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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

Damn that was pretty hard today! Only some inspired guessing and a bit of 'pigeon French' saved me!!!!!
Why is it the subject alway revolves around football. I wish we could have some other questions that were not sport based. Europe doesn't seem to have any history that is not football :? 3/10
Six! Most of my questions were about French. Good thing I took it for GCSE. (well actually I'll always regret taking it!)
3 today, but I hardly read the questions and they were all guesses. :lol:
Still. Was only one question behind Gavin.
Coaster quiz tommorow. :D
That is crazy, I didn't know the answer to one of them as not a sports fan so how the hell did I manage 7/10, sorry Ian was a fluke to knock you off the top.
A pitiful 2, what a load of rubbish!!!! Didn't help that 8 out of my 10 were questions on Aussie theme parks of which I know precisely zip! lol

Oh well, off to AT tomorrow so I don't care, too hyper at the mo! :--D
Metallica_Dave said:
A pitiful 2, what a load of rubbish!!!! Didn't help that 8 out of my 10 were questions on Aussie theme parks of which I know precisely zip! lol

Ditto! It's amazing how little you actually know when faced with questions about the prison colonies! :p
Fortunately I know quite a bit about Aussie theme parks as I've been to some! I was very pleased with my 9/10 :D