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CoasterForce's favourite UK roller coasters

Matt N

CF Legend
Hi guys. Most of you probably know that @Pokemaniac, @Hyde and a few other of CF's team members (apologies for forgetting which; the first two were the main ones that came to mind, but I think @Hixee may have been involved too, as well as potentially @Ian? Do correct me if I'm wrong.) run a little poll each year in order to determine the site's favourite coasters. As this forum is a UK-based forum, a vast proportion of our members are from the UK or have visited the UK in some capacity, and because due to the way people rank their coasters, there seems to be a distinct lack of UK coasters in CF's favourite coasters each year, I thought it might be fun to do CoasterForce's favourite UK roller coasters! I will compile the data and use a similar method to calculate the results to what the team uses for the overall favourite coasters.

So if you'd like to participate, post your top 10 UK rollercoasters below. I'll get the ball rolling with my personal top 10 in the UK:
  1. Icon
  2. Wicker Man
  3. The Swarm
  4. Nemesis Inferno
  5. Megafobia
  6. Galactica
  7. Stealth
  8. Oblivion
  9. Nemesis
  10. Shockwave (Drayton Manor)
But what are your top 10 UK rollercoasters? I'll probably set a cut off of the end of this month (so until 11:59pm on 31st July), so if you'd like to participate, post your list below!

Apologies to members from other countries; I only did the UK because it seems to be the majority demographic on here, and there is also somewhat of a lack of UK coasters in the overall coaster poll, so I thought it might be nice to have a little appreciation of some of the coasters closer to home for many of our members! I may consider some different countries to do once this is over; maybe a USA coaster poll might be fun next, as that country also represents a substantial proportion of CF's membership?
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My views are a a little bit screwed; as I’ve done my European parks than UK parks and I’ve not been to Alton Towers since 2014.

So out of the 4 parks I’ve been to, Alton Towers, Chessington, Southend Adventure Island and Thorpe Park.

So no Blackpool Pleasure Beach coasters or Wicker Man at Alton Towers.

1. Nemesis
2. The Swarm
3. Nemesis Inferno
4. Oblivion
5. Air
6. Saw the ride
7. Rage
8. Smiler
9. Stealth
10. Rita
Oh, I guess I've never really thought about this... Uh, Out of my 80 UK credits I'd guess I go with this?

1 Nemesis
2 Ultimate
3 Nemesis Inferno
4 Dragon's Fury
5 King Solomon's Mines
6 Speed: No Limits
7 Nickelodeon Streak (as Roller Coaster)
8 Oblivion
9 Galactica (as Air)
10 Swarm (in the backwards front row)

Also realizing how many crap credits I've got in the UK... so many mice, worms, +1's and not much quality :|
Lol, only got Alton Towers and Thorpe... that's still probably a good chunk of the good ones though right? :p

1. Nemesis
2. Stealth
3. Nemesis Inferno
4. Air
5. Swarm
6. Colossus
7. Oblivion
8. Runaway Mine Train
9. Saw - The Ride
10. Smiler
Let's pull up the ol' spreadsheet (this is sans Blackpool sadly)...

1. Nemesis
2. The Swarm
3. Nemesis Inferno
4. Th13teen
5. Cobra (Paultons)
6. Rita
7. Saw
8. The Walking Dead
9. Galacitica
10. Spinball Whizzer
Hmm, ok I'll try:-

1. Icon
2. Swarm
3. Smiler
4. Nemesis
5. Wicker Man
6. Stealth
7. Nemesis Inferno
8. Rita
9. Spinball Whizzer
10. Millennium
Nice Idea @Matt N .

1: Nemesis
2: Ultimate
3: Icon
4: Grand National
5: Megafobia
6: Smiler
7: Wickerman
8: Oblivion
9: Stealth
10: Odyssey

I have 119 UK creds which is over one third of my total count so you might expect 3 or 4 of these to make it into my overall top 10 but sadly this is not the case, only Nemesis is there and the rest are nowhere near really.

The Late Great Wild Mouse would have been around 2 or 3 in the list.
There's only going to be one winner here isn't there? But it will be interesting to see the rest of the list... :)

  1. Nemesis
  2. Icon
  3. The Swarm
  4. Wild Mouse
  5. Stealth
  6. Rita
  7. Wicker Man
  8. Nemesis Inferno
  9. Saw
  10. Megafobia
The lower half is fairly interchangeable to be honest.
"Apologies to members from other countries; I only did the UK because it seems to be the majority demographic on here"

Black rides matter....

anyway - my list

1 - Nemesis - STill special
2 - BP wild mouse
3 - Oblivion
4 - Saw (yep, don't get the hate for it)
5 - Stealth
6 - Nemesis inferno
7 - The walking dead (loved the retheme!)
8 - nash - Beats you up, but great fun
9 - Steeplechase - just unique
10 - Dragons fury (almost perfect family coaster)
Good idea @Matt N, good to give the UK coaster some love as none are in my normal top 10.

1: Nemesis
2: Stealth
3: Wicker man
4: Big one
5: Icon
6: Ultimate
7: Oblivion
8: Nemesis Inferno
9: Vampire (CWOA)
10: Dragon's Fury
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And here I was hoping for a top ten Singapore coasters poll.

