suggestion which you let through because your "thinking" part of your brain isnt there to catch it... If you're the type of person who turns off your brain.. yadda yadda..

But he wouldnt have been able to say "kill your mom" or anything, as then the thinking part of your brain would kick in and go "no, actually thats a dumb idea". But as long as the suggestion is relatively basic, there's no reason for your mind to do anything else.

BUT (and it's a BIG) but.. You have to be in a state where your mind is open to it, and your thinking brain is turned off. Not everyone can do this (some people are thinking ALL the time), but if you watch a lot of mindless tv, it should come easy to you. :lol:

EDIT: Which is also why stage hypnotists tend to pick out sci fi nerds and soap opera fans..
So, did anyone participate last night?

I have a feeling I'm too alert or my brain is too full of thought all the time for this to work with me. Like, I start consciously looking for clues? And I'm like, no... stop it.

A ) ( shape was the first thing I drew, followed by a palm tree. Those were the things I drew without thinking too much about it. But then I started looking for clues, and ended up drawing a circle slowly... with a smaller circle inside it. A bit like a wheel. There were circles EVERYWHERE in the set and the closeup of her eyes just was like ... yes, right, circles within circles. In fact, in her pupil was a reflection of another circle. So why I only chose to draw two, like a wheel, I don't know. Whether or not all those people who drew vehicles were onto the same thing as I was with the wheel? Dunno. I think that's drawing similarities too sparcly.

I'm more interested in all those individuals who drew horses, trains and stonehenge. The circles seem blindingly obvious to the point where I drew it reluctantly like "It can't be this."

Oh, and of course I'm interested in how, if it wasn't a set up, all the original people got those drawings IF Derren wasn't aware of the drawing himself? Maybe the positioning of the picture in the museum was subconsciously chosen by her because it was surrounded by circles? Or maybe knowing the location of where it was going to be influenced her to draw circles?
I drew the circles as well, mostly because of the eye's and the light reflecting in her pupils making yet another circle. Was suprised that it worked for me tbh. The bit at the end where she was at Stone Henge did confuse me though :?. Anyone know how he did that?
Over the past couple of years, whenever I'ld see that a Derren Brown show was on the TV, I'ld turn it on straight away.
The last couple of weeks though have put me right off him for being such bollocks shows, and I didn't even watch him yesterday.

I want the Hypnotic World of Paul Mckenna to come back. :(
I found it WEIRD.

I just wanted to draw circles and I drew almost exactly what the painting was. Everyone in our lounge drew circles of different sizes.
It didn't work for me and I even tried to look for clues he may of hidden.
When you look at all the shots and the area around the canvas there were circles everywhere. The was also a car on the ceiling upside down next to it. So playing along I drew a car thinking the large numbers of circles was meant to make you think of the tyres or something.
But anyway lo and behold circles was what came up which didn't surprise me as they were plastered around the whole museum.
I didn't draw anything related to the circles, stonehenge or horses. But I don't read the papers and I didn't notice any of the circles anywhere (apart from her eyes).

I think Derren's trying to be a bit too "big" in this series. I wouldn't mind another series of trick or treat actually.
I turned it on too late, which was a shame. But what I did see was the 'bat man'. That was really impressive. I've never seen something like that done before. Weird, but amazing.....
Ollie said:
It didn't work for me and I even tried to look for clues he may of hidden.
You'd not supposed to look for clues. That's why I said I felt wrong drawing circles, because I noticed the clues. It's supposed to go unoticed.

To be fair to him, it HAD to be a bit more blatent to get the masses to respond positively.

But, yeah, I want trick or treat back. :C
Once again Derren proves that these big events are too much for him and has failed. Even if he did get the number next to it it still wasn't right. Bit disappointing but I guess if you can't fix it then there's a large change it can go wrong. Waste of 5k though. :lol:
^ Why though =/.

I don't get why everyone is so harsh towards Derren. He's only putting on a show, I think he's a legend.
^He is good. But these 'events' are way out of his depth. He shouldn't be attempting things if there's only a slight change they'll work. Out of all 4 shows only 1 worked (the lottery) an It's obvious he didn't really do that.
I like him better when he's doing smaller clever shows. Things like Trick or Treat or Trick of the mind were really good.