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Derren Brown

He said things like;

It might not work if your sat further away
If the picture resolution is low it won't work {e.g. internet}
You have to sit a certain way, with your head very still for it to work.
I'm gonna get flamed for this but what the hell.

It worked for me. (kind of)

I didn't completely stick, but I did feel it working, and I was aware of strange sensations as I watched. Then when I went to get up, I struggled a little, I felt stiffer than before and my legs in particular felt heavier, but then I did stand up.

I really enjoy watching DB because he's very strange, although I was annoyed that before he started the film he said he would later explain how it works, but then he didn't.

In a way I'm glad he didn't. And I do believe there are people who did properly stick tonight!
How long was the video. And what crap did he fill the rest of the show with?
I wish Derren would go back to doing good stuff. He's a very clever man and he's wasting it on things that don't work and simple camera tricks.
Ok well i was genuinly stuck...not even joking. I could not move a single part of my body except my head, which was a killer considering the fact that i had an itchy nose but i think that this genuinly worked because i thought it was a load of !#*~ but i decided that i should atleast give it a go so i tried it and well i was stuck. My hands were like small weights and my legs couldnt go up but it was my back that was worst affected as i couldnt even sit forward for more than a second.
Brad said:
100% worked for me :--D , really wierd how I couldn't get out of my seat. My sister sitting next to me also got stuck and had a laughing fit.
Afterwards our cousins rung, one of them had a laughing fit aswell :shock: .

My gran was laughing a little too but she wasnt stuck....probably just laughing at my poor attempts to stand up or even sit up for that matter.
I think this thing is different from the lottery thing.

I'm guessing that by saying it's dangerous will raise notority and crap making more people watch it and crap.

But I also think it depends on if you were enthusiastic about it. Say you were all this guy is bull **** it won't work mr pessimist. then it won't work but if you all happy happy joy joy then it will work for you and crap.

Needless to say non of these thing seem at all interesting to me so I didn't want any of them.

and crap.
I dunno, I think me wanting to get stuck could potentially get in the way of it. Though I suspect my skeptical personality probably doesn't help. I'm gunna try again.

I'm delighted to see people saying it worked.

Last week he made everyone think he was a douche, this week he's blown half the viewers away? Awesome.
Just watched the repeat. Poo. Didn't work.
Although did anyone spot this image that flashed up before and after the video?

My theoy is that it's nothing to do with subliminal messaging. It's all about persuading the mind. Also why do you think he got you to sit in that position? Sit in it again now with your hands on your legs. Now keeping your head in that so called 'safety/comfort circle' try and stand up. It's really hard to do it slowly and even if you can it makes your legs feel heavy. Add this to the fact that he's trying to convince you that this video will make you stick to your chair and you'll probably find yourself thinking your stuck. All the video was was a white screen for a minute and then some stripy lines. I don't think that's going to do anything which is why I presume it's all to do with the built up to it. Also OfCom regulations means it would be illegal to show such subliminal messages on TV. He also said it'd only work to people who believe it would. This is because if you didn't your mind wouldn't get into the frame he wanted so you'd just realise the video was a load of tosh.
That said during the adverts before they showed the clip I felt my legs getting heavy which is why I think this is how it works. Also when that woman phoned in saying the same thing happened you could see Derrens expression change as if he was like "Ah I glad you mentioned that".
But yeah it would of been cool if it worked on more people but it didn't and I think only about 5% (if that) of people who watched it at home were affected by it.
Perhaps it's about wanting to believe in something unbelievable?

After watching the lottery trick, I have not viewed, or listened to, any Derren Brown programmes, even though I have it Sky+sd.

I love the way the mind works.
His trick is to trick you into thinking he is tricking you into thinking his tricks are real.
Ormerod's got the right idea I think. His stuff provokes conversation.

I didn't get stuck, I don't know anyone who did. I think the lines made me feel a bit odd, but there wasn't any sticking effect on me.

However, I still think his program was entertaining.
Ollie said:
Just watched the repeat. Poo. Didn't work.
Although did anyone spot this image that flashed up before and after the video?

Yes. And you're right Ollie, it has nothing to do with subliminal messaging. It is what he says.

He does this in loads of his Live stand-up shows: Basically, the repetition of certain words makes you think in a certain way, which makes you act in a certain way etc etc. Last night, the repetition of 'Stuck' 'Won't be able to move' etc etc in such a short period of time just before the video was played, that along with a distraction such as the video, leads t o people believing that they are stuck, when in fact they are not.

