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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

3/10. I hate religon. The RE lessons are enjoyable though as we have a great teacher to have a laugh with.
A-Kid said:
3/10. I hate religon. The RE lessons are enjoyable though as we have a great teacher to have a laugh with.

Well thats all R.E is for, is to have a laugh, and not do any work. :p
Woooo 9/10.

Getting it drummed into me at school and when I used to go to Church must have worked then :p
9/10. Because I am class.

I might start doing these more often!

Whoa.... just seen my time- I didn't realise they timed you too! I guess next time I won't go for a sheeeite half way through doing a quiz! :lol:
7/10 bloody hell! I don't know how that happened. I've always been notoriously bad with religion. I'm happy with that.
I got 0/10, because I'm hot like that.

Honestly, what he heck. I guess I'm going to Hell, haha. That's probably what I get for never reading the bible, not going to a Catholic school, not going to church, and not taking religious studies.
Sam said:
Whoa.... just seen my time- I didn't realise they timed you too! I guess next time I won't go for a sheeeite half way through doing a quiz!

Or search the internet for the answers? :)
Woop, could I do any worse today? 2 out of 10, lol. :p

Those questions were silly, only peeps with a map in front of them could know the answers.
Hmm.... is it just me by does some of the "Easy" questions seems harder then those on "Difficult".

Anyway 8/10 today.
gavin said:
Sam said:
Whoa.... just seen my time- I didn't realise they timed you too! I guess next time I won't go for a sheeeite half way through doing a quiz!

Or search the internet for the answers? :)

Yes, Lol. I am that sad that I would cheat on a quiz that I am not that interested in, in a subject that I am already very confident about to try and score some credit for being a releigon boff on a roller coaster enthusiasts forum.

Nail on the head there, sunshine ;)