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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

9/10 - not too bad, got the Russian dynasty one wrong. I watched the American Dynasty too but never watched the Russian one :lol:
5/10 I knew most of the ones I got right too, especially the Queens Jubilee question cause I was there! Anyway currently in last isn't too impressive.
Wow 7/10. I did alot better than I expected. :D But if only I didn't change two of my answers then I would of gotten 9/10.
Rush said:
Seven. Not bad but I think I could have done better.

I KNOW you could! 8/10 is better for instance. 9/10 even more so, but you couldn't have got better than 10/10 :p

I did get 10/10, but slowly - it was pretty hard actually, and my German isn't too good :lol:
I keep slipping up on the odd question. 9/10 for me and I knew nearly all of them and only had to guess two. Got one right and one wrong.
Magic: The ****ing Saddening! means 8/10.

I was chuffed about knowing some of the more obscure ones too, but the two magic questinos just had to be guesses. ****it!