Horrah for watching loads of Derren Brown live shows where he reveals all :lol:
Didn't work, but someone I know claimed it did.

Liked the Hamleys bit and the 295 bit, but homeless bit was clearly faked.

I noticed the flashing image. It was a subliminal message to tell you to think you are stuck.
One of two of you (ok I *think* furie is the only one who knows) may know that i'm trained in stage hypnosis..

This is known as the "pack mentality" i prefer to call it "idiot mentality". If you have a strong enough personality telling someone something is happening to them.. then to a small minority of people it will happen.

These are the easiest people to hypnotise, as all you have to do is suggest it and it'll happen.

General rule of thumb.. Think about this if it happened to you : The best people to do this on are people with open imaginations, who are constantly in their daily lives willing to suspend disbelief at really far fetched things. Usually people who really like Sci Fi stuff and/or soap opera fans.
Just to add to Malky's post (I didn't know you were trained Malc, but I d know how it works).

Joey said:
I dunno, I think me wanting to get stuck could potentially get in the way of it. Though I suspect my skeptical personality probably doesn't help. I'm gunna try again.

It works if you want it to work. That's it basically. If you sit there saying to yourself "there's no way this will stick me", then it wont. The technique (and hypnotism) works on people who want to experience it.

The film had nothing to do with the making you stick. The film was just to put you into a relaxed frame, in a certain position which makes you feel like you are stuck.

What Brown does is prior to that, make you think that the show and the film will stick you. The flashing images are deliberate to make you think he has been sending a subliminal effect through the show. It's misdirection. You see the images, so you think he's messing with your mind. He is, but only by making you aware that he is making you think he's doing something.

Which he is. All through the show he's giving positive enforcement to the audience that if they get stuck, they're the best people.

This is how stage hypnotism works. The people who get on stage are those who are most likely to want to "show off". They may not be natural show offs, but they have a deep desire to do it. They know what to expect from a hypnotist, so they quickly fall under their "spell". In reality, it's just a relaxation technique that plays towards people's desires and needs to "do what is expected of them". They want to be hypnotised and they want to do what the hypnotist says. They can fool themselves into believing it's all the hypnotist though, so they are not showing off, they are "under hypnosis" so fault free.

It's obviously not that easy. A hypnotist needs to know techniques for suggesting to people, and techniques for getting them into a relaxed enough state to do it.

Like the "ghost" thing, this does not make people liars, and they are not deliberately doing things - it's just very easy for the human brain to fool itself and not be aware of it.

The crux of it is - if you did not really want it to work, then it wouldn't. There would be a point when you watched the "film" where you decided it hadn't work and wouldn't work. I certainly did.

Jools said:
The audience are actors and the people phoning in are backstage :lol:

Nah, I'm sure one of them was AeRo! :lol:

Ollie said:
How long was the video. And what crap did he fill the rest of the show with?
I wish Derren would go back to doing good stuff. He's a very clever man and he's wasting it on things that don't work and simple camera tricks.

Thing is, I'm bored of Derren Brown doing the same things over and over again. We know he's clever and can guess things and do the suggestions. I've seen lots of live shows of him doing it and I'm frankly bored of it. Any entertainer has to look at changing their routine and try different avenues otherwise they become staid and dull. Look at Little Britain etc. Same jokes, week in, week out. Bland, dull, tedious.

So he's trying something a bit different, it may not be successful, but at least he's not just sitting back and doing the same old (well he is actually, he's just dressing it up in a different way).
I know how hypnotism works (or how people think it works, anyway). It's about subconsciously "playing along" and people like Derren intentionally pick people who are good candidates.

But that doesn't mean that consciously "wanting" it to work is enough to make it work. I wanted it to work, but I expected it not to. And it's not really possible to believe something will work that you ..just.... don't.
It was amusing to see DB go on for most of the show about "subliminal messages", and then when he finally got to the video point out that there was actually nothing subliminal in it :lol: (probably due to British broadcasting regulations).

It was simple suggestion techniques - the general build-up. and then the specific speech he did around the video. Nothing new at all, but nicely dressed-up.

I've been a fan of DB since his first C4 series many years ago, he's one of the best out there, and has learnt to manipulate the media and "crowd mentality" brilliantly.

Oh, and Kim, you mentioned he probably couldn't coin walk? DB started out as a "standard" magician, and was apparently awesome at sleight-of-hand.