1. Icon
2. Nemesis
3. Nemesis Inferno
4. Swarm
5. Smiler
6. Dragon's Fury
7. Thirteen
8. Raptor Attack
9. Oblivion
10. Galactica

Dire, for a moment it looked like Wicker Man would end up in there.
Alright then.

1. Nemesis (only one to break into my Top 20 overall - at #15)
2. Icon
3. Stealth
4. Nemesis Inferno
5. Swarm
6. Oblivion
7. Ultimate
8. Dragon's Fury
9. Megafobia
10. Smiler

God, hated putting Smiler in there. Better than all the rest of the **** in this country [I've ridden] though, I suppose.
1. Oblivion
2. Stealth
3. Nemesis
4. Grand National
5. Dragon's Fury
6. The Swarm
7. Vampire
8. Icon
9. Saw The Ride
10. Olympia Looping

It's very hard to rank them tbh as many are similar in my preferences

Good idea Matt ??
Now @Hyde and @Pokemaniac will have to correct me on this, but couldn't their original list just be filtered for UK coasters?
The thing is, though, I don’t think that many UK roller coasters tend to appear in people’s top 10s; I think it may only have been Nemesis and Icon that appeared whatsoever in the full poll from memory, but don’t quote me on that.

I just thought a bit of home appreciation for many of our members might be nice, that’s all!
Now @Hyde and @Pokemaniac will have to correct me on this, but couldn't their original list just be filtered for UK coasters?

Obviously am not either of those two people, but I would assume not. If every member lists their Top 10, say, few UK coasters will appear. If you filter the original list for UK coasters you definitely won't get 10 UK coasters.

The other issue is you lose data. Say 20 members vote in CF's favourite coasters, and 5 members ranked Nemesis in their overall Top 10, and 1 member voted Smiler in their overall Top 10, and no other UK rides feature, it looks like Nemesis is the favourite. But what if the 5 with Nemesis in their Top 10 have Smiler in their Top 15, and the 1 who voted for Smiler hates Nemesis? Then you could argue Smiler is seen as more favourable (I can't remember how the favourite list was done, but I think there was some sort of aggregated score like that?)

I can't remember the results exactly, but I don't seem to remember more than 2 or 3 UK coasters being mentioned in CF's top list? But it would be interesting to see if that result aligns with the general trend in this result!
1. Stealth
2. Smiler
3. Nemesis
4. The Swarm
5. Icon
6. Wickerman
7. Oblivion
8. Nemesis Inferno
9. Galactica
10. Vampire
Now @Hyde and @Pokemaniac will have to correct me on this, but couldn't their original list just be filtered for UK coasters?
Indeed! Sussing out the English coasters from this year's CF ranking: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lCPhr-YEZabub5THt336rXnjHxDnVGCsqoVf0NURjQo/edit?usp=sharing

1. Nemesis
*scrolls way further down*
2. Swarm
3. Stealth
4. Icon
5. Wicker Man
6. Big One
7. Nemesis Inferno
8. Saw the Ride
9. Thirteen
10. Grand National

Obviously am not either of those two people, but I would assume not. If every member lists their Top 10, say, few UK coasters will appear. If you filter the original list for UK coasters you definitely won't get 10 UK coasters.

The other issue is you lose data. Say 20 members vote in CF's favourite coasters, and 5 members ranked Nemesis in their overall Top 10, and 1 member voted Smiler in their overall Top 10, and no other UK rides feature, it looks like Nemesis is the favourite. But what if the 5 with Nemesis in their Top 10 have Smiler in their Top 15, and the 1 who voted for Smiler hates Nemesis? Then you could argue Smiler is seen as more favourable (I can't remember how the favourite list was done, but I think there was some sort of aggregated score like that?)

I can't remember the results exactly, but I don't seem to remember more than 2 or 3 UK coasters being mentioned in CF's top list? But it would be interesting to see if that result aligns with the general trend in this result!

Also very true. Remember, this is drawing from everyone's Top 10 rankings - so there is some data clarity loss here. But hey, fun to see who ranks them towards their relative top.
Just talking about the ride itself and ignoring preshows.

1. Icon
2. Nemesis Inferno
3. The Swarm
4. Wicker Man
5. Oblivion
6. The Smiler
7. Th13teen
8. Galactica
9. Rita
10. Grand National

To be honest, I consider all coasters on the list at least "good", but most of them felt like supporting rides and no flagship attractions to me. A classic Airtime machine is really missing, or maybe I have not ridden it on my tour. Oh, and I have ridden Nemesis several times. I still don't get the hype most people have for it, it's technically over after the Zero-G roll.

(I have been to: Flamingo Land - Lightwater Valley - Blackpool Pleasure Beach - Alton Towers - Drayton Manor - Thorpe Park - Chessington World of Adventures - Paultons Park Home of Peppa Pig World - Legoland Windsor - Brighton Pier - Dreamland Margate - Joyland Childrens Funpark - Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach - Adventure Island)
So I'm still pretty basic when it comes to my British coasters (having only been to PBB, AT, Thorpe and Brean some 7 years ago), but another list, so yay.

1. Nemesis
2. Wild Mouse
3. Revolution
4. Air (Galactica now I guess?)
5. Stealth
6. Saw
7. Smiler
8. Swarm
9. Oblivion
10. Big One