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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

1/10. Damn. Well they were wall guesses except the Breakfast at Tiffany's one.

I didn't get that one but boy was that hard 2/10 but it was fun and at least I won't end the day bottom as Hixee is already there, sorry Hixee :wink:
I got 1/10.

But was one second faster than Hixee and it put me on the bottom.

All of my questions were American ones...
Managed to get 6/10, that was bloody hard. Got questions about where musicians went to college and what degrees they had. :idea:
Ermm it's not letting me play for some reason because it says "Daily System Maintenance." :?

EDIT: Nevermind, it's working now. :) And I scored 3/10. :(
Emmett said:
Managed to get 6/10, that was bloody hard. Got questions about where musicians went to college and what degrees they had. :idea:
Yeah I got the same questions, but only got 3. Difficult one today.