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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

Load of **** yet again. Are we going to get the same one every Sunday now then? All seems a bit pointless at the moment [/bitter at only getting 6]
Ok.. wtf.. screw Australia.. is that all they are ever gonna ask? damnit..

I was thinking the exact same thing. Both quizzes about coasters have had at least three or four questions regarding Australian parks, which is dumb, considering Australia isn't even like, a prime place for coasters and parks.

Ah well, five out of ten anyway. Pretty ashamed with that! :p
LFTL said:
I was thinking the exact same thing. Both quizzes about coasters have had at least three or four questions regarding Australian parks, which is dumb, considering Australia isn't even like, a prime place for coasters and parks.

Well.. I don't have a problem with the general questions.. but such specific questions.. some of which I bet most people don't even know about their OWN country, let alone Australia.. is my beef.
Oops, I forgot to play yesterday. Annoying! Though seems like I didn't miss out on much :p

As for today, apart from not really knowing the colour of a beagle I did pretty well. Best of all, I beat Gavin! :eek:

That has made me feel like I am not losing my brain thanks to the last two attempts I've made.
Coaster Ollie, can you select some differnt categories each week? It's becoming a bit samey..but still great fun!