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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

Furie's securing a position at the top of the month's charts early on - can he keep it though against the might of Wooly, Gavin and Nicky?

We'll see, but today's ten must be a good start! :p
furie said:
Furie's securing a position at the top of the month's charts early on - can he keep it though against the might of Wooly, Gavin and Nicky?

You're safe enough from me - It all went horribly wrong today and tomorrow will be worse!

Woolly is not a wolf in sheep's clothing. More of a, well, a sheep really
furie said:
Furie's securing a position at the top of the month's charts early on - can he keep it though against the might of Wooly, Gavin and Nicky?

We'll see, but today's ten must be a good start! :p

My score was just disgraceful but I will beat you one day Furie.
8 out of 10 through spectacular guessing. I think I actually knew 1 of them. The rest were just things that seemed that they might be right. Wow...
Thorpe/Drayton questions today, althoguh most were about Draytons bloody ride heights. Only 4/10 today, I think I'm going to start looking at the topics which are ahead and swatting up first. 8)
What the hell? I've never been to Drayton so how can I know the height restrictions.
7/10 though. Another good fluke.
I got 6 today.

I like the changes in park questions so we get a mix of both.

I could of got 7 but changed my last answer. oops.
4/10 and my excuse is that I have only been to both parks once. I think it is a very good excuse.

The question about Shockwave's inversions was a bit dodgy though, I didn't know if you meant Vertical Loops or Inversions.