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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

Ah pants... Would've been 10 today if it hadn't been for the elephant question!
Easy peasyy, eight out of ten.

But, I got a crappy time of sixty-one seconds because of a simple math question that took me like three and a half years to figure out.
The only one that I changed today had to be right in the first place. :(
If I got that right then I would of beaten Bazpa. :D
3.... I hate movies.

Eurgh I've appeared to be near the top then near the bottom all week. Hope that means good for tomorrow!
I knew the answer to 9 of the questions, so getting 8/10 wasn't all that good. Completely misread the 10th question or I'd have 9 right.
Woops 5/10 on religion, expected most people to score low on this but I was quite surprised. Lots of holy people on CF. :)
Damn, 9/10, missed the Genesis question!

But gavin barely beat me for first by finishing 6 seconds ahead of me!

Considering my mom is a preacher and my father was a preacher, I guess you could say I'm pretty studied up on the subject of religion. :razz: