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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

I got 8. In a slow time. :(

I messed up on the one where you had to see where the punctuation error was in the sentance.
8/10 but it really should be 9/10 as the Earth has more than one moon.... I'm really annoyed with that. Next time I won't be so smarty-pants.
7/10 today on movies that I've hardly heard off.
Quite pleased with that. :D

Although my time was quite slow. :(
10/10 for today. Easiest quiz I've done for a while on here. Still too late in the month to move up in the overall table.
Hixee said:
3/10. Damn

Hixee, just beacuse your part of the site/ mod team (whatever it's called)
Doesn't mean that your excluded from the rules.

So what was that about 24 hour bans then Gavin. ;)
That's why we moved it into Forum Fun. Nobody cares about what goes on in here, so spam away!
Did pretty rubbish today with half marks. Didn't have a clue on most the questions as the section of geography with maps, capital citys and which seas boader which country was always a weak spot of mine. :p