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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

I must be the last today so that's 35 players - quite a total.
The questions are a bit random sometimes but it still works.
Hmmmm 9 out of 10 correct in just 43 seconds, Lain?

^Not any more, Baz back to the top. 30ish years since I last had a History lesson and I get 10/10 but ask me what I was doing last week and I've no idea :lol:
Ah Damn it! Rushed it and ballsed it up. I still would've only got 9 though.
Lain said:
I don't know about viceroys or the defenestration of Prague. :(

What??? Did you do the same quiz as me???

Mine was all about the Cuban missile crisis and the American wars (independence and civil)!
Would of got one more right today, but I changed one of my answers, and found out I had it right originally. :x

I can't say I did too badly on todays quiz, as my History knowledge isn't the best, but again, there where quite a few guesses for me.

Thats the best I have done on these, I never realised I actually remembered some of that stuff from History in year 9. Go me.
OMG, I am doing really bad at these, I mainly guess but because I'm at work it takes me ages to do them. Today I got 5 out of 10 :( Meh, I might do tomorrows if I'm not doing anything.
I'm starting to do better now. I'm still getting the answers I know right, and the educated guesses, with the pure guesses wrong. So I'm still pleased that I have pretty "honest" score.

I'm also pretty sure that we're getting different questions too...
This is so horrific I’m doing most awful on all of these quizzes.

Maybe with some of my unused time, I’ll spend it learning more.

Anyway I got 3/10; I just don’t know what comes of